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    Usar "amicably" en una oración

    amicably oraciones de ejemplo


    1. passed off amicably enough

    2. It was a nice meal and the hotpot was superb and we chatted amicably between ourselves then it was time for me to get ready to go out

    3. The next morning she amicably turned towards him as he got out

    4. In this situation he had the choice of either dragging on the fight among family members and taking the matter to court or settling the dispute amicably

    5. After a remarkably fine and cheap meal in a self-service restaurant, I relaxed in the Park of Albert the First, where a parade of handsome young couples looking self-assured and elegant, shaking hands and embracing friends, chatting amicably, strolled arm in arm around a more or less circular path that meandered between the trees

    6. While fugitives had been routinely and amicably exchanged between the countries for many years, there was one recent case that was somewhat disconcerting

    7. us in ending the current relation amicably

    8. pickets showed no hostility to either Don or Harry, and chatted amicably about

    9. for that status, it was over, but very amicably

    10. �� Said amicably Eggers, then pointing at the four-story building on the east side of the courtyard

    11. We have many,” Brock said amicably

    12. ” Answered amicably Sarah, actually stating the truth

    13. Garcia barely had the presence of mind to meet the man amicably when he came to their table seemingly uninvited

    14. Chatting amicably with one another during their twenty-minute walk, they arrived at the nunnery in what felt like minutes

    15. He and Robin sat in earnest consultation on the balcony of the PM’s suite, while their wives chatted amicably in the sitting room

    16. “Buenas tardes!” he shouted amicably

    17. C hildren born of the same parents, instead of living amicably,

    18. Differences are settled amicably, confrontations were more on a rational level and not in hysterical sense

    19. In a mutual, silent agreement, the two decided to say nothing about it for now, and concentrated instead on wheeling the injured woman into the private glass elevator which lead directly up to the Garland Crest’s executive penthouse, chatting amicably with her and each other as they did so

    20. While many threw profanities at the rain for causing floods and storms, he amicably danced his way through the clogged streets, hoping to find love in the rain

    21. At that time, the mayor of the quarter had amicably been given a broad remit by the inhabitants of the quarter, as most of them liked him and thought of him as a merciful father to them all

    22. She assumed this guy was crazy so she excused herself as amicably as

    23. amicably but that wasn't always possible

    24. Barbara and Bob used to date in university but managed to stay in touch after they split (they say amicably, but there’s still tension so I think there are unresolved issues)

    25. They chatted amicably for some minutes until finally the judge concluded that perhaps they should be on their way to the Michaud ranch

    26. It was all part of living amicably together

    27. Breakfast of bacon, eggs and toast slid down nicely, and he washed the dishes quite amicably after that fine meal

    28. Egos always resolve in God, sometimes amicably and sometimes after a combat

    29. But we still manage to live fairly amicably

    30. Madame Defarge and monsieur her husband returned amicably to the bosom of Saint Antoine, while a speck in a blue cap toiled through the darkness, and through the dust, and down the weary miles of avenue by the wayside, slowly tending towards that point of the compass where the chateau of Monsieur the Marquis, now in his grave, listened to the whispering trees

    31. The curate settled all amicably, and Don Fernando paid; though the Judge had also very readily offered to pay the score; and all became so peaceful and quiet that the inn no longer reminded one of the discord of Agramante's camp, as Don Quixote said, but of the peace and tranquillity of the days of

    32. One fact more than the rest brought his friend "Sinbad the Sailor" back to his recollection, and that was the mysterious sort of intimacy that seemed to exist between the brigands and the sailors; and Pastrini's account of Vampa's having found refuge on board the vessels of smugglers and fishermen, reminded Franz of the two Corsican bandits he had found supping so amicably with the crew of the little yacht, which had even deviated from its course and touched at Porto-Vecchio for the sole purpose of landing them

    33. When he had finished with his speech, the governor walked out of the hall, and the noblemen noisily and eagerly—some even enthusiastically —followed him and thronged round him while he put on his fur coat and conversed amicably with the marshal of the province

    34. My original idea had been to leave him flat, but Anthony was very helpful about that, and said it was far better to arrange things amicably; and he did arrange things very amicably

    35. He needn't have bothered, for he could hear them at the front door chatting quite amicably

    36. Pugatchéf saw in the crowd Akoulina Pamphilovna, and amicably threatened her with his finger, with a meaning wink

    37. It was remarkable that Ivan spoke quite amicably, in a different tone, not angry as before, so if any one had opened the door at that moment and peeped in at them, he would certainly have concluded that they were talking peaceably about some ordinary, though interesting, subject

    38. Seeing them approaching, he rose from his chair, and nodding amicably to the general, signed to him not to interrupt the recitation

    39. I meant to intervene amicably later on and help to improve poor Mr

    40. On the very day when the peasants went out to plough, which was Maundy Thursday, Iván Petróvich Apýkhtin, who had been preparing himself for communion during the Passion-week, went to communion, and early in the morning drove to the church in the village of Izlegóshcha, of which he was a parishioner, and there he, without knowing anything about the matter, amicably chatted with the church elder

    41. It is the business of all parties to settle amicably as they can any subject of contention between persons of different political persuasions

    42. It will neither justify a dissolution of the Union, nor lead any citizen attached to it, even amicably, much less forcibly, to the contemplation of it, notwithstanding the predictions of that gentleman

    43. That difference, however, was amicably accommodated

    44. Should you discover an inclination in the Governor of East Florida, or in the existing local authority, amicably to surrender that province into the possession of the United States, you are to accept it on the same terms that are prescribed by these instructions in relation to West Florida

    45. You were authorized by the law, a copy of which was communicated to you, and by your instructions, which are strictly conformable to it, to take possession of East Florida, only in case one of the following contingencies should happen: either that the Governor or other existing local authority should be disposed to place it amicably in the hands of the United States, or that an attempt should be made to take possession of it by a foreign power

    46. By the act of the fifteenth of January, one thousand eight hundred and eleven, you will observe that it was not contemplated to take possession of East Florida, or any part thereof, unless it should be surrendered to the United States amicably by the Governor, or other local authority of the province, or against an attempt to take possession of it by a foreign power: and you will also see that General Matthews' instructions, of which a copy is likewise enclosed, correspond fully with the law

    47. It is presumed that the arrangement will be easily and amicably made between you

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