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    and afterwards

    1. Most of his workers had made their way to the battle, and afterwards he found most of them dead and scattered around the Black Door

    2. It was once a fifth, and afterwards a tenth, as in silver; but it was found that the work could not bear even the lowest of these two taxes

    3. It costs more labour, and therefore more money, to bring first the materials, and afterwards the complete manufacture to market

    4. That rise in the real price of those parts of the rude produce of land, which is first the effect of the extended improvement and cultivation, and afterwards the cause of their being still further extended, the rise in the price of cattle, for example, tends, too, to raise the rent of land directly, and in a still greater proportion

    5. require a certain expense, first to erect them, and afterwards to support them, both which expenses, though they make a part of the gross, are deductions from the neat revenue of the society ; so the stock of money which circulates in any country must require a certain expense, first to collect it, and afterwards to support it; both which expenses, though they make a part of the gross, are, in the same manner, deductions from the neat revenue of the society

    6. , and afterwards for 6s:8d

    7. The manufacturers first supply the neighbourhood, and afterwards, as their work improves and refines, more distant markets

    8. In a country of so extensive a coast as our North American and West Indian colonies, where our authority was always so very slender, and where the inhabitants were allowed to carry out in their own ships their non-enumerated commodities, at first to all parts of Europe, and afterwards to all parts of Europe south of Cape Finisterre, it is not very probable that this monopoly could ever be much respected ; and they probably at all times found means of bringing back some cargo from the countries to which they were allowed to carry out one

    9. But if those consumable goods were purchased directly with the produce of English industry, it would be more for the advantage of England, than first to purchase with that produce the gold of Portugal, and afterwards to purchase with that gold those consumable goods

    10. for a limited time, and afterwards continued, by different

    11. He sailed from the port of Palos in August 1492, near five years before the expedition of Vasco de Gamo set out from Portugal; and, after a voyage of between two and three months, discovered first some of the small Bahama or Lucyan islands, and afterwards the great island of St

    12. How obstinately the city of Paris, upon that occasion, defended itself, what a dreadful famine it supported, rather than submit to the best, and afterwards the most beloved of all the French kings, is well known

    13. It vanquished and subdued, after a long and violent struggle, indeed, the gallant and well exercised militias of the principal republics of ancient Greece; and afterwards, with very little struggle, the effeminate and ill exercised militia of the great Persian empire

    14. Long after the time of Sir Josiah Child, however, in 1750, a regulated company was established, the present company of merchants trading to Africa ; which was expressly charged at first with the maintenance of all the British forts and garrisons that lie between Cape Blanc and the Cape of Good Hope, and afterwards with that of those only which lie between Cape Rouge and the Cape of Good Hope

    15. As the demand increased, the school, both of philosophy and rhetoric, became stationary, first in Athens, and afterwards in several other cities

    16. Through the greater part of Europe, the pope gradually drew to himself, first the collation of almost all bishoprics and abbacies, or of what were called consistorial benefices, and afterwards, by various machinations and pretences, of the greater part of inferior benefices comprehended within each diocese, little more being left to the bishop than what was barely necessary to give him a decent authority with his own clergy

    17. But that immense and well-built fabric, which all the wisdom and virtue of man could never have shaken, much less have overturned, was, by the natural course of things, first weakened, and afterwards in part destroyed; and is now likely, in the course of a few centuries more, perhaps, to crumble into ruins altogether

    18. In order to render the election valid, it was necessary that the sovereign should both consent to it before hand, and afterwards approve of the person elected; and though the election was still supposed to be free, he had, however all the indirect means which his situation necessarily afforded him, of influencing the clergy in his own dominions

    19. In the course of the second Punic war, the As was still further reduced, first, from two ounces of copper to one ounce, and afterwards from one ounce to half an ounce ; that is, to the twenty-fourth part of its original value

    20. Others, like that of Massachusetts Bay, advance, upon extraordinary emergencies, a paper money of this kind for defraying the public expense; and afterwards, when it suits the conveniency of the colony, redeem it at the depreciated value to which it gradually falls

    21. Certain death fell on any man who looked on one of the King's wives, and instances are also known in which young lovers have been ruthlessly parted for the maiden to be placed in the royal harem, and afterwards, being discovered secretly renewing their vows, they have both been barbarously tortured and executed

