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    Usar "as usual" en una oración

    as usual oraciones de ejemplo

    as usual

    1. "Or maybe Europol has just been too slow, as usual

    2. No-one thought to look for him there and if they did it was usually not a place on the top of anyone's list for tattoo holidays

    3. It was usually the only foreign food they encountered in the week

    4. As usual, my role tended to be that of tea maker and encourager, but I wasn’t sorry for that after the marathon which was Monday

    5. It proved to be a fiasco: as usual, the guru monopolized all conversations, emphasizing that he is in total control of our lives now and that he knows exactly what we are doing every moment

    6. He wondered who was on that, it was usually easier duty

    7. The result? Naught! All men seem to be enchanted by Mandy, especially Themis! As about me, at a moment someone speaks up and says he remembers me from elementary school - so, my age is revealed before everybody! Later on, Themis suggests our going on an excursion on May Day and all the married hens (who, as usual, have formed a ring around him) hasten to enter themselves for it

    8. This morning, as soon as she stepped into my office with some new texts in hand, the screen suddenly went black with a ''system error'', without my pressing a single key! What the heck, has she got a magnet or something? We called for a technician, as usual, but in the meanwhile the fair lady fumed and fretted at me and started shouting about my incompetence

    9. That was certainly a clear insinuation about me too; and I, as usual, kept on acting the fool lest I should lose that great friend

    10. The morning progressed as usual, and after ten minutes of being left alone with my breakfast the guard returned to my cell to collect the dishes

    11. As about my “friends”, after half an hour or so I found them observing the blackened tub – Helen with a surly face, as usual, Vlassis lost in space, as always

    12. Over the next two weeks we shuffled and slept and dreamed as usual

    13. the beginning of the year as usual for which Nihar had

    14. After the Church gathering, it was usual for these friends to

    15. As usual in this event,

    16. There was, as usual now in these cases, a blue flash, and as

    17. There was a blue flash that as usual

    18. As usual, Joris is nowhere in sight when I emerge for breakfast

    19. She's trying to be busy and organised as usual but deep inside she is devastated

    20. As usual I will describe the easiest variation first

    21. The Argonauts were ready to cast off and as usual I was in the sea

    22. But what if they don't get one? What then? Where would the young people go? And earlier I'd dreamed of something that still lit the very edges of my imagination, something about a school but as usual, the more I tried to bring it back the more it melted away

    23. When her daughter, tired as usual after a long day at the coal face of international mergers and acquisitions, went to bed, her mother tied the bag to the back of her pyjamas

    24. He hadn't been to as many meetings as then, much less usual, he hadn't had as many visitors as usual

    25. 'Business and pleasure, as usual, with the emphasis on as much pleasure as I can squeeze in,' she sniggered

    26. