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    Usar "able-bodied" en una oración

    able-bodied oraciones de ejemplo


    1. The labour of an able-bodied slave, the same author adds, is computed to be worth double his maintenance ; and that of the meanest labourer, he thinks, cannot be worth less than that of an able-bodied slave

    2. One of the soldiers stopped him to impress upon him the need for able-bodied sons of Skyrim in Ulfric’s army

    3. The rest of the able-bodied Arrows and Guardians are already assembled, just awaiting instruction

    4. The next step(s) will be to properly educate and train this prospective workforce in jobs that will hopefully offer every able-bodied individual an opportunity to earn a decent living

    5. legally hired on as an able-bodied seaman

    6. All able-bodied souls, both

    7. with all of his able-bodied friends

    8. “Venak is under harsh martial law, and every able-bodied person who is capable of swinging a short sword has been conscripted into the military, regardless of age or gender, and I do mean that literally

    9. Again he had seen to the arming of all of the reunified able-bodied men to guard the multitude as a whole, as they prepared to pass across the disputed land

    10. able-bodied men were given, thanks to the gift of the now-flooded depression

    11. Again he had seen to the arming of all of the reunified able-bodied men to guard the multitude

    12. “Every man and woman in Altgeld who is able-bodied and not insane has an obligation to serve if called upon

    13. The able-bodied numbered only eight

    14. "Ain't that what most able-bodied men do?"

    15. Those gathered in the land between the above ground and my world seemed uncomfortable but they did not attack though they had enough able-bodied fighters to easily overpower me

    16. “The Mayor of Tinkerburg has issued a proclamation that every able-bodied gnome prepare for the defense of our City and the greater regions beyond our borders

    17. Some nurses and able-bodied children from Luke’s ward at the home for the

    18. Given the divisiveness of color, creed and culture, how can there ever be one universal dharma? Won’t the able-bodied, the handicapped, the haves, and the have-nots with differing abilities come to live together? Wouldn’t that by itself result in an unequal quality of life on earth? Why, even in heaven there are gods and demigods, going by our puranas that is

    19. She shrugged herself and stood there as they led off every able-bodied equine on the place

    20. Those able-bodied enough to survive, either became part of the new order of street gangs or fled into the surrounding countryside in the search for food and water

    21. The Jizya was only required of able-bodied males who have

    22. obligatory on all able-bodied Muslim males

    23. We then gave a bundle of weapons to the headman with instructions that every able-bodied man should receive one; I think we left a happier village than we had entered

    24. He repeated over and over, able-bodied soldiers, able-bodied soldiers

    25. I was a little hesitant, but we needed able-bodied men, so

    26. There were not enough able-bodied people left to bury the dead and the devastation was greater than that suffered by any other city during the Second World War, including Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    27. One of the best aspects of walking is that it is an activity that nearly any able-bodied

    28. With a strong will and firm resolution, the officer went to the central market of the city, accompanied by two able-bodied young boys

    29. World War I flared up and the Ottoman State entered it and began to apply compulsory military recruitment, calling up many able-bodied men to go into battle

    30. And lastly, there are nine able-bodied men here ready and willing to help and assist you

    31. She wondered why this able-bodied person wasn’t with the rest of the search party

    32. To be honest the detective found the very idea of love making between an able-bodied young woman and a disabled man a bit distasteful

    33. with other handicaps amounting to something in the world, the able-bodied man should feel ashamed of

    34. But where was Able? The most able-bodied English seaman ever to have sailed the seven seas

    35. The Christian as the criminal and the Able-bodied English sea captain who was almost killed as the hero

    36. Their government’s practice of ‘pressing’ any able-bodied poor male into slavery for life: into their vaunted, obscene slave-system of a Navy was just one visible example of how the masses were used by the English aristocracy by calling involuntary slavery by another politically correct term

    37. But where was Able? The most able-bodied English seaman ever to have been born

    38. Instead of Cain standing trial and finding excuses to get away with his crimes: it was Abel, the most able-bodied seaman in the English Navy who was forced to make excuses for losing his ship

    39. The Christian as the criminal, and the Able-bodied English sea captain as the hero

    40. "So that," he rasped, "is what it's like to be able-bodied

    41. There was an idle, able-bodied ladder loafing against a shed within fifteen feet of me, but as nobody seemed to notice it, I recommended myself mentally to Heaven and started climbing after the pilot

    42. There were thousands of able-bodied men in the state troops for whom the

    43. Surely, things must be in a out! To be sure there were young and able-bodied men in the passing lines, tricked out in the bright uniforms of socially select militia units, plumes waving, sashes dancing

    44. “Every able-bodied man between the ages of fifteen and fifty is commanded to assemble at the tower on the morrow

    45. It was a struggle to look halfway able-bodied as I slowly rose to my feet

    46. They’ll have it when all able-bodied men die and not before

    47. Place the infirm, youngsters and any injured in the dinghy or boat first and as many of the able-bodied as the boat is made to accommodate

    48. After pointing out the same nine millions and over of the active armies and seventeen millions of reserves, and the enormous expenses of the governments for the support of these armies and equipments, he says: "But this forms only a small part of the actual cost, for besides the figures mentioned, which constitute merely the war budgets of the nations, we have to take into account the enormous loss to society by the withdrawal of so many able-bodied men

    49. Finally, without looking once into his eyes, the doctor says, "Able-bodied! Next!" and with a fatigued expression again seats himself at the table

    50. Having mentioned the same numbers,—over nine millions in active service and fifteen millions in reserve, and the enormous sums required to support these armies and armaments,—he says, in substance: "These numbers represent but a small part of the actual expenditure, because outside of the expenses enumerated in the budgets of the nations we must take into consideration the great losses to society from the removal of so many able-bodied men, lost to industry in all its branches, and moreover, the interest on the enormous sums spent in military preparations, which yield no returns

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    Sinónimos para "able-bodied"

    fit sturdy strong powerful not handicapped