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    Usar "after all" en una oración

    after all oraciones de ejemplo

    after all

    1. Even believers, after all that they can

    2. Mind you, I stil chose to send her to the wrong one – after all, what did the cheeky cow think I was? ; A walking information booth?

    3. after all, that is what everyone likes to think

    4. "Was she taken after all; for the price of aluminum?"

    5. This was only a neighbor, after all

    6. She had to be over a hundred, after all

    7. After all, giants did not have the delicate touch of humans when it came to mining and extracting ore

    8. ’After all, it might not be hers at all

    9. It was his dream that he would marry and have children … and Dan is a man to make his dreams reality … I think he had some crackbrained idea that he could have the wife and family along with my friendship as well … I daresay he thought I would come to terms with Joanna … after all, she was a friend of mine … it made some sort of sense

    10. Ackers had a sneaking suspicion that this wasn’t an assassin after all

    11. Archimedes, after all, wasn't built to build ships

    12. After all, she and Dan have only been married a short time and it was pretty common knowledge that they were trying for a baby

    13. I had very nearly phoned Stephen to rip his head off for telling tales to Paul when I heard that, but it seemed ungrateful after all he has done for me

    14. “After all, these problems exist all over the world

    15. ’ I said, wondering if it is such a sensible idea after all

    16. After all, it is only a house

    17. After all, this had been with them since the days of the starship

    18. This is Tesco, after all

    19. After all this time

    20. It was worth it after all, she thought, as she pushed her

    21. There might be something in the amorous line to be gained after all

    22. though apparently, it’s not such a big secret after all

    23. While we were packing boxes, we chatted about all sorts of things … she told me some stories about her childhood which were very similar to some of my own memories – not really surprising, we’re both country girls, after all

    24. "And we take all their information at face value? After all, the only thing you really have is a signal

    25. ‘The technology is there, after all

    26. Glenelle wondered if her android would even work after all this time, and blinked into it to try

    27. They were, after all, brothers of the blood, members of

    28. ‘Well, you don’t need to, do you? After all, you can just move in with me now

    29. Maybe this was it after all

    30. It was, even after all these years, still strange to

    31. Maybe we had a chance after all

    32. After all, she would want someone to do the same for her

    33. After all, why build enough substrate for multiple souls if not for the company?

    34. For after all these things the Gentiles seek

    35. After all, he didn’t want to be late for the guard he was going to relieve from last night’s shift

    36. After all, seventy is no mean feat, even in this day and age

    37. Guess we won’t have to airlock the cherry after all

    38. After all, they speared us with a missile that flew at the speed of light

    39. I’m refusing to even contemplate the possibility of pregnancy, after all, the likelihood is extremely low … I’d have to be really unlucky …

    40. After all, we’ve got links with the primary school and I’ve seen how that operates

    41. "That is all this is about after all, the Kassikan and its forty billion mortal subjects are pawns in Moamar's game

    42. How could they behave like this? How could they treat me like this after all these weeks? But mixed in with the sense of resentment I was also very conscious of the threat

    43. There was a lot for her to do what with the baby boom after all the men came home and people got settled again

    44. After all, elders are also known as shepherds

    45. Apollo then says something to me that makes me think that things just might work out between us after all, "Then what do you think I should do?" I answer instantly and with complete honesty," I think you should stay here

    46. After all these weeks alone I longed for company

    47. After all, you expect us to take the affection and support you offer us, allow us to return the favour

    48. ‘After all,’ he said lightly, ‘Gran would have my guts if I didn’t

    49. Of course this was not conclusive, after all, he was an Angel and therefore virtual, so he could never know anything with certainty

    50. After all this melancholy solitude, after all this shit, I was going to die today

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