Any one woman in flesh sitting with him now would be better than all the might-have-beens in the centuries of memories in his mind
"Labor is free here Ava, any one of us could have been supporting her all along, even one of the wives with a single stainless kitchen knife
Any one has info on this one way or the other please let me know
It will be this diversity that will automatically control the infestation of any one insect
The same would be done in any one of the tavernas that the old man
At age eighteen I was like any one of you who reads this story at whatever
This individual was possibly off radar as a result of internecine strife within the C-Block or for falling foul of any one of the various killer whales that this particular little fish may have been sharing the pond with
Any one with a second device could control a person with the first, and so on, and on to infinity
They did not have to wait till he was in full sunlight, the systems would work with skylight or under clouds, but would not work for forty hours of darkness, half of the globe was without data service at any one time
them together in any one of a thousand combinations, only one of which would form
He also knew it was possible for either of them to use the personification of any one of their houries on any setting they wanted
Desa wished she could get a little more into the music, there are lots of real bands in Lastriss, thirty to fifty active at any one time, and she never saw more than a few of them when she was here, this could be the only one she would see this time
That isn’t to say that any one is better than another
In his head he pieced together the letters of a name over and over again, trying to fit them together in any one of a thousand combinations, only one of which would form the shape of a man
If he settled down with his girlfriend in the native lifestyle any one of the millions of places he could have reached by this time, his disguise is impenetrable
a thousand ships, with never a true word upon any one of its pages,
JOYCE: How many of them, or has any one of them told you they've slept with Samantha?
that the writer expresses in any one
"I'm nothing that you haven't become, would they then think it unfair for any one of them to live with you
Relationships are one of the best things any one person can have, however there are moments
any one person's emotions, it runs deep into the very fabric of the will
We never stayed longer than twenty years on any one given planet
By virtue of the addition of a new hub, borrowed from his place of work, Danny could attach his laptop to his domestic network in any one of the bedrooms, in the kitchen and even in the downstairs lavatory
Perhaps the crates were sliding about on deck or maybe she was top heavy, or maybe she wasn't handling to his liking, any one of a thousand reasons
He could have help, there are several people who use his universe with the necessary privileges to teleport to any part of his universe, and any one of them could bring him with them
“He was an amateur historian,” Yellelle said, “not an interior designer, there were dozens of professional interior designers at work in the temple at any one time
Naturally, it is staggered so at any one time there is usually a vacancy or at any rate one coming up soon
19When any one hears the word of the kingdom, and knows it not, then cometh the
Over centuries, with hundreds of thousands of students at any one time, there would be many Tdeshi’s in the records
She gave the young man a moment to relinquish the sleeve still tight in his fingers then stated clearly and loud enough for his mates and anyone one else out at that time to hear, “You will keep a civil tongue in your foul little mouth, or there's more where that came from! Don't even begin to tell any one else about 'manners!' I don't know from whose foolish talk you picked up that misapplied epithet, but you will do well to remember this: you and your little friends are not even civilized humans yet and until you learn to treat others as you would be treated, I pity you the knocks and bruises in store for you, and not just at the hands of a 'woman' next time;” she glared at them one at a time, “Now get on back to your homes and don't even think of repeating such a foolish stunt!” she added
Only two relatives are allowed at any one time in the intensive care unit
Could be in any one of them
He is facing the main serving area at the entrance to the room and tries to lose himself in the football reports, but he’s never really followed any one team
He could turn round and double back at any one of the inner ring of roundabouts, but he doesn't
When it was your turn, you had to remove any one of the rectangles
tower fell, the other players got to choose any one of the acts written on the pieces,
“Do you have any questions before you begin?” He asked that last, as if he would be astonished if any one of them should have a question
We are blessed with a local family of doctors in the village – Dr Jim being the third generation of doctors in his family, each of whom were called by their first names as ‘Dr Lawrence’ could mean any one of four people
He made emendations to his logbooks which tracked the annual fads and rages as a reference for the future recurrence of any one of them
I confessed my regrets and made known I had only used what persuasions any one in my own place might have used and as consolation left him with the trophy of that unfortunate encounter---a rather well designed and cared for tradesman's folding knife of about half a foot in length
The summer of the Bessamer's announcement to relocate to San Francisco and the Spelman's extended visit in Tahoe City was rapidly drawing toward September before any one realized the air was growing nippier
"You don't need any one
With a small chuckle he replied, "Ok, I won't call you that, but –" he turned to see if there was any one listening
Really he's probably not mad at any one
I haven't received any one word from him and I couldn't wait for a month
She probably would have moved in with any one of them that asked her
? she wondered, fully aware there was over two hundred other female Delphiniians left in the chambers, yet he hardly spared any one of them a glance
Considering the value of any one of their lives, the time-table was staggering
"Oh pick any one! I know you know one that scared Alan, he told me about that
by any one regular, established, and well-known branch of business, but in consequence of a
profits and losses, therefore, can bear no regular proportion to those of any one established
He was covered from head to toe in a rusty and heavily dented suit of full plate and chain upon which various weapons had been strapped -- far more than any one man could possibly wield
The tonnage, accordingly, of all the European shipping employed in the East India trade, at any one time during the last century, was not, perhaps, much greater than that of the English East India company before the late reduction of their shipping
cal any one of you, I can be in trouble
too large to remain without any one
By dividing the whole circulation into a greater number of parts, the failure of any one company, an accident which, in the course of things, must sometimes happen, becomes of less consequence to the public
