Use "obliterate" in a sentence
obliterate example sentences
1. Obliterate that and then claim some land for themselves, plant their seed and begin their advance across the planet, as they had done across Asia in the preceding centuries
2. With the popularity of Christianity it became customary to build new churches over alternative temples of worship in an attempt to obliterate earlier influences
3. He wanted to obliterate their names
4. Not wanting to go through Chas’s belongings, she had nagged Ozzie until he did something with the bits and pieces lying around in that room, then scrubbed it as though trying to obliterate every last memory of the man
5. “We could obliterate that whole village with a meteor strike
6. And now, as if that wasn't enough, let's obliterate the whole world
7. He hoped to obliterate more than a few of those faces before he died
8. wrong move and it will obliterate all the good deed you did the month
9. Later in the same interview, she bragged, “We would be able to totally obliterate them
10. Didn’t he understand? She needed to crush, to obliterate, to eliminate the slime
11. I wonder if Erudite and Dauntless will still be at a standstill then, waiting for one group to obliterate the other
12. That was her choice: to obliterate the chaos
13. Try to imagine a language in which anyone who has anything to do with using words could obliterate all words that offend him or her
14. and obliterate its vision; but it is bound to return, provided the ef-
15. And all this they did in the name of their greedy white-male God! In the name of Christianity, in the name of their white-male religion, and in the name of white-male capitalism, these rich Christian pigs tried to obliterate every other race, every other culture, every other religion, every other living creature! These rich greedy Christian fascist Nazi-scum pigs tried to exploit and subjugate everyone and everything! Death to all Christian rapists! Death to all Christian fascists! Death to all Christian mass murderers! Death to all Christian Nazi scum! Death to all rich greedy Christian capitalist exploiters!"
16. So if we were accidently to obliterate life on Earth, then life would probably re-emerge randomly elsewhere in the universe
17. And if the experiment were to unfold poorly, then the Occidental Union would use the disaster as the perfect pretext to obliterate the Free Islands
18. As for opponents who are not average? You two could win over any three of the highly exceptional dragons working in the crater right now, and might survive against five, but that circle of nine would still obliterate you in a moment
19. The F-100 pilots were trained to obliterate anything 100 meters beyond the camp in the direction the flaming arrow pointed
20. orders were to obliterate England, put it under the waves, as Hitler
21. we tried to obliterate him from the universe
22. But why?! You could obliterate these mistakes of yours just like you did to the dinosaurs when you 1st arrived
23. Then the iron I had swallowed a few miles back began to kick in and I joyfully liberated the beast within me, and let its rage wrap around my soul and obliterate my anguish, like a dose of morphine that erases pain and leaves you feeling good
24. If only one realizes that by killing the other, he was burying the possibilities of his own life, won't the sense of self-preservation obliterate the urge for revenge? And the law, instead of stressing upon the dangling by the rope, would serve well by highlighting the despairing aspects of life behind bars
25. And to obliterate its past stigma, he chose their Mehrauli House, renamed Gautam Home, for its premises
26. justifications and memory lapses that obliterate your actions from your mind
27. If it hits the planet and obliterates everything and all the prisoners die, you’re off the hook, but if it doesn’t obliterate everything and only breaks down the prison walls, you have real bad guys and wrongly accused bad guys wandering around loose on the planet waiting for a rescue that will show up when the planet misses its regular shipment of lumber
28. you have of understanding the need to obliterate your old conditioned
29. obliterate this entire area
30. If crossed, she could quite literally obliterate The Order,” he said with the greatest reverence
31. They are not in the Arrivals Hall because the wind raged, forcing tumultuous seas through barren lowlands to mercilessly drown the gasping unprepared; the anguished turmoil of racing rivers did not obliterate intruding infrastructure; land long poisoned and saturated from decades of denuding did not lasciviously swallow enslaved creatures, nor did it cruelly crush the explosively emboldened who had mined its underpinnings for glitter
32. could’ve I would’ve sent my drones to obliterate him
33. Even if someone had found the camp and vehicles, it only needed one person to cover the boards with sand, and a few goats to obliterate any signs of the excavation
34. We must win over those populations if we are to obliterate the communist threat to Southeast Asia
35. It was obvious that a continued offensive on this scale would not end the war but instead it would obliterate the American Air Corps
36. The fire-control technician, who fired the sonic bombs, had at his fingertips the power to obliterate an object as small as a man or as large as a city
