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    Use "instantly" in a sentence

    instantly example sentences


    1. ” Sam was instantly more upright in his chair

    2. Without your ability to deliver the products instantly you will definitely lose sales

    3. The rest of the team was crazy, Nancy concluded instantly

    4. The soldiers instantly swarmed him and attacked at the same time

    5. He knew instantly that it was the Super Chip; there was no hiding the amount of connections and registers the Chip held from Ackers’ x-ray glasses

    6. ’ I replied all thought freezing instantly

    7. instantly adored anything mechanical from that point on in my life

    8. “You sure?” he asked, switching instantly to a stern and serious look, as if he

    9. a venom that would have turned hearts instantly to stone had she dared to say it out

    10. She picked up instantly

    11. She zeros in on the dining room, clicks some buttons and instantly only the dining room is showing on all the monitors

    12. Johnny had not a clue, but he knew instantly that he was prey

    13. She was instantly hammered, and could only giggle and hiccup

    14. A CALL TO PRAYER filters through the hall from somewhere outside and the crowd instantly dissipates

    15. The ringtone identifier let him know instantly that it was his boss and that it was urgent

    16. Almost instantly after that, his flight helmet’s visor painted a patch of stars fatter and brighter than they should have been

    17. " Sabrina instantly agrees, "I know that

    18. So instantly, I went to see her and the sight I found is forever burned in my memory

    19. Apollo then says something to me that makes me think that things just might work out between us after all, "Then what do you think I should do?" I answer instantly and with complete honesty," I think you should stay here

    20. That bantering tone of voice that he started the conversation with had flipped instantly into something far more aggressive

    21. And instantly, Apollo's back in the corner of his cell

    22. They all have huge smiles on their faces but Apollo instantly inquires, "Where's Grace?" As soon as he speaks two arms embrace him from behind and she spins around him, a planting her lips to his

    23. ’ She quipped, the thought occurring instantly that if he came back across, he’ll need to …

    24. is the only Law in the Universe that instantly triggers every

    25. Daniel survives the lion’s den when the others are consumed instantly

    26. instantly, because not every thought is in alignment with our

    27. They had instantly forgotten all about

    28. When he fell off he thought he'd be instantly trampled by other thongas but they all dodged him and as it happened he was near the tail end of the herd so there weren't that many

    29. Alan was instantly awake

    30. Following his direction, I spun round and instantly collided with the crazy bus driver in all his swaggering mass

    31. Written on official government notepaper and in the head chef’s own hand, which the famous couple recognised instantly from the menus on the table the previous evening, there was a signed testament to the source of the wonderfully succulent plums

    32. “I do completely,” he replied instantly, "and I would have urged you to do the same

    33. and delivers a short and powerful burst of BWE technology to instantly improve your emotional state, just about any time and anywhere

    34. A small thin female opened the door almost instantly, “Lord Tarak, Master Denair is expecting you,” she said in a soft voice as she glided across the floor, “please follow me

    35. Use ' feel good' triggers to instantly improve your emotional state, almost anywhere and anytime so you can overcome the most challenging situations and phobias, easily and quickly

    36. Are You Ready To Discover The Benefits Of Meditation For Yourself? In the next few minutes, I'll show you a simple meditation technique you can use to instantly release ANY unwanted

    37. I forgot the other names instantly

    38. emotion, and the phobia was instantly gone

    39. to one instantly affected the other, with no regard to

    40. I followed her instruction instantly

    41. of things instantly changed to support his intention

    42. he was instantly smitten by her simple and well-proportioned

    43. shoulder problem that instantly went away when she

    44. these self-testing methods instantly, most people

    45. shown us that information travels instantly

    46. couple recognised instantly from the menus on the table the

    47. Mastery of Mind- The Vegetas are capable of finding instantly broadly

    48. instantly dissolving it into love in your heart space

    49. The tears started instantly

    50. He grew sullen instantly

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    Synonyms for "instantly"

    in a flash instantaneously instantly outright at once directly forthwith immediately like a shot now right away straight off straightaway

    "instantly" definitions

    without delay or hesitation; with no time intervening

    without any delay