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    Use "risk taker" in a sentence

    risk taker example sentences

    risk taker

    1. Those who lacked common sense and those who were the risk takers of the world

    2. In their book, The Risk Takers, Renee and Don

    3. For example, I've always been a risk taker

    4. By nature, he was a risk taker and had been all his life

    5. I presume he is a risk taker himself and he appreciates that in others

    6. Children are curious and are risk takers

    7. Theodore Roosevelt understood what it meant to be a risk taker

    8. I’m not a risk taker, but the ball of nervousness that had been rolling around my stomach had been replaced by the electric tinge of anticipation

    9. It is only in post-Thatcher British society that these people have started to gain respect from the populace as the risk takers of life

    10. Dogged by projections of the battered coastline, the boardwalk swept away, a majestic roller coaster bobbing in the waves like the skeleton of a whale, more woeful than the carcass of Moby Dick, containing the joyrides of generations of risk takers

    11. The market therefore pays us to invest in the inefficient margin where the market needs risk takers to play to make the price eventually right

    12. The specs are risk takers, while the hedgers wish to transfer risk to someone else

    13. He had been a risk taker and the adrenaline rush was poor compensation for his mounting losses that nearly wiped out his entire account

    14. But I was and always have been a risk taker, so the next morning I spent my entire $1,000 savings on 10 Intel calls for a buck each

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