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    Usar "ammunition" en una oración

    ammunition oraciones de ejemplo


    1. But I have never seen it fired … I don’t even think he had any ammunition for it – I’ve certainly never seen any

    2. ‘Yes, it seems he had a phone call a few weeks ago asking about ammunition for a gun of that ilk

    3. ‘Don’t know … I can’t think why anyone would want ammunition of that kind if not

    4. Someone coldly and deliberately worked to repair that gun and hunted around for ammunition for it

    5. Stubbins opened her mouth as if to rebut Mandy's observations, but being without any other ammunition than her own myopic prejudice, ignorance, and baseless claims to superiority, snapped her jaw tight, turned on her heel and waddled back to her store, wagging her head as if in heated abuse of some mutton-headed underling

    6. On the tables the doctor has laid out a holdall, clothes, two piles of dollar bills, a cobbled together collection of syringes and bottles, and his Beretta with its single clip of ammunition holding two bullets

    7. “Watch out for live ammunition, snakes and scorpions

    8. a total of three guns later he was out of ammunition, but the weapons had served

    9. As well as the weapons, they had a full case of 22LR ammunition

    10. They had also taken thousands of rounds of ammunition

    11. ‘Make sure that all of the boys have ammunition

    12. They had then collected all of the firearms and ammunition in the district and surrounds and put the priest in charge of the armory

    13. Axel had taken the second revolver and eighty rounds of ammunition

    14. "Don't bother saving your ammunition," Solo Ki finally said after moments of silence

    15. He had linked all of his machine gun ammunition together and wound the one long belt around his shoulders

    16. Nathaniel’s ammunition lasted for twenty-eight seconds

    17. we’d used our source of food as ammunition

    18. Both their arms and their ammunition are become more expensive

    19. He rummaged through one of them, coming up with two more boxes of ammunition

    20. Cupid unzipped the bag and began sifting through the contents while Sebastian turned to collect ammunition from his dresser

    21. Alex pointed a distance away to where Glen stood with a group, collecting ammunition and weapons

    22. “Nothing at all it’s just that our communications have broken down and there are units strewn all over the place up and down these infernal gullies and hopelessly lost even more serious a lot have no ammunition left”

    23. So all day long and far into the night the fatigue parties slogged at unloading and storing everything that the Division needed be it ammunition or water of whatever it all had to be unloaded and stored by hand

    24. “Just remember the old maxim men ‘Ours not to reason why ours just to do or die’ we will be attacking tomorrow and because of the shortage of ammunition will take place in two parts

    25. From Rosie’s letters it seemed that she was doing her bit as well and I read that she had got a job making ammunition in one of the new armaments factories that had sprang up in the town

    26. Even as we watched we were shunted off into a siding to let ammunition trains clank and screech pat us so we used this time to stretch our legs and take care of any latrine needs we had

    27. On and on we travelled and we were still shunted into sidings when the ammunition trains came along

    28. But all of them were well fed and riding sleek horses and they were accompanied by cavalry troopers immaculately attired right down to the polished ammunition bandoliers that were strapped across their chests

    29. Beside the sixty pound pack we carried our rifles and ammunition pouches, rolled up greatcoat, entrenching tool, waterproof groundsheet as well as countless other bits and pieces of equipment

    30. and the English private parties secretly supplied the South with ships of war, ammunition, and other military supplies

    31. During the day when the Welsh had gone there was lots to do around the trenches stacking ammunition and flares, rations and the there was sentry duty and observation duty as well as dozens of other things

    32. grant his wishes for ships and ammunition for the South

    33. You carried all sorts of stuff ammunition, from rifle to trench-mortar had to be moved through the communication trenches and it was really awkward

    34. “What the hell these ammunition boxes are bloody murder to carry”, as he took another chunk of skin from his leg

    35. “Yes or try carrying the trench-mortar ammunition like me and Nobby that’s not easy either”, and we staggered along the trench cursing as we went

    36. Having taken on board additional stores, ammunition, and new crewmembers,

    37. with adequate arms and ammunition as a Confederate cruiser

    38. But the moment in which war begins, or rather the moment in which it appears likely to begin, the army must be augmented, the fleet must be fitted out, the garrisoned towns must be put into a posture of defence; that army, that fleet, those garrisoned towns, must be furnished with arms, ammunition, and provisions

    39. “No listen we will have so much artillery and ammunition that the Hun will be blasted into submission

    40. After about thirteen hours, her decks were loaded with all of the guns, supplies, and ammunition from the

    41. We were in a siding waiting for an ammunition train to pass us on its way to the front we were once again being transported in the lice infested wagons of the French railway system

    42. Confederates were running out of soldiers and ammunition, and

    43. sides resorted to using bayonets, knives, and just plain clubbing with rifle butts when their ammunition ran out to kill their

    44. Now though the working parties had been extended beyond belief as ammunition food and other supplies was stockpiled ready for use

    45. In his rental room, he had an arsenal of arms and ammunition

    46. This will consist of your small pack, rifle and bayonet around 250 rounds of ammunition, 4grenades, a spade, empty sandbags, wire cutters, flares and anything else that you may need

    47. ammunition and field glasses, where they had been stashed

    48. It was 6:45 hrs and we were in the forward trench with the other waves behind us I was weighed down with a bandolier of ammunition and I carried another one in my small pack along with my spare socks rations and shaving gear

    49. I emptied some of my ammunition pouches and filled them with German bullets then I made sure the magazine was full before I looked through the sights to make sure they were all right

    50. “Well done you pair that was a fine job and I see that you have brought some extra ammunition as well that’s even better

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