Use "stem turn" in a sentence
stem turn example sentences
stem turn
1. At this very point millions of impulses are flowing through your nervous system turning into all the actions you perform
2. In his last years it occurred to him to substitute riddles for the numbers so that the prize could be shared by all of those who guessed it, but the system turned out to be so complicated and was open to so much suspicion that he gave it up after the second attempt
3. “They will have first-hand experience of how vulnerable the old system turned out to be, in spite of everyone thinking it was foolproof
4. Each stem turn should be done
5. After the stem turns become much more relaxed, you can con-
6. In the spirit of the title of this book, do one stem turn at a
7. Remember, these stem turns can be tailored to the situation at
8. and the resulting system turns into the one of mostly “shamanistic”
9. It had become evident that even dangerous criminals often went free, the clogged wheels of the system turned impossibly slowly, and her caseload was never-ending