37. "Why do you say that? The destroyer will obliterate the tower
38. She'd learned that what was important was to obliterate all the
39. trying to obliterate them
40. She realized with trepidation, that the next series of orgasms would obliterate the memory of the last one
41. to obliterate her and her family altogether
42. It’s a behavioral pattern with many, in that having committed an indiscretion in the first place; they tend to assume an aggressive posture to provoke an argument, as though to obliterate the origins of their misdemeanor that led to the ordeal
43. ‘But the humiliation I felt amidst the Hindu mob would be hard to obliterate from my memory
44. As long as Kierd didn�t have any more tricks, the Dauntless class platforms would easily obliterate them before they even got within a fraction of the required range for their explosives
45. You were trying to obliterate him
46. which he had tried to obliterate her spirit
47. Your efforts to obliterate it would be absolutely futile, and
48. We'll use 4 different exercises to obliterate our triceps first
49. Whatever business you’re doing, using this word can obliterate your
50. However, it would probably obliterate the top twenty or thirty feet of the structure, leaving
1. "There is no home, in 2381 it was obliterated by enormous meteorites sent by our enemies
2. "Why should I put my hand to anything that will just be obliterated by that asteroid?" Herndon continued
3. A glance at the clock speedily obliterated her self-satisfaction and set her running … her train was due to leave in five minutes’ time! Safely on the train, though still panting from the exercise and more than a little overwhelmed by the crowds of commuters thronging the station subways, she settled herself in a seat and, leaning her head against the headrest, closed her eyes, forcing herself to relax
4. The Jews had been able to keep from being obliterated by subjecting themselves to the rules of the State
5. Though the cross of Jesus has disarmed the powers of darkness, it has not obliterated them
6. That was my obliterated shell
7. obliterated the sound of snoring coming from further down the
8. The snowstorm had obliterated all trace of their landing and slide into the snow bank
9. Does that mean he’s gone? Obliterated, fragmented, non-existent? Are you alone, Sally? He’s gone, the physical David, the ‘David’ with the bristly chin, the one you could laugh with, the one you could see and speak to, the one who used to walk on the surface of this planet who is gone
10. Those who failed to reach the rooftops would be obliterated in a rain of fire, while those who yet lived would begin their slow retreat, constantly making their way inwards to the Archenon, where they would make a final stand within the walls of the ancient human king
11. before the sight was suddenly obliterated by cloud
12. Again and again his hammer fell – and where it landed, the undead were obliterated
13. But instead he obliterated them
14. Only the new reality exists, the preceding one is wholly obliterated
15. With his staff twirling in front of him, Ostedes’ branch-hands were obliterated
16. But a thunderclap obliterated Homer’s words
17. She’d long since forced herself to stop grieving for her obliterated family
18. He felt no pain, only a hatred that obliterated all fears
19. The biggest shock was the council housing estate which all but obliterated any sense of isolation which she had granted to her aunt's house, and was little less than an effacement to what might have passed for 'Her Valley', given a little push of the imagination
20. It's former rural setting was slowly being gobbled up by rows of semi-detached middle income estates of two storied houses, pretending to blend into the countryside behind clumps of trees, that the developers in their wisdom had not obliterated, completely
21. “S/Sgt Wallace Sir well I watched him die there was nothing I could do for him he had lost both his legs and an arm blown off by the same shell that had obliterated the Major he S/Sgt Wallace died from loss of blood and severe shock Sir”, the Lieutenant looked as though he was going to be sick
22. A sudden deafness struck him as all sound was obliterated from his senses
23. Even to his untrained, and admittedly inexperienced eye, it was clear that if nothing else came along and obliterated it, the footprint could be pretty old news
24. Bodies crumpled to the pavement as screams, gunfire and smoke obliterated cease fire commands
25. The police took us into the fire zone two days later, and we saw, as expected, that our home had been obliterated
26. Then I was falling, my mind obliterated in a sudden onslaught, all my thoughts torn from me, I had no mouth with which to scream, I was nothing, heaved out of existence, my mind casting desperate tendrils towards my body, which fell and twitched helplessly on the marble floor
27. were obliterated it is easy to conclude that these bureaucrats should all be removed
28. Then the other cannons were destroyed, obliterated, eliminated, and
29. The entire region had been obliterated; the Slums buried deep
30. Most vampires had become complacent, falsely blinded in their ego, truly believing that we had obliterated our natural predators
