Usar "aesthesia" en una oración
aesthesia oraciones de ejemplo
1. …And then not only the heavenly anaesthesia will do its work in you,
2. be carried out under anaesthesia only by a veterinarian or under his supervision
3. begin with the induction of deep general anaesthesia to be followed by a
4. supervision, and under anaesthesia if they are likely to cause severe pain to the animal
5. Although he‘d felt no pain thanks to local anaesthesia, he was almost catatonic having been awake through the extraction of his kidney because the theatre wasn‘t set up for two people to be under general anaesthetic at one time
6. This device is shoved into roosters' noses (without anaesthesia)
7. ground down, without anaesthesia
8. No anaesthesia is used throughout the process
9. homes have their canines yanked out, often without anaesthesia
10. one of his teeth was yanked out, WITHOUT ANAESTHESIA! His
11. Entering the quarters of Fazza Viyatu (as Jozef referred to him mimicking the local Hehe pronunciation) the scouts silenced the sleeping saint by careful anaesthesia, using a rag soaked in ether, and then went to sleep around him on the floor, posting one look-out to sit in turn by the door
12. it was the task of holding him still and long enough, while using no anaesthesia to
13. tread upon the use of hypnosis as anaesthesia or pain killers
14. After the skin over the testicle is cleaned and a local anaesthesia is given to
15. c) Reactions to anaesthesia
16. This procedure is painless, therefore no anaesthesia is required and it can be
17. The surgery is required using local anaesthesia in the effected area
18. „Endorphic anaesthesia I call it,' he added which of
19. There is also a connection between photographic memory and synaesthesia – the condition where two or more senses are connected, for example when numbers are seen in colour and every series of numbers forms an image in the mind