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    Usar "air force officer" en una oración

    air force officer oraciones de ejemplo

    air force officer

    1. He was an officer candidate attending the University’s wartime training program for Air Force officers

    2. The luncheon talk was banal and did not afford much opportunity for the two Air Force officers to contribute

    3. They were pretty surprised when I went into the Air Force Officer Candidate School

    4. After all, I am an Air Force officer and do not command those Army troops, only my air task force on this airfield and in Pusan

    5. The Air Force officers waiting on the tarmac, which included Dows, a male brigadier general and a colonel, saluted crisply as the four senators and their Secret Service agents stepped on the tarmac

    6. Lieutenant General George Kenney, the commander of the 5th Air Force and the superior of Ingrid, discreetly watched the reactions of the generals and colonels around the table to what Ingrid was saying, concentrating in particular on American Army Air Force officers

    7. As for a possible multiple personality disorder, I will say only that I am Ingrid Dows, an American Air Force officer, and that I will always do what is in the best interests of the United States

    8. Air Force officer to the Jewish Agency representative

    9. Furthermore, the fact that a Navy officer was ready to disparage a more senior Navy officer in front of an Air Force officer, a cardinal sin in Navy eyes, told her a lot about how much Rear Admiral Felt had to be hated by his own Navy subalterns

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