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    Usar "aftercare" en una oración

    aftercare oraciones de ejemplo


    1. And to avoid discoloration, make sure to have an aftercare plan that includes anti-inflammatory ingredients to quickly calm skin and help it heal

    2. It was about the only aftercare he would end up getting

    3. promised and there sure as hell wasn’t the slightest bit of aftercare

    4. Aftercare: Do not trample lawns

    5. Now the fact that the camp only ran from nine to three, with aftercare costing extra, seemed a kind of scam

    6. He knows no one at the day camp’s going to pick up; the aftercare program’s start and end times, heretofore so hard to remember, are now emblazoned in neon across his frontal lobe

    7. MOST EVERY OTHER AFTERNOON that summer, Will and Cate have been parked in aftercare, while Mom toils away at the office to save Grandpa, and Dad does whatever Dad does

    8. At 6:30, the aftercare kids get brought out into the blast furnace of rush hour to wait for pickup on the school’s front steps, so that the janitors can start cleaning inside

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