Use "serve" in a sentence
serve example sentences
1. to serve Him in the temple
2. cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve
3. remembering to serve it at the end of the meal
4. Paul said these words: serve your masters as you are
5. Psalms: 100:2: Serve the LORD with gladness: come
6. This can also serve as a preparation for meditation
7. The greatest quality is seeking to serve others
8. my house and i will serve the lord
9. serve those who are in need with the instruments of scientific medi-
10. death, I will serve only Him for the rest of my life”
11. earth to serve Him? I do not know
12. about healing) serve you, so that you could raise these people up, teach
13. In the end, the victims consider it as the greatest honour and happiness to serve an authority or a master
14. (10) Other of the holy men will qualify to serve as deacons (3:10-13)
15. (14) The proper use of our abilities will be seen by those that we serve (4:13-16)
16. Actually, victims are unable to live without offering their energy to vampires: People who don't really need to work go crazy if they stay unemployed for two months; many women complain that their man exploits or maltreats them, however they don't even think of staying single for more than one week; without a male to serve, they feel useless and unworthy of living
17. preachers whether they serve under elders or not is to be faithful to the Lord
18. We also have a biblical example of how best to choose men to serve in (Acts
19. 6:lff) as the apostles had the members choose men who were qualified to serve the needy
20. before ever seeking out men to serve
21. Having considered the men to serve whose names
22. Those willing to serve (that is at least two or more where are no existing elders) should then be put before the congregation for further consideration (since not all members may have suggested the same man/men)
23. able to serve as pastors in the church
24. Much prayer should be lifted up to God in preparing to serve and in the appointing of
25. My prayer is that the Lord's church will have an increase in the number of men who are willing to serve
26. among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that doth serve” (Luke
27. Most congregations have a difficult time getting people who are willing to serve
28. serve in a public way in the worship service, but they need to be prepared to be teachers and faithful Christians
29. elders, the church can serve God scripturally by spreading the gospel, by teaching and
30. However, the cultic prostitutes who serve at the temple of Aphrodite in Corinth flaunted their profession by going unveiled in public
31. I was going to flay them, I was going to rip the skin from their backs and serve it to them on a bed of chilled spite
32. does not have a thorough knowledge of the Word of God, he cannot serve as an elder! For
33. The victor of this competition was to be granted one wish and serve at
34. ‘Sort of … there are wayhouses that serve food, especially in the rural areas on well-travelled routes, and some of those are very good indeed, but there isn’t the demand for takeaway food outlets or cafés, not like here
35. Christians said that you should serve the Lord God only
36. We were called here to protect and serve once again; and so we shall
37. Only this time, the Dragons were called forth once again to serve with man
38. 11 Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling
39. ‘Do they serve lunch in this place?’ Berndt asked, turning to practicalities again
40. We are here to serve
41. They would serve well
42. “We are here to serve and protect humanity
43. Mistress Sera began to serve the other dishes with explanations of each
44. She grins, slaps Alastair on the arm and tells us to get out of the way, she has coffee to serve
45. To get the charter approved you need to maximize buy-in from stakeholders in the community you will serve
46. So scared of losing money, they want their kids to serve others all their
47. own spirit intelligence, an ability that will serve you
48. Know that you cannot serve an ego that is out of
49. In spite of that, it is something the average guy might serve his girlfriend on the day he proposes marriage
50. It was serve yourself with pottery plates and bronze forks
1. them out of the hand of those that served themselves of
2. His men took the kargirs and tended them, more of his staff served lunch on a patio
3. One farmer tells us that providing food for his family all the year round ‘shouldn’t be a problem’, but that meat is only served once every two months
4. The SNACK BAR ATTENDANT -- a middle-aged man from the Subcontinent in a stained white uniform -- languidly shoves a plate toward one customer, takes a drag off his cigarette, points slowly to another student in the gaggle of customers crushing around the counter waiting to be served
5. Didn't make any difference mentioning which battlefield, which country, which continent her dad had served in
6. The music goes on for another half an hour at which point an announcement is made that supper is being served on the patio
7. it served the cause
8. Most of us as preachers have probably served in one or more congregations where there were no elders and thus have worked with the
9. served as elders or otherwise have been active in participating in the affairs of the church