31. I had somehow managed to recover my cell, lodged in between two jutting rocks, obliterated, but still workable
32. Obliterated one dark evening night” Jiva whispered, emphasizing the climate centuries earlier, she was a natural born story teller, my favourite kind
33. They just want to see us obliterated, because they envy and resent our success, our strong family bonds, and our happy thriving community
34. obliterated, and are you prepared? Not even
35. He frantically cast three simultaneous Links to Hilsith, Yazadril, and Somonik, and in a wordless rush he sent them what he knew and saw, as well as his horrified realizations that Talia had been obliterated by the bolt of wizardry, that he’d been saved because he’d de-activated the tine band, and that even now the curse was trying to draw Talia’s matter back together again
36. Then all thought is obliterated as a torrent of blackness sweeps across him
37. She saw the broken shelves, the shattered stories half obliterated in the snow, felt the emptiness where the spirit of the books should be
38. A slight man, his expressions tentative, the aura around him a shifting blue, sometimes so pale that sunlight obliterated it altogether
39. They conquered half a continent and created a new race from one of ours in less than fifty years, and threatened to exterminate us all before being obliterated by the collective might of the gods of Kellaran
40. Though estimates would later place their numbers at two hundred and thirty-one thousand Sylvan with twenty-three thousand young dragons, they were almost instantly obliterated by the massive alliance response, and the few spells they’d managed to launch were harmlessly absorbed by the alliance force’s hastily shifted defenses
41. We will be ranked for our performance into ten leagues of skill and status, and one can only contest by underhanded means against those players in the same league, in order to protect the beginners from being hopelessly obliterated by the masters
42. Many of their battles had torn a volume of reality as large as Kellaran’s closest moon, but it had healed itself within a millennium, though that was little consolation to those who had been obliterated by the tear
43. It obliterated the brackish lakes that lay in its path only to disappear into the waters of the Great South Sea
44. The monstrous crown wave at the head of the huge tidal surge had obliterated the natural shoreline of the Great South Sea
45. Outside, instead of the street, the shattered houses and the trees, there was only the thick mist which undulated against the door and obliterated everything that should have been in his view
46. It is simply a soldier’s instinct for treachery and the almost overpowering urge to protect his people has for a moment or two obliterated his better judgement
47. The monstrous crown wave at the head of the huge tidal surge had obliterated the
48. them saying, before his voice was obliterated by the chorus
49. He can also Blue Ray things we want obliterated
50. You might even say they are the source of it, or at least, they are tied so tightly to it that they couldn’t possibly fade, not unless all of Western civilization were obliterated
1. states succeed one another, and each obliterates the previous
2. obliterates the old completely
3. The water reaches the shore and almost utterly obliterates the Egyptian army, except for a few who had scrambled to make it to high ground
4. “The beauty of the endeavor obliterates the ugliness of the rejection,” said Rau
5. 12 This worshipful practice of your Master brings that relaxation which renews the mind; that illumination which inspires the soul; that courage which enables one bravely to face one's problems; that self-understanding which obliterates debilitating fear; and that consciousness of union with divinity which equips man with the assurance that enables him to dare to be Godlike
6. If it hits the planet and obliterates everything and all the prisoners die, you’re off the hook, but if it doesn’t obliterate everything and only breaks down the prison walls, you have real bad guys and wrongly accused bad guys wandering around loose on the planet waiting for a rescue that will show up when the planet misses its regular shipment of lumber
7. It’s a unique feature of life in that, a fulfilling moment, while surmounting a mountain of miseries, obliterates the nightmares of the past
8. True love is a fire that obliterates all but the image of the Beloved
9. He wonders why this had to happen before the whirring blade before him obliterates his life
10. But God obliterates the false, and confirm the true by His Words
11. The material apparatus of perfected civilization which obliterates the individuality of old towns under the stereotyped conveniences of modern life had not intruded as yet; but over the worn-out antiquity of Sulaco, so characteristic with its stuccoed houses and barred windows, with the great yellowy-white walls of abandoned convents behind the rows of sombre green cypresses, that fact—very modern in its spirit—the San Tome mine had already thrown its subtle influence
12. For one thing, it obliterates a good part of the older, well-established distinctions between investment and speculation
13. With a great poet the sense of Beauty overcomes every other consideration, or rather obliterates all consideration"