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    anyone who oraciones de ejemplo

    anyone who

    1. I recommend that anyone who can does the same

    2. Anyone who has ever lived on an island quickly learns the value of the ocean

    3. We possess a great deal of knowledge, mental power, and capacities, which have never been drawn forth from the realm of the subconscious into objective usefulness; anyone who has watched the effect of Meditation upon the beginner will substantiate this statement

    4. be conjectured about, that would bring madness & vexation to anyone who

    5. He ran away from it all, throwing his hands up in the air and saying to anyone who might listen, “My wife is dead

    6. The Buddha is quoted as saying something like, “Conjecture about the world is an unconjecturable that is not to be conjectured about, that would bring madness & vexation to anyone who conjectured about it

    7. I think anyone who's known me for any length of time knows I couldn't hide a bug in a forest of my words

    8. I’m sure we’ve all read the passage in Galatians where Paul reiterates the verse in Deuteronomy about how anyone who dies upon the “tree” is considered cursed

    9. In Romans 10, there is a fascinating verse that says, “Anyone who will confess with their mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in their heart that God has raised Him from the dead, then you shall be saved

    10. There is not a hint of anyone who murmurs against Moses’ demand

    11. But this kind of dogmatism to claim anyone who says something counter to what you have said sounds so arrogant

    12. ” We too must be able to say, “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father; I and the Father are one

    13. Anyone who comes into adoption of God the Father through the blood of Jesus Christ is now and eternally of that everlasting covenant

    14. "Who would want it? I think anyone who found out about it would wish there was no such thing

    15. Anyone who does not attain to that absolute emptying of self in order to take the absolute filling of the Spirit will not be able to handle the intensity of being within that City

    16. In a stratospheric pitch, she screamed at the bags as though they were naughty children and complained to anyone who would listen but no one took any notice

    17. Behaviors would escalate not only with myself but with others as anyone who works in this field can tell you

    18. The boys shouted obscenities back, informing anyone who was listening that they knew where everyone lived and would be back later to get them

    19. People shouldn't be judged for it, because anyone who doesn't find a cure for their afflictions belongs to a permanent mind prison

    20. She checked with her college friends to see if anyone went by the nickname, but she couldn’t find anyone who she could identify as the sender of her flowers

    21. Remember that anyone who shows an

    22. That should be enough to cover his tracks from anyone who was still on board

    23. The rest, as they say, is history, although throughout his long years of retirement, when he published his memoirs and his diaries and tried to settle into a state of fatherly grace in the House of Lords, the once great politician told anyone who would listen that he had been right, that his opponents had been wrong and that a report with blank pages was exactly what he had intended all along

    24. They crossed arms and joined hands and the musicians played on with a mesmeric, soothing reverie for anyone who joined in the dance

    25. Anyway, this is common knowledge; well, common to anyone who wastes time in the Antonis

    26. If this isn't possible, call your best friend, your sibling, your dad, anyone who you know will listen to you

    27. banner simply asked anyone who could read it to please respect

    28. Anyone who has been to

    29. Once you have me encapsulated, anyone who can work a scene builder can render an environment that I can’t penetrate, even more abstract than what was presented to me

    30. if nothing else, anyone who has been through Danvers House would buy it

    31. The boys shouted obscenities back, informing anyone who was

    32. I note that your firm carried out the conversion of the building back in the 1970s and wondered if there would be anyone who could talk to me about it

    33. went by the nickname, but she couldn’t find anyone who she could

    34. Lords, the once great politician told anyone who would listen that

    35. from my parents and anyone who would ask

    36. Anyone who is testable can act as surrogate for

    37. I don’t think there would be anyone who would willingly walk a mile in their shoes

    38. Chrissie couldn’t think of anyone who would feel like that about her … except Billy, of course; he was different

    39. language, which conveyed to anyone who cared to read it that the

    40. “Anyone who didn’t read the campus news would never know unless it was someone they knew personally

    41. I’ve never met anyone who even used it once, nor have I seen it myself, even on my job at the Kassikan

    42. Didn’t he remind her of Earth? Not since Herndon had she known anyone who fit the Earthly male role as well as he did

    43. The Inspector in charge of the investigation is anxious to talk to anyone who knows this woman [a photo of Chrissie apparently sleeping flashed up on the screen]

    44. ’ He gasped as the newsreader again showed the picture of Chrissie and asked for anyone who knew her to contact the police

    45. He looked at all their files and chased down all their friends files that were in the system, but he didn’t find anyone who had gained anything by the overdose or the download of the ghost

    46. I’ve never met anyone who even used it once or saw it once outside my job at the Kassikan

    47. At the end of the report, they give out a telephone number for anyone who has family or friends in the region to call

    48. “Anyway, Fear Gurtha is another word for ‘hungry grass’; anyone who walks on the Fear Gurtha will be struck with an insatiable hunger

    49. you leave I need to know – can you think of anyone who

    50. share stories of his journey with anyone who’d listen

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