Use "vivacious" in a sentence
vivacious example sentences
1. She was a platinum blond with a vivacious body
2. She found an unmistak-ably more vivacious Kallias at Katla’s farm, and she greeted her mare with a sugar cube and loving stroke of the nose
3. Alexander, his father and mother, with her smile and quick vivacious laugh
4. I often ask myself if maybe that would have been a better fate than living for five hundred years, but then I remember the words of a vivacious little girl
5. What followed was another couple of affectionate greetings from these two vivacious Kinsman girls
6. She rolled her eyes at him, not filled with his vivacious optimism of the situation
7. She was a vivacious young lady of great refinement
8. Rosemary was a vivacious, slightly buck-toothed red-head pushing thirty, married to Paul, a mathematics teacher at the Grammar School
9. When she looked up at him, he saw, for the briefest instant, the gorgeous, vivacious Angela staring into his eyes
10. Who was this woman? How did the once beautiful, vivacious vixen who used to run up the stairs to her apartment like a teenager, turn into this heap of blubbery flesh stuffed into a tent dress?
11. The younger lad was cheerful and vivacious, but indolent and unreliable; the older son was steady and industrious, at the same time self-centered, surly, and conceited
12. Anna, vivacious and lovely as ever, had been in an hilarious mood that day
13. The cheerful, vivacious demeanour she possessed as recently as lunch had been replaced by a solemnity and seriousness that deeply troubled Terence, especially given his wife’s suspicious nature and bouts with depression
14. Even though he felt uneasy of the potential ramifications this presented, he still felt attracted to Cindy's vivacious personality
15. With his neat appearance, accompanied by the flashy car, the vivacious females drew closer with each passing step
16. So, how are you?” Mayuri asked me with her ever vivacious voice
17. and kept the vivacious Kathleen in a place where she could do the least amount of
18. “Didn’t I tell you about a plain girl, who was enamored of me; much later, another I knew nursed the idea of marrying a romantic guy but was aghast as her father intended to get her married to a dull character; when she told me about her predicament, I said that though she was beautiful, yet she was not vivacious, and that it’ sex appeal that triggers romantics; I told her in half-jest that if she were sexy, I would’ve seduced her; that made her comprehend the sexual realities of her life
19. She was more vivacious and playful than him
20. Henriette had blossomed into a vivacious young woman
21. Cass proudly stores this vivacious memory in the diary of his heart as he thinks about how much more beautiful they’ve all become
22. Anna was such a distraction! How could one focus on eating when you had her to look at, her hair damp from her shower with her smile so bright and vivacious
23. The simpler the proportion is, the more sublime will be the impression, and the more complicated, the livelier and more vivacious the effect
24. an attractive, vivacious woman whose vitality was apparent in her home
25. At the opposite end of the spectrum from this vivacious centenarian are many individuals who
26. exaltations of the psychic functions resulting in loud and profuse speech, and vivacious acts,
27. No vivacious Bacchanalian flame leaped out of the pressed grape of Monsieur Defarge: but, a smouldering fire that burnt in the dark, lay hidden in the dregs of it
28. Aunt Kate was more vivacious
29. Dimmesdale exhibited no symptom of positive and vivacious suffering, except that, as little Pearl had remarked, he kept his hand over his heart
30. In Der Angriff, his principal propaganda publication, Joseph Goebbels had handed Berliners the script for their part in the performance, detailing how they should conduct themselves toward Jews and how they should welcome the foreigners when they arrived: “We must be more charming than the Parisians, more easygoing than the Viennese, more vivacious than the Romans, more cosmopolitan than London, more practical than New York
31. Like most shy men he greatly admired airy, vivacious, always-atand so the beaming smile of pleasure with which she greeted him and the two hands ease girls like Scarlett
32. At first, we had a rotating cast of weatherpeople, until the bosses hired a vivacious young meteorologist from Chicago named Ginger Zee
33. The vivacious and compassionate Nicole Worley worked with wildlife rescue
34. Madame Magloire small, plump, vivacious; Mademoiselle Baptistine gentle, slender, frail, somewhat taller than her brother, dressed in a gown of puce-colored silk, of the fashion of 1806, which she had purchased at that date in Paris, and which had lasted ever since
35. Madame Magloire had an intelligent, vivacious, and kindly air; the two corners of her mouth unequally raised, and her upper lip, which was larger than the lower, imparted to her a rather crabbed and imperious look
36. They were two really pretty little girls, more bourgeois than peasant in looks, and very charming; the one with shining chestnut tresses, the other with long black braids hanging down her back, both vivacious, neat, plump, rosy, and healthy, and a delight to the eye
37. Thoughtless and vivacious spirits say:—
38. It is one of the laws of those fresh years of suffering and trouble, of those vivacious conflicts between a first love and the first obstacles, that the young girl does not allow herself to be caught in any trap whatever, and that the young man falls into every one
39. She made reasonable progress, entertained for me a vivacious, though perhaps not very profound, affection; and by her simplicity, gay prattle, and efforts to please, inspired me, in return, with a degree of attachment sufficient to make us both content in each other’s
40. His wife, on the other hand, was vivacious and had a plebeian spark of sharp wit that gave a more human note to her elegance
41. Still grows the vivacious lilac a generation after the door and lintel and the sill are gone, unfolding its sweet-scented flowers each spring, to be plucked by the musing traveller; planted and tended once by children's hands, in front-yard plots—now standing by wallsides in retired pastures, and giving place to new-rising forests;—the last of that stirp, sole survivor of that family
42. If you yourself can withstand three cheers at beholding these vivacious fish, then heaven help ye; the spirit of godly gamesomeness is not in ye
43. Though truly vivacious, tumultuous, ostentatious little Flask would now and then stamp with impatience; but not one added heave did he thereby give to the negro's lordly chest
44. For this part of the Indian Ocean through which we then were voyaging is not what whalemen call a lively ground; that is, it affords fewer glimpses of porpoises, dolphins, flying-fish, and other vivacious denizens of more stirring waters, than those off the Rio de la Plata, or the in-shore ground off Peru
45. In no way that I know of has her influence been more sensibly and beneficially felt among us than in the introduction of a quick, vivacious tone to conversation
46. Paget was instrumental or not in making for the last-mentioned form of entertainment a place among our conservative hostesses is not quite proven, but it is safe to say that this tall, vivacious, energetic lady, who skates as well as she dances, golfs and drives a motor car, carries almost more social power in her small right hand than any other untitled woman in London
47. On this particular night he had successfully smoked a whole Chancellor without growing pale or letting it go out, treating them meanwhile to a vivacious narrative of a drunken gambler who had been run out of a little mining camp one stormy winter night, and had taken refuge with a friend of the Goat, also caught out in the blizzard, in a cave which proved to be the domicile of a big hibernating grizzly not thoroughly hibernated; at the close, he had, as usual, protested but not denied when they politely insisted on identifying his friend with himself
48. Sunk down amid huge buildings which wall it in like precipices, with a graveyard yawning at its head and a river surging at its feet, its pavement teeming with an eager, nervous multitude, its street rattling with trucks laden with gold and silver bricks, its soil mined with treasure vaults and private wires, its skyline festooned with ticker tape, its historic sense vindicated by the heroic statue of Washington standing in majestic serenity on the portico of that most exquisite model of the Parthenon, and with the solemn sarcasm of the stately brown church, backed by its crumbling tombstones, lifting its slender spire like a prophetic warning finger in its pathway—this most impressive and pompous of thoroughfares is at once serious and lively, solid and vivacious