Use "making known" in a sentence
making known example sentences
making known
1. When we make declarations, we are speaking into the atmosphere, making known who we are in Christ, what our possession or authority is, and what the word is saying about our situation
2. Unfortunately, contacting a pathologist about this would more than probably result in creating panic and alarm by making known publicly the true existence of Lycanthropes
3. For the purpose of making known the true faith of the Church, some house Church leaders joined together on behalf of all house Churches and composed the Statement of Faith of Chinese house Churches in November 1998
4. Even if the teaching of Christ were changed to make what He said be a metaphor, no one could know what it was a metaphor of without God making known that there is a place called Hell
5. Nay, in an age of positive philosophy, when 'Christianity is worn out through its own contentions,’ you, shall have a brand-new revelation of 'Christian spiritualism’ from heaven itself, or at least from 'the air,’ with 'miracles, and wonders, and signs,’ and 'holy ghosts’ that can solve every mystery, and demonstrate the salvation of all men, against the express and ever-recurring declarations of the apostles and prophets that the unrighteous shall 'perish:’ a 'revelation’ which shall finally put an end to that black old legend of the 'devil and his angels,’ by making known, through table-rapping,
6. No scholar can doubt that the Greek language received in the hands of the Jews a certain Hebraic education, so to speak, during the three hundred years before Christ, which fitted it more completely for its highest use as the instrument for propagating Christianity; but it may be safely maintained that no part of that education of the language was directed to the overthrow and reversal of the signification of its most familiar words; or to the establishment of rare, idiomatic, and secondary senses, as the primary, leading, and established senses of the chief terms to be employed in offering the revelation of the gospel to mankind, and in making known the penalty for rejecting it
7. They have no Consul—no Minister—to prefer the prayer of their petition to your Excellency, having been prevented by the war between our nations from making known their situation to the President of the United States
8. Be that as it may, I was not nervous when I closed the hatch and "turned in," for I recollect congratulating myself that I was in a safe anchorage, out of the way of traffic, and not on board the steamer which I had heard so mournfully making known her whereabouts in the open sea