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    Usar "analytic" en una oración

    analytic oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Not this; not this, the analytic process of progressively negating all

    2. com) is one of the most powerful Twitter analytic tools available

    3. than the power of illusion to move our minds into analytic action

    4. Analytic philosophers have been exceptionally sensitive to the de-

    5. In trying to communicate with the 1d observer and trying to relate to the latter’s theories, the mystic often tries to interpret his 3d experiential knowledge in the context of 1d analytic knowledge, after getting acquainted with the latest 1d theories and then extending them to fit his observations

    6. Secondly, his 1d knowledge would be so extensive and intensive that the mystic would have a hard time trying to relate his 3d experiential knowledge to this vast 1d analytic knowledge of the scientist

    7. higher-level that uses analytic methods

    8. gon (such as scoring or classification), understanding when different analytic methods are useful and what they require, knowing how to evaluate need in the industry

    9. Statistics departments would be able to create “data scientists” if they broaden their curricula to include data mining, optimization, database management, programming in advanced languages and other analytic tools

    10. It is the understanding of the thinking behind analytic methods, how they

    11. Unlike other types of supplements that can have their potencies confirmed by third party analytic methods, when

    12. When performing the cupping operation at times other than its suitable one (that, in times other than the days of April and May corresponding to the second half of the Lunar month) and after making analytic studies on the blood of this cupping, the medical team found that the blood taken from this cupping have specifications similar to those of the venous blood concerning the blood cells general count, the blood smear, and the normal shapes of the red corpuscles in both of them

    13. analytic tools to facilitate cross-selling and up-selling when the

    14. Th e second group of techniques was that of analytic observation,

    15. analytic meditation, used in Buddhism, based on the intel-

    16. In the absence of data we must abandon the analytic or scientific method of investigation, and must approach it in the synthetic fashion

    17. In contrast, today's traders have access to immense analytic power at a very low cost

    18. Since these bailouts attach to different types of securities, it is instructive to conceptually define the different types of securities for our analytic purposes

    19. , most common stocks)—weight to OPMI market prices in the analytic mix has to be reduced

    20. We think that a crucial reason why our approach has been largely ignored in the accounting and economic literature is that those writing on the subject tend to attribute the perceived information and analytic needs of traders seeking to maximize total return to all investors

    21. As value investors, our analytic techniques, unlike G&D’s, are the same as control investors, distress investors, and creditors

    22. In FF, what is refers to the use of analytic techniques that concentrate on the known situation of a company—the quality and quantity of resources in a company, with little or no concentration on forecasts of relatively near term flows (say, over the next 12 months), except for sudden-death events

    23. Under MCT, however, investors are treated as the equivalent of investment companies even though many investors may have as their principal objective the creation of income from interest and dividend payments, which, of course, for analytic purposes, makes them the equivalent of going concerns

    24. In view of the endless reports put out by Wall Street research departments and the countless presentations, both written and oral, made by conventional money managers, it is instructive to look at the analytic approach that most research departments and conventional money managers follow

    25. This chapter serves two purposes: First, it describes the analytic techniques that are followed by research departments at most broker-dealers—the sell side—and also by most money managers responsible for the noncontrol passive investing of funds entrusted to their care—the buy side

    26. Which of the two ought to be more important in any given situation is a matter of analytic judgment

    27. Lack of Awareness of the Relationship between Income Account Numbers and Balance Sheet Numbers and of Analytic Conflicts between and among Related Numbers

    28. lack of awareness of relationship between income account numbers and balance sheet numbers and analytic conflicts between related numbers

    29. In the state of nature, our ancestors’ ability to focus on the risks of the moment had much greater survival value than a long-term strategic analytic ability

    30. Greenson was unusual in moving outside the ambit of his analytic colleagues to give many public lectures

    31. Without getting all mathy on you, I will try a simplified description of the theory of numbers for you to reach an understanding of analytic signals

    32. 1 shows the relevance of analytic signals to traders using indicators

    33. Knowing about analytic signals opens the door to making some interesting calculations using market data

    34. Failing to compute the sum of the squares as a constant is an indication of the failure of creating an analytic signal

    35. The lag of the Real and Imag analytic signals is very small, and no compensation in the plotting routine is required

    36. True, he didn’t have a proper microscope, but he had eyes and he had, thank God, an analytic mind that could slough off sensations, emotions, pains

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    analytic analytical uninflected