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    Usar "accompanist" en una oración

    accompanist oraciones de ejemplo


    1. We had a natural empathy, so she was a perfect accompanist for my singing

    2. Minutes later, my dance accompanist settled in the seat that corresponded to Beatrice and devoted to court me without hiding the admiration that for me he was feeling

    3. While on the train her accompanist, Billy King, asked the porter about the possibility of some food

    4. to her male accompanist and we the audience could feel the unbearable dread of those dark

    5. Holohan came to her and proposed that her daughter should be the accompanist at a series of four grand concerts which his Society was going to give in the Antient Concert Rooms

    6. She entered heart and soul into the details of the enterprise, advised and dissuaded: and finally a contract was drawn up by which Kathleen was to receive eight guineas for her services as accompanist at the four grand concerts

    7. Bell, the first item, stood ready with his music but the accompanist made no sign

    8. The singer and the accompanist went out together

    9. Kearney had to stand aside to allow the baritone and his accompanist to pass up to the platform

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