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    Use "not violated" in a sentence

    not violated example sentences

    not violated

    1. his body has learned to feel more confident, is less threatened, is not violated? Let's try it with a female dient and see what impressions are conveyed

    2. “No, Captain, I’m not rebelling, though I would like to point out that I have not violated any laws or Star Fleet rules and regulations,” Garcia said

    3. I have not violated the rule structure, but I’ll blow the whole thing up rather than see you interfere with Iotia any further

    4. ‘Well, then I leave it to your judgement as to how to ensure the law is not violated,’ was his parting shot

    5. Yet, the principled conservative supports individual freedom and privacy as well as lack of government influence and control over one"s personal decisions, even when those decisions may be misguided or wrong (so long as the law is not violated)

    6. He and Nyreea would certainly not be witnessing this had they not violated the quarantine, as what they witnessed here would be below the horizon of ShantyTown, and with hill country in between

    7. The intendant is specifically charged with ensuring that the Proscriptions of Jwo-jeng are not violated

    8. And our citizens, whose property has been, since the first of November, uniformly seized, and of which they are avowedly to be deprived three months, and which is then only to be returned to them on the condition of good behavior, may as soon be made to believe, by the teaching of philosophy, that their rights are not violated, as a wretch, writhing under the lash of the executioner, might be made by a course of reasoning to believe, that the natural state of his flesh was not violated, and that his shoulders, out of which blood was flowing at every stroke, were in the quiet enjoyment of cuticular ease

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