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    Usar "aqueduct" en una oración

    aqueduct oraciones de ejemplo


    1. He also built an aqueduct in the mountains for freshwater

    2. He built an aqueduct in Laodecia

    3. There were some places where the canal cut thru the bank, and one interesting spot where this three hundred foot wide canal strode above the ground as an aqueduct for more than two miles, at one point passing a hundred and forty feet above a small river in a valley that looked stuck in a much earlier age

    4. 11 And Latinus prevailed over Azdrubal, and Latinus took from Azdrubal the aqueduct which his father had brought from the children of Chittim, when he took Janiah the daughter of Uzi for a wife, so Latinus overthrew the bridge of the aqueduct, and struck the whole army of Azdrubal a severe blow

    5. An interesting landmark of the city is its aqueduct, distinguished by its massive arches, many of which stand as high as 30 feet

    6. Although at one time it stretched for over 16 miles, the aqueduct is now only one mile long, and ends at a fountain that depicts Michoacán’s fruit productivity

    7. 11 And Latinus prevailed over Azdrubal and Latinus took from Azdrubal the aqueduct which his father had brought from the children of Chittim when he took Janiah the daughter of Uzi for a wife so Latinus overthrew the bridge of the aqueduct and struck the whole army of Azdrubal a severe blow

    8. And having come to Citium and there being a great uproar there also in their hippodrome having learned this we came forth out of the city having all shaken the dust off our feet; for no one received us except that we rested one hour in the gate near the aqueduct

    9. The biggest user is in Operations and Maintenance, which carries the water from a number of dams, into power plants, through the aqueduct and over mountains for final delivery to municipalities

    10. It was not strange that they should have had Archelaus in mind inasmuch as the house of Zaccheus in Jericho was very near the ornate palace of Archelaus, and his aqueduct ran along the road by which they had departed from Jericho

    11. 5 Another thing which brought him into great disfavor with the Jews was that he dared to take money from the temple treasury to pay for the construction of a new aqueduct to provide increased water supply for the millions of visitors to Jerusalem at the times of the great religious feasts

    12. Being that Harry and I spent a lot of time together driving to and from the Aqueduct, he regaled me with a number of stories about racing

    13. Early on I noticed there were a number of gurneys—medical gurneys—at the Aqueduct Racetrack

    14. I received a tip by a former college classmate of mine who was working as a trainer at Aqueduct

    15. The only reason Los Angeles exists as a megalopolis of over 14 million people: is because Mulholland built the longest aqueduct in human history

    16. In fact, there beneath my eyes was a town in ruins, demolished, overwhelmed, laid low, its roofs caved in, its temples pulled down, its arches dislocated, its columns stretching over the earth; in these ruins you could still detect the solid proportions of a sort of Tuscan architecture; farther off, the remains of a gigantic aqueduct; here, the caked heights of an acropolis along with the fluid forms of a Parthenon; there, the remnants of a wharf, as if some bygone port had long ago harbored merchant vessels and triple–tiered war galleys on the shores of some lost ocean; still farther off, long rows of collapsing walls, deserted thoroughfares, a whole Pompeii buried under the waters, which Captain Nemo had resurrected before my

    17. In truth, when he had passed the ponds and had traversed in an oblique direction the large clearing which lies on the right of the Avenue de Bellevue, and reached that turf alley which nearly makes the circuit of the hill, and covers the arch of the ancient aqueduct of the Abbey of Chelles, he caught sight, over the top of the brushwood, of the hat on which he had already erected so many conjectures; it was that man's hat

    18. This aqueduct of the sewer is formidable; it interlaces in a dizzy fashion

    19. ‘Soon,’ said mothers to their children, ‘soon now the Aqueduct will be finished

    20. The children watched the Aqueduct being built stone on solid stone

    21. Now, in the Year of the Finishing of the Aqueduct, the two Northern countries shot a million arrows at each other and raised a million shields, like numerous suns, flashing

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    aqueduct channel water passage conduit strait canal structure waterworks duct pipeline course water bridge canal water system