Usar "allotment" en una oración
allotment oraciones de ejemplo
1. and second went to the allotment,
2. He was allowed to run up to four standard ones with the cheron allotment he had
3. That was not enough to run Desa or Kuthra, even in their cheron versions, he could run Kaha if he used his whole allotment on one
4. The perpetual allotment and destination of this fund, indeed, is not always guarded by any positive law, by any trust-right or deed of mortmain
5. Allotment, the breakup of tribal land bases, also came to an end
6. He had learned from discussions with Frau Vollmer that all the boats were required to unload their catches at the government-run fishery at a larger town down the coast, where they also were permitted to purchase their allotment of fuel
7. gallons of water, which left her quite a bit in her monthly allotment
8. through his allotment of hell
9. purchases with her small allotment
10. The electric stove was even less practical because only two meals cooked on it would use up a whole month’s allotment of electricity
11. It was a beautiful day and the June sunshine beat down on Drew Durning and Todd Snaithe as they walked along the footpath that split the allotment plots in half
12. It had been dry for several days but the footpath was still slippery with mud from the foot traffic of the allotment holders
13. They stopped at the small gate that opened into his allotment
14. His back was aching from all the digging he’d been doing on his allotment that day
15. The next meeting that Drew Durning and Todd Snaithe had with Nick Adams was not on his allotment but in the Wightport Falcon Hotel
16. Three days later, with less than her normal allotment of colonists, but more than her normal allotment of cargo, the Queen Elizabeth eased out of port to make the short jump from the depot to New St
17. The program would cover their rent, utilities, food, basic health care, transportation and clothing with vouchers and provide the balance in cash of their monthly allotment for their other needs
18. I could also tell you about how my bombers sank three fleet carriers and the super-battleships YAMATO and MUSASHI in Rabaul, but I believe that I already exceeded my time allotment
19. problem with that was, when added to the weight of his already existing furniture, it put him well over his room’s weight allotment
20. in his quarters, including his bed, he would only be marginally over his allotment
21. "All the offerings of the holy gifts, which the sons of Israel offer to the LORD, I have given to you and your sons and your daughters with you, as a perpetual allotment
22. helped in the garden and on the family allotment
23. A divorce is capable of digging an allotment of gold in compensation
24. allotment, obtain a Fixed Deposit which would cover 3 years rent and the charges
25. Branches should maintain a wait list for the purpose of allotment of lockers and
26. allotment of locker should be acknowledged and given a wait list number
27. locker to the locker-hirer at the time of allotment of the locker
28. allotment of the locker and open the locker, even if the rent is paid regularly
29. While making allotment, the completed
30. attention allotment on, then he spotted a roach in the corner of his cel and
31. Each allotment of funds is never placed side-by side with all other allotments in order to decide which of them actually are the most humanly important
32. How this allotment of energy, time, caring and love is played out inside each family
33. The allotment of human resources for any kind of research has always been geared for the benefit of the richest and most powerful
34. I waited for Zora and she soon ghosted up beside me having finished with her allotment of the sentries around the warehouse
35. Dan was one of the largest of the tribes of Israel, but they weren’t able to conquer their allotment of the promised land, and so, they were forced to settle northward from their originally chosen spot
36. ing UASL and with it, allotment of 4
37. erwise it would go to Court as they actually did for the allotment of the spectrum in
38. in the allotment of spectrum
39. It was bitterly cold, of course, for the miserly allotment of coal didn’t allow for anything remotely like genuine heat, and Stefyny Mahlard lay curled tightly around Sebahstean, pressed against his back as he burrowed into their father’s chest and Greyghor Mahlard’s arms cradled them both
40. He spent most of his spare time tending vegetables at his allotment or keeping his 1959 Ford Consul on the road with the sort of skill for mechanical things that has always eluded me
41. So the baby was carried in a small deal box, under an ancient woman's shawl, to the churchyard that night, and buried by lantern-light, at the cost of a shilling and a pint of beer to the sexton, in that shabby corner of God's allotment where He lets the nettles grow, and where all unbaptized infants, notorious drunkards, suicides, and others of the conjecturally damned are laid
42. planting and sowing; many gardens and allotments of the villagers had already received their spring tillage; but the garden and the allotment of the Durbeyfields were behindhand
43. That shabby corner of God's allotment where He lets the nettles grow, and where all unbaptized infants, notorious drunkards, suicides, and others of the conjecturally damned are laid
44. A number of other newfangled security forms, bearing titles such as allotment certificates and dividend participations, could be mentioned
45. 9 These anomalous securities were variously entitled “investment certificates,” “convertible debenture certificates,” “interest-bearing allotment certificates,” and “convertible obligations
46. She and her mother made do on their allotment from state and church
47. Anything less than this kind of allotment runs the risk of wiping out a significant portion of your account, and your overall returns will suffer, if you are not forced to close your account altogether
48. This means that we will wind up with more than our 20% allotment of bonds in the IRA and less than 20% in the Limited-Term Tax-Exempt Fund, but this is a relatively minor imperfection
49. And something else that from that time on would be her reason for living: he convinced her that one comes into the world with a predetermined allotment of lays, and whoever does not use them for whatever reason, one’s own or someone else’s, willingly or unwillingly, loses them forever
50. Law's shares were bought up at once before allotment