10. It served them right!
11. “And Israel served the LORD all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that overlived Joshua, and which had known
12. I reasoned that the tantrums of the morning served no purpose
13. True greatness comes not from being served, but from serving others
14. They have cooked, cleaned, sewed, served and been ready for
15. He began preaching in 1952 and has served several small congregations in Southern
16. He has served
17. their husbands and children, who had served the old king of War in the battle
18. After tending the sail Alan came back and sat with her on one of the benches that served as the dining room, such as it was
19. MacKenzie, one of the few who deserved life, would have his neck severed because it served the cause
20. Half a dozen ducks splashed in the shallows near a small wharf that apparently served the glasshouses nearby … there was a boy sitting on the wharf fishing … he waved as they passed
21. If he stayed with the native women he's served his usefulness as bait by now
22. Joe and Fred were lead into the kitchen where Lardyme served a
23. Anyway, I suppose associations like that only served to make him more attractive to my aunt
24. Porcelain fruit leaves scattered in the basket with careless abandon served to highlight the rich and vulgar colours
25. A gravelled turning area at the beginning of the village served as a vehicle terminus where the tourist shuttles off-loaded their exhilarated cargoes to wander for a few hours
26. Their mother sat at the kitchen table and accepted with a shrug the food that was being served to her by her smiling offspring
27. A combination of hangovers, of both the alcoholic and emotional varieties, served to keep father and daughter well out of each other’s way
28. They were better than the calimari the restaurants in most universes served and richer than standard garden pest bits
29. He had served his time and was now heading for London, where they said that money grew on trees
30. The Telephone Man! She turned around very slowly and looked at the young man who had served her when she bought her current mobile phone just a few days ago
31. In those days it was customary for large households to have a resident Gottesman who not only worked in the household but also served the surrounding area
32. The bay at Dorini served the needs of the people who had to go to Faria to tend their goats, to worship or to establish trade with nearby islands or down to Stephanos main town in the south long before the road was built
33. They had been served with the most delicious, the tenderest and the most juicy plum pie they had ever tasted
34. Soon a light lunch was prepared and served
35. Master Seatac had known Tarak since he was a baby and had served his father and now him
36. Jane served up a meal of chicken casserole for us and we ate it at the kitchen table – Peter had to dash off after the meal to carry out some parish visiting, and mentioned that he’s off to see Sally about the memorial service
37. He was trained and certified at the respected Hypnosis Motivation Institute in Tarzana, CA, where he served on staff
38. served, the little girl’s mother was suddenly taken very ill and she
39. One of the men in the study had served in the Navy
40. He had served his time and was now heading
41. [15> Here lies those who served Set
42. They had been served with the most
43. If they served Matai, they were as guilty as he, and needed to be eliminated
44. served 25 years in prison, finally thrown back into
45. Justice was served in that Hold for the time in years
46. served, and she handled with absolute tact and aplomb every
47. whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or
48. responded, “But, yes, we all served in the Infantry during the War
49. The bob cut has served her well, but her stylist is working on her layers
50. bar that he had served with the royal artillery during the War
1. He’s quite a character and much appreciated in the villages he serves
2. Churchill if memory serves, but for me that was the year that my life began
3. In some instances the local preacher also serves as an
4. Gary Puryear presently serves as the preacher and one of the elders of the Henderson
5. For example, when an infant has an accident and is paralyzed for the rest of his life, I can never swallow the tale that “this event serves an invisible but good purpose” or “his soul chose this because he needs this experience”, or “he is punished for something bad he did in his past life” and all that paranoiac piffle
6. To the east they have constructed a big tank, which receives water from the spring and serves mostly as a swimming pool
7. We must shed that which no longer serves us, and in the
8. Is our freedom constituted in that our death serves an ultimate purpose of God? Can we die in such a way as to express a mystery? Revelation 12:11 says that they loved not their lives even unto death
9. Gilla is floating round the house singing to herself and, although I am delighted that she is so happy, quite frankly, it gets on my nerves and only serves to point up my own pretty parlous situation with regard to relationships … their non-existence generally and, more specifically, the chances of one actually manifesting itself at any time in the future
10. As you know Italy is predominantly Catholic, but the Gottesmen are tolerated – mostly because of the work they do in the community, but that is sufficient … it serves Gotte
11. but, oddly, the memory serves well enough in their absence,
12. should be: in the way which best serves the Oppositionist
13. It only serves to
14. Reaction on the other hand only serves to
15. that serves God and him that serves him not
16. ‘Ha! Do you think that would stop them? Anyway, the law’s blind, when it serves the Crown’s interest