According, therefore, as a smaller or greater proportion of it is in any one year employed in maintaining unproductive hands, the more in the one case, and the less in the other, will remain for the productive, and the next year's produce will be greater or smaller accordingly ; the whole annual produce, if we except the spontaneous productions of the earth, being the effect of productive labour
“Attracted danger, as in any one, those outlaws for instance
Though in some measure obliged to them all, therefore, he is not absolutely dependent upon any one of them
After all the anxiety, however, which they have excited about this, after all the vain attempts of almost all trading nations to turn that balance in their own favour, and against their neighbours, it does not appear that any one nation in Europe has been, in any respect, impoverished by this cause
One swift move by any one of the former Snow Elves and their lives would likely be done
I know it’s not easy on any one of us, having experienced death in our respective families, but I have something important to discuss with you – something that can’t wait
“I noticed, you’re a Praefect now, huh? How did that come about? Though if any one of us were to get promoted in the Legion, my septims would always have been on you
By encouraging extraordinary dexterity and ingenuity, they serve to keep up the emulation of the workmen actually employed in those respective occupations, and are not considerable enough to turn towards any one of them a greater share of the capital of the country than what would go to it of its own accord
The same motives, the same interests, which would thus regulate the conduct of any one dealer, would regulate that of every other, and oblige them all in general to sell their corn at the price which, according to the best of their judgment, was most suitable to the scarcity or plenty of the season
The focus moves from one part of the body to the next, but is always restricted to a single part at any one time
The larger the continent, the easier the communication through all the different parts of it, both by land and by water, the less would any one particular part of it ever be exposed to either of these calamities, the scarcity of any one country being more likely to be relieved by the plenty of some other
But what I would suggest is that there are two simple things that any one can do for which you do not need the help of any instructor
place in the universe at any one time, it was
There was nothing really wrong about this in young boys, for youthful cocks can fuck several times in any one-hour period
It is solely by raising the ordinary rate of profit, that the monopoly either has proved, or could prove, advantageous to any one particular order of men
But if, in any one of those distant employments, which in ordinary cases are less advantageous to the country, the profit should happen to rise somewhat higher than what is sufficient to balance the natural preference which is given to nearer employments, this superiority of profit will draw stock from those nearer employments, till the profits of all return to their proper level
There is no great branch of trade, in which the capital of any one private merchant is sufficient for carrying on all the subordinate branches which must be carried on, in order to carry on the principal one
To hurt, in any degree, the interest of any one order of citizens, for no other purpose but to promote that of some other, is evidently contrary to that justice and equality of treatment which the sovereign owes to all the different orders of his subjects
But the consumption which, in the mean time, it occasions of other parts, is precisely equal to the value which it adds to those parts; so that the value of the whole amount is not, at any one moment of time, in the least augmented by it
It is possible, indeed, that no more than ten pounds worth of this value may ever have existed at any one moment of time
Though the value of what the artificer produces, therefore, should not, at any one moment of time, be supposed greater than the value he consumes, yet, at every moment of time, the actually existing value of goods in the market is, in consequence of what he produces, greater than it otherwise would be
But when, by the improvements in the productive powers of manufacturing art and industry, the expense of any one dress comes to be very moderate, the variety will naturally be very great
The rich, not being able to distinguish themselves by the expense of any one dress, will naturally endeavour to do so by the multitude and variety of their dresses
By commanding, too, the united force of a greater number of people than any of them, he is best able to compel any one of them, who may have injured another, to compensate the wrong
‘If any one of them can explain it,’ said Alice, (she had grown so large
The demand for philosophy and rhetoric was, for a long time, so small, that the first professed teachers of either could not find constant employment in any one city, but were obliged to travel about from place to place
In general, there is not perhaps, any one article of expense or consumption by which the liberality or narrowness of a man's whole expense can be better judged of than by his house-rent
{It has proved more expensive than any one of our former wars, and has involved us in an additional debt of more than one hundred millions
This guy couldn"t even have made it through any one of the services" basic training, let alone let alone hope to be advanced to the rank of Private First Class
with any one of these
It could project from its own memory store or from any one of these minds into his
If you do not see any one asking questions, ask them
The place was so big, it could hold 3 bands and 15,000 people without any one
He hasn’t latched onto any one thing
To distract him may prove fatal for any one of the travellers
By negligence and blunder, the land operations from first to last were a series of mistakes, any one of which might have proved fatal to American arms
"Wishing Well," the people called it, for they believed that if any one standing there
There was scarcely any one left upon the street by this time, and the
sound could be heard from any one in the church, but as all the people
thing to any one! Why, who ever heard of such a Christmas!"
without regard to any one individual or group of individuals are not rightly considered criminal unless such actions otherwise ignore existing international covenants (established among nations during times of peace), governing acceptable rules of military
2) The religious fundamentalist as we have on the war on terrorism that is not bound to any one country and have the West as a common enemy!
No individual is above the law but equal before the law, rather; that is to say, laws are not enacted for the private benefit of any one individual or group but conceived in a manner that seeks to promote equal protection for every citizen
'If any one of them can explain it,' said Alice, (she had grown so large in the last few minutes that she wasn't a bit afraid of interrupting him,) 'I'll give him sixpence