    22. The day before, they would have declared that no power on earth could prevail against the gods of Ashanti; but when they saw Prempeh, the natural head of fetish, forced to humble himself and afterwards be taken prisoner, when the sacred houses and blood-washed trees, the very abode of the spirits, were destroyed by the white man's powder, and still the gods availed them nothing, their faith was shaken

    23. Christ was the fulfillment of God‘s promise or Word, first to the Jew (who rejected Him) followed by the Gentile through Paul‘s ministry and afterwards to all Peoples and Cultures through the efforts of His Universal Ministry

    24. You would have used the same tactics yourself and you did during World War Two and afterwards with Special Forces everywhere

    25. Within seconds he was already steadily climbing up the steep winding path that would take him between the two dominant mountain peaks, and afterwards probably on a shallow descend to the Land of God

    26. He ordered a lunch of lamb stew and potatoes, and ate slowly so as to kill as much time as possible, and afterwards leisurely sipped at a cup of coffee

    27. Another important aspect of the Process Validation is to eliminate the chain of definitive possessions in the production process, that is, the organization doesn’t need to buy the product to insert in its production and afterwards to sell it, so forth of an organization for another

    28. way? It is a snare to the man who destroys that which is holy, and afterwards vows to make the inquiry

    29. 2 And afterwards I

    30. And afterwards it must be renewed in glory, and perfected for evermore

    31. 2 And afterwards he will put him to death, and protect the rest of My people which shall be found in the place

    32. 4 As for those who were before subject, and afterwards withdrew and mingled themselves with the

    33. shall first note and afterwards depart to be tormented

    34. There’s a lovely Italian restaurant in Pimlico, and afterwards …”

    35. ' And I saw till those shepherds pastured in their season, and they began to kill and to destroy more than they were bidden, and they delivered those sheep into the hand of the lions; And the lions and tigers eat and devoured the greater part of those sheep, and the wild boars eat along with them; and they burnt that tower and demolished that house; And I became exceedingly sorrowful over that tower because that house of the sheep was demolished, and afterwards I was unable to see if those sheep entered that house

    36. She came home and told us that she had seen a man who looked very familiar but she couldn‘t remember who he was, and she had smiled at him, and afterwards she had thought, That‘s Dr

    37. We were in bed, and afterwards, we discussed where we could go to celebrate

    38. Having bought my condo from Century 21, I was invited to their barbeque tent on a grassy lot across the street from their stadium before games, at half times, and afterwards if I took the late school bus back to the bowling alley in front of my condo

    39. ' And I saw till those shepherds pastured in their season and they began to kill and to destroy more than they were bidden and they delivered those sheep into the hand of the lions; And the lions and tigers eat and devoured the greater part of those sheep and the wild boars eat along with them; and they burnt that tower and demolished that house; And I became exceedingly sorrowful over that tower because that house of the sheep was demolished and afterwards I was unable to see if those sheep entered that house

    40. “After I had fed them, like, like, I was feeding my fish and afterwards, like I ordered some pizza from, um, um, um, Pizza Hut and I had to, er, like, when I rang Pizza Hut I had to order order over ten pounds to like, er, to because when I rang Pizza Hut, they like have this thing where-”

    41. 6 And afterwards come to that place and I will reveal Myself to you and speak true things with you and I will give you commandment regarding the method of the times; for they are coming and tarry not

    42. 2 And afterwards I came to that place where He had spoken with me

    43. 4 And afterwards it must be renewed in glory and perfected for evermore

    44. 2 And afterwards he will put him to death and protect the rest of My people which shall be found in the place which I have chosen

    45. 4 As for those who were before subject and afterwards withdrew and mingled themselves with the seed of mingled peoples the time of these was the former and was accounted as something exalted; 5 and as for those who before knew not but afterwards knew life and mingled only with the seed of the people that had separated itself the time of these is the latter and is accounted as something exalted; 6 and time shall succeed to time and season to season and one shall receive from another and then with a view to the consummation shall everything be compared according to the measure of the times and the hours of the seasons; 7 for corruption shall take those who belong to it and life those who belong to it

    46. 6 For they shall first note and afterwards depart to be tormented

    47. 5 For in the first beginning they were black and many; Or a time and afterwards I saw that the waters became bright but they were not many and after these things again I saw black (waters) and after these things again bright and again black and again bright

    48. His prayer is short but intense, and afterwards he dresses quickly, smoothes his hair into place and leaves the castle

    49. “And afterwards? Will you tell me about the power you have?”

    50. Nuke talked to Sherif for a few minutes as I took more pictures and afterwards to me as we continued toward the pyramids

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