17. He’s cheap and he serves a nice portion
18. Serves you right for turning off the heating … just because it’s officially British Summer Time … that wasn’t very bright of you, Anna … thank goodness, the water in the shower is good and hot
19. that serves the worst minestrone soup in Europe
20. In Europe, corn is the principal produce of land, which serves immediately for human food
21. We can assume it is the equivalent of their executive offices or royal palace or Pentagon, whatever serves for a seat of government in this society
22. When we compute the quantity of industry which the circulating capital of any society can employ, we must always have regard to those parts of it only which consist in provisions, materials, and finished work ; the other, which consists in money, and which serves only to circulate those three, must always be deducted
23. serves today as an excuse for al the evils
24. The quantity of stock, therefore, or, as it is commonly expressed, of money, which can be lent at interest in any country, is not regulated by the value of the money, whether paper or coin, which serves as the instrument of the different loans made in that country, but by the value of that part of the annual produce, which, as soon as it comes either from the ground, or from the hands of the productive labourers, is destined, not only for replacing a capital, but such a capital as the owner does not care to be at the trouble of employing himself
25. Those capitals may be greater, in almost any proportion, than the amount of the money which serves as the instrument of their conveyance; the same pieces of money successively serving for many different loans, as well as for many different purchases
26. Though money, either coin or paper, serves generally as the deed of assignment, both to the smaller and to the more considerable portion, it is itself altogether different from what is assigned by it
27. This not only serves to explain our common heritage, but also the diversity of life found on our planet
28. The dream serves to remind you of the power of the mind
29. Dzunga from our ship, she still serves there
30. Consider the type of warrant that is being serves
31. Being nighbours, they are necessarily enemies, and the wealth and power of each becomes, upon that account, more formidable to the other; and what would increase the advantage of national friendship, serves only to inflame the violence of national animosity
32. serves to limit your ability to have original thoughts
33. such and such because it serves me to believe in such and
34. To attempt to terrify them, serves only to irritate their bad humour, and to confirm them in an opposition, which more gentle usage, perhaps, might easily induce them either to soften, or to lay aside altogether
35. It also serves as authentication that the same Person, who inspired the writing of the Old Testament, was also responsible for inspiring the writing of the New Testament and fulfilling the words that were hidden in the Old Testament, 1500 years earlier
36. serves? Is it not the one who reclines at the table? But I am
37. among you as the one who serves
38. The little round chap moved away with a scowl on his face but I thought serves him right because we were sick of being told or asked about the up coming ‘Big Push’ or ‘New Offensive’
39. " Oh, really? According to him (one Richard Stengel) then, the only purpose our Constitution serves is to keep us out of the ditch, meanwhile swerving all over the road without consequence
40. Chamomile serves to ease any nervous spasms in the digestive tract and helps to expel gas and improve digestion
41. The snorers were sorted out too with a fatherly chat and placed on guard duty where they could not sleep and create horrible noises (serves them right says I who suffered from sleep apnoea until my American Patriot made me sleep with a CPAP machine and now I am cured)
42. Although it may be personally rewarding to see one‘s child financially secure, it is equally, (if not more so), important that that child develops into a model citizen, an example for others to follow, a kind and thoughtful human being, considerate of others and of sound (moral) character, an individual who serves his or her family, friends and the community in which he or she lives and works, with distinction
43. I suppose the Republican Party serves as good a place as any
44. ―Moderate‖ Republicans whose anachronistic ideas about the role of government and the people it purportedly serves has transformed their political platforms into a tireless repetition of recycled platitudes that no longer seem to meet modern requirements; especially those of working men and women
45. How he serves others shows the master he serves; How he serves his master reveals the master within him; And what the master suffers will his servant suffer also,
46. For he serves in his name
47. Such a practice serves elite needs, for it means the public will either stop caring about democracy, or distrust those who care
48. His dated brand of sixties-styled social activism, aside from having lost much of its relevancy in recent years, only serves to promote anger and resentment, if not violence among the uninformed and other individuals with axes to grind, by re-opening old wounds
49. “Sure, this place serves the best cherry pie I’ve ever tast-
50. Focussing on this light will produce a pleasant state of relaxation, plus this light serves as a bridge to connect you with the light of your Inner Essence -- your Core Self
1. Most of the yachts below were garden floats, fancy entertaining rooms on the water, most had upper floors with lavish trysting suites and rooms below decks for serving staff and crew
2. She felt snippy, she owed Kulai and he deserved better than what she was serving him
