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    Usar "altar" en una oración

    altar oraciones de ejemplo


    1. that Abraham built an altar unto the LORD, who

    2. altar unto the LORD, and called upon the name of the

    3. upon God’s altar with his full awareness of the decision? Only such

    4. As I turned my head, I was surprised to see that Arion's laser had struck the crystalline sphere above the altar, actually destroying the mystical seal inside

    5. Usually the altar was built on a mountaintop, or on the top of a hill, and in ancient Rome or Greece, we see massive temples built as well in their honor

    6. The main problem with the altar is that you never really knew where you stand with the gods

    7. When the men wanted to worship this female goddess, they would castrate themselves and then throw their former manliness upon the altar as an offering

    8. Do you see the implications in the culture? The altar and the sacrifices have been symbols of oppression and anxiety

    9. Many times we read the story and we think, “Oh good for Abraham!” He gets onto the top of the mountain, and builds the altar, and Isaac asks, “Where is the sacrifice?” Abram then says that God will offer the sacrifice

    10. Isaac is placed upon the altar

    11. Isaac willingly goes down on the altar

    12. The altar is placed in Jerusalem, and the way that you have relationship with God is by the altar

    13. The altar was said to have drains on it for these times

    14. There was so much blood spilt upon the altar that it would drain into the Kidron valley

    15. The problem is that when we create the if-then statement about God and the altar, then we are once again going against the very statement God has been making all along

    16. What does it mean that we are living sacrifices? Paul supercharges the idea of the altar

    17. He has washed us, as you would wash a sacrifice, and He has placed us upon that same altar that we should live according to a different mentality

    18. Wherever Augustus conquered a city, there would be an altar and monument built in his honor

    19. “By this, therefore, shall the iniquity of Jacob be purged: and this is all the fruit to take away his sin, when he maketh all the stones of the altar as chalkstones that are beaten in sunder, so that the idols and images shall not stand up,” Isaiah 27:9

    20. Overlooking a stone floor stacked with several bundles of candles, a large framed icon hung on the wall next to the altar

    21. He shrugged, 'Boss, I have made a little altar - to my goddess Pallas Athena

    22. Duncan came forward to thank the pilot also, and Kai introduce him as Master Altar, one of the best pilots in the fleet

    23. 'That's an awful lot of paraphernalia you've got there, Alexi,' I whispered, indicating all the pieces on the little altar

    24. staggered up to the altar and came to a halt directly in front of the

    25. It sits on an altar stone, high up in a cavern

    26. the two candles burning on the makeshift altar

    27. glass was only a vague, dark mass behind the altar, where

    28. floor towards the altar

    29. bowed respectfully towards the altar, and then left with the

    30. to what had been a makeshift altar – now devoid of its

    31. him there was no altar

    32. 7And I heard the altar respond: “Yes, Lord God Almighty, true and just are

    33. bowls in front of the altar

    34. Again I can only guess that his decision was not to live in my house because I have not seen or heard from him or Pat about him for a week; so once again I was stood up at the altar by another student abusing me and getting my hopes up that I would get a student

    35. Behold, the altar shall be torn apart, and the ashes

    36. The first article was the bronze altar of sacrifice and the last was the Ark of the Covenant

    37. The altar represents justice and the ark with its mercy seat represents mercy, so as one walked though the tabernacle they began with justice and ended with mercy

    38. The first ministry is the ministry of prophecy and it corresponds to the altar of sacrifice

    39. The altar was made of bronze, was used for the burnt offerings and sacrifices, and had a fire continually burning on it

    40. Bronze speaks of purity, the offering on the altar speaks of sacrifice and righteousness, and the fire represents purification

    41. Elijah showed the people a God who answers by fire, and when he prayed, fire came down on the altar, burned the sacrifice, the altar, and the ground the altar was on

    42. There were two articles in the outer court of the tent of Moses; they were the bronze altar, and the bronze washbowl

    43. The altar represents the prophetic ministry and the bowl represents the servant ministry

    44. Both the altar and the bowl were in the outer court and both were made of bronze

    45. There were other vessels in the outer court like the altar

    46. enter the holy place—the bronze altar and the bronze washbowl

    47. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on My altar; For My house shall be

    48. the altar of Saint Marie Madeleine, but he ignored it to

    49. The man scampered over and pulled a pile of clothes from behind the altar

    50. The bishop was out and praying before the altar

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    Sinónimos para "altar"

    altar communion table lord's table shrine tabernacle