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    Usar "allies" en una oración

    allies oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Providing housing, food and water for our bird allies will help insure good insect balance

    2. they negotiated and gained allies

    3. allies all with the Gaia brigade and the parka mob,

    4. had powerful allies somewhere in the interlinked network of

    5. Her heart felt that he was one of her prime allies in this quest

    6. 6After some years, they will become allies

    7. As for our allies, with the Triad divided they will be hard to come by

    8. Allies used a strategy of attack against the German forces that

    9. Many even switched sides once they realized the true nature of their allies

    10. Instinctively Katrina brushed her nails across her own clean shaven head, reminding herself that she had nothing to fear from the ghostly trio for they were bound as allies through a sisterhood of horrors

    11. make these two fierce allies clash and cause the death of thousands

    12. For a moment the two stood in silence; a Dead God and an Elder God – allies

    13. Considering the elves were entirely clad in black, not to mention incredibly tall and lanky, the Magi failed to recognize them as allies

    14. was hosting several of his allies from the council

    15. The ashes of his allies and enemies rained down on him after the hammer continued on, the others not as fortunate to avoid its arc

    16. He snuck up on a pair of them who were engrossed in tearing apart one of his allies with their bare hands

    17. His allies, the free Makii stood against them, independent and unpredictable

    18. The surviving elves, now less than twenty, scurried about freeing their allies with whatever remaining blades they could find

    19. Instead of bursting into celebration at the home-coming of their allies, the gathering watched their grim debarment in silence

    20. “Iason wasn’t clever, merely fortunate in his allies

    21. He was the wisest of Agamemnon’s allies

    22. By granting them the farm of their own town in fee, he took away from those whom he wished to have for his friends, and, if one may say so, for his allies, all ground of jealousy and suspicion, that he was ever afterwards to oppress them, either by raising the farm-rent of their town, or by granting it to some other farmer

    23. She had no allies here

    24. They agreed, therefore, to leave that part of Brazil which they had not conquered to the king of Portugal, who agreed to leave that part which they had conquered to them, as a matter not worth disputing about, with such good allies

    25. We are allies in this and all associated endeavors

    26. his allies, they submitted

    27. It might dispose them not only to respect, for whole centuries together, that treaty of commerce which they had concluded with us at parting, but to favour us in war as well as in trade, and instead of turbulent and factious subjects, to become our most faithful, affectionate, and generous allies; and the same sort of parental affection on the one side, and filial respect on the other, might revive between Great Britain and her colonies, which used to subsist between those of ancient Greece and the mother city from which they descended

    28. Towards the declension of the Roman republic, the allies of Rome, who had borne the principal burden of defending the state and extending the empire, demanded to be admitted to all the privileges of Roman citizens

    29. Forward he pushed, through his own allies, until he was on the ladder that led upon the wall

    30. Mortals might actually be better allies than our half-brothers and sisters at this point

    31. Please join me in welcoming our Lead Arrow allies to our meeting this morning, Elaine and Stephan

    32. ‘Certain others?’ ‘I have some powerful allies, Dr Fortenski

    33. witnessed the defeat of Chinese forces at the hands of the allies at fortifications on the Peiho River

    34. “All that is left for me to say is good luck for tomorrow and that you should be proud to take part in this offensive it is the biggest one mounted in this war by our army and it should help relieve the pressure on our French allies at Verdun

    35. between Athens and her allies, and Sparta and her allies, in which he took part as a general, eventually banished by Athens for losing a particular battle

    36. " When, in the General Assembly, a total of around ninety nation-states with a combined population less than the State of California can outvote America and its few remaining allies, what stage of international perdition have we managed to reach?

    37. ‘How can you know that, when at this very moment my allies will be searching for me, if they hadn't already discovered this location?’

    38. The more allies we have working for the cause the greater the chance of succeeding

    39. The moon was officially unoccupied since the war; in actuality the Nine still had their subterranean base on the dark side; undoubtedly the Darangi were also present, which begged the question: why had they not prevented the creation of this time machine? The drones her allies used had scanners which penetrated the lunar rock; essentially there was nowhere to hide

    40. It was in a certain sense an easy choice to make, as Afrikaners have a direct approach to life! Unlike Israel they found no allies in the West who could be trusted

    41. “You should have kept the ‘enforcer bitch’ and her allies,” Larocka said

    42. The Republican Party has been operating under the mistaken assumption that it will be able to successfully rally its conservative base, never traditional allies to begin with, by pushing for higher tax cuts

    43. History told me that the Russians defeated Germany on behalf on the allies and moreover did so within four years whilst us (the British Empire) got nowhere in the first three years and were chased around like headless chickens by the panzers

    44. The Soviets and their allies never supplied weapons or training

    45. At the same time, at a later trial, the famous German Special Forces Commander Otto Skorzeny was allowed to use the same defense of tu quoque at his trial for using American uniforms at the Battle of the Bulge because the allies also did that on occasion

    46. During the First World War (in 1915) the then Union of South Africa attacked and conquered the German colony of South West Africa on behalf of the allies

    47. Whatever the so-called political or social ―realities‖ that engendered this ill-fated decision by the present Administration and its congressional allies, notwithstanding the program‘s perceived failings, this bill sets a troubling precedent for other (established) laws that might otherwise be ignored in the manner of ―break it now, fix it later‖ approach to law ―enforcement

    48. The Russians, started to hold off the Germans and their Italian allies, and inflicting heavy losses

    49. If anything, the behavior of clearly evil Axis regimes is an argument for precisely why the Allies should have avoided not only imitating their barbarous practices, but doing them on a far larger and more inhumane scale

    50. But where most US allies worked with the CIA, Panama worked more with the US Army because of the Panama Canal

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