3. Several boxes of Kleenex, serving as dinner napkins, are spread about the table
4. sure that if you could stay healthy serving the sick and burying the
5. "It took them ten years until their shuttlecraft reached the ground, but the surviving crew are all living on the planet below and the nose plate of their derelict old torch is serving as our fabricator mount
6. Mohammed lingers at the serving cart in the shadows
7. At a serving trolley nearby, Mohammed pops a cork, winks at the princess, who nods slightly
8. The outer shell of this iron asteroid was only fourteen feet thick in spots, serving as shielding from the relativistic barrage of interstellar flight
9. Unless the preacher is serving as an elder he should have no more power in decision making than does any other faithful man in the congregation
10. True greatness comes not from being served, but from serving others
11. This type of sentiment has led to a famine of the serving attitude in the church
12. "Gentlemen," Vincef said as soon as they heard that the serving girls had left, "I think we need to stick together
13. problems have arisen in the past over the number of cups to be used in serving the
14. He is presently serving the
15. You don’t want to feel guilty anymore, so you do your religious duty in going to church, tithing, repenting, reading your Bible, attending the Bible study, serving, and all the other things that are promoted by the church building that good saints do
16. They are not serving you except to keep you in a negative
17. Pistachios also contain potassium and fibre - in fact a 30g serving has more than three times that supplied by the Almonds
18. It took some minutes to alert the girl ostensibly serving at the counter but Kara managed to obtain some refreshments eventually
19. Poopsie was still serving behind the bar, but it was quiet for her
20. a Scots lass serving in the shop where you bought some bread
21. and that serving girl can piss off back to the wilds of Fife,
22. I know it sounds revolting but, added to soups, stews, salads or vegetables just before serving you would hardly know it was there! However, your system will know it is there and react “n a very favourable way
23. They made their way to the serving line joking and laughing with each other and proceeded to load their plates with a hearty breakfast
24. No matter how much you push toward the limit, when you’re serving a sentence of three-d reality, you have to do some work to survive and his sentence had felt heavy lately
25. He was still officially serving a sentence for a serious crime
26. From upstairs heaven is serving year-round with holy bible menus
27. J Bennington: Fresh out of High School, I spent 21 years in the Air Force, serving in Viet Nam, Thailand, United States, and Germany
28. Maggie spots Billy and waves as she beats a hasty retreat and helps with the serving
29. Helen carefully wipes the serving spoon that she has been using to blend the various ingredients of the good doctor's happy cake mix on a sheet of kitchen roll
30. Simon Hasting, seeing the boy dutifully in service to the out-of-towners, commented to Augustus Stubbins after they passed, “Well at least they know what there place is: serving! Nothing good may come of the 'Lodge,' but it's a good sign at least the mutt knows his place
31. Reflected in the glass Billy watches Dave and Carol leave the serving area with a pot of tea on their tray and pay the old girl on the till
32. Almost too tired to lift the spoon, he set to eating the hot food, his energy returning slowly as he worked his way through the serving in front of him
33. He is facing the main serving area at the entrance to the room and tries to lose himself in the football reports, but he’s never really followed any one team
34. My mom had a serving job, that was our only income
35. serving and stupid - all those things
36. They did indeed begin explorations, with Harry serving as erstwhile guide
37. And in celebration of the Harvest, The Wolf Down Inn will be serving the following meals:
38. There was the morning coffee and hot water for tea, keeping the heating stoves burning in winter, sheafs of dimensioning, the labor-intense meticulous lettering of the ever-changing sections of notes which had to be inscribed on near-finished plans, and his favorite duty, serving as sometime courier between the lead Waterhouse designers and their clients
39. ’ He started serving
40. From there she pulled out the ten-pound book of regulations, required for serving food to the public
41. We are all called to serve one another, but some have the call to a supernatural ministry of serving
42. Abandoning their clothes in a heap, the young serving girls leapt naked from the bed and went scurrying out of the room
43. Thin streams of energy leapt out before him, illuminating the room in a bluish glow as the threads traced the path of the serving girls
44. In the corner of the room, the pair of serving girls were a knot of flesh, quivering beneath an orgy of rutting shadows
45. "Go ahead, I'm listening," he said, though he seemed to be paying more attention to the serving girl's hips as she headed toward the bar
46. Desperate for another round, Alec was working on catching the serving girl's attention when he noticed a pair of figures standing beside him
47. the second, by being elected into an annual parish office, and serving in it a year ; the third, by
48. serving an apprenticeship in the parish ; the fourth, by being hired into service there for a year,
49. ten pounds a-year, or by serving upon his own account in an annual parish office for one
50. The next morning saw a cauldron of porridge and not to miss out the boys were up like a lark to sample breakfast, but Fizzicist ordered them back and he took first serving place