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    Use "hand in" in a sentence

    hand in example sentences

    hand in

    1. “Real boring, I know,” Jesse adds, waving his hand in the air

    2. to the proposal, stood and, hand in hand with his wife, manoeuvred through the tables

    3. I could barely focus on the work at hand in our little studio, because

    4. John and Teekra stand hand in hand, watching the limo burn nearby while Russ attends to Ahmed, who is oblivious to John and Teekra and still hysterical

    5. She took Stu’s hand in hers and walked out into the

    6. There’s some question about whether the man had been caught with his hand in the till which will need looking into, but the net result is that Sadler’s story no longer holds water

    7. seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places,

    8. walk hand in hand

    9. Omar takes Ahmed’s hand in his own, caresses it gently

    10. To my utter surprise and absolute delight, Menachem simply took my outstretched hand in his, shook it vigorously and said in a strong and jovial voice, “Marwan

    11. In fact he could see his hand in a box in the shelves above her dressing area

    12. "Treasured memories will be," Kulai said and extended his hand in the native fashion

    13. and walked into the courtyard hand in hand

    14. ‘Karalintze Thwaite?’ she asked, holding out a hand in welcome

    15. He took her hand in his and headed back towards the house

    16. She blushed and went to Daniel’s side and he took her hand in his

    17. Big John grabbed Daniel’s hand in a shake that united them as equals

    18. ’ Drens explained, waving a hand in the direction of the back end of the boat

    19. walking hand in hand towards

    20. Drink the water first thing in the morning, at least once or twice during the day, and just before you slip your hand into that stocking with the potato in it before you hop into bed at night

    21. We walk hand in hand along the Banbury Road,

    22. Archibald turned to his would-be lover in the cage and taking her hand in his own he sighed

    23. To my utter amazement, he goes on to say that Joris’ last mission was to guard me on my quest to retrieve the last of the Elements, emphasising that without Joris’s protection, the task would have failed – he also manages to suggest that Joris had a hand in the retrieval of the other Elements without actually saying so – but I’m not going to quibble over that

    24. Not only will it help you to sleep but it is unlikely that you wilt wake up with that morning headache which goes hand in glove with tension and eyestrain

    25. I look up to see him waving a hand in the direction of a hillside in front of us

    26. I staggered and to save myself from falling, shot a hand inside a thorny bush by mistake

    27. ' Adrian had taken off his sunglasses and was admiring the reflection of his diamond earring in a lens - until he turned to clamp my hand in his grip

    28. Besides, I feel Jakes’ hand in this somewhere

    29. With one hand in front of my face, I felt my way around until, with great relief, I found another staircase leading up to a smaller door at the top

    30. Yes, this might be a little pricey; however, by simply spending the money on the ride and offer her hand in a cup of coffee afterwards might

    31. All across the land hopeful suitors practiced their funniest party turns and their most amazing performance art works in the hope of winning the princess’ hand in marriage

    32. The young man peeled the suit slowly from his weary body, walked up to the princess, took her hand in his and turned to face the awe struck line of ministers, priests and holy souls

    33. The young man took his bride’s hand in his and spoke gently to the old man on the other end of the telephone line

    34. He praised them for their courage and gave a particular one his hand in thanks

    35. Ali had one hand in his pocket

    36. hand in a cursory manner

    37. At the end of the meeting, I hand in the forms together with my cheque for the two deposits, dragging my enthusiastic pair off home again

    38. He and Alastair hit it off straight away and, very much in command of the situation, Anna sends them out into the garden to chat while I give her a hand in the kitchen

    39. she said, her hand in take-off motion above her head

    40. her hand in his own he sighed

    41. while with the other hand in his coat pocket he kept a tight grip on

    42. Then he made his hand into a fist and punched me hard in the stomach

    43. Simon carries the picture under one arm, and we amble along hand in hand, both of us lost in our thoughts

    44. ‘Do you need a hand in the kitchen at all, Sally?’ Jo and I ask simultaneously

    45. hand into that ring

    46. His hand instinctively went for the dagger on his belt

    47. She took his hand in hers, lowered her head and took a deep breath; squeezing his hand tightly to her breast she whispered thru clenched teeth,

    48. “You know my wife Yellelle,” he waved his hand in her direction, “and this is Ava Bancour, the System’s Administrator of Gordon’s Lamp

    49. princess, took her hand in his and turned to face the awe struck line

    50. hand in his and spoke gently to the old man on the other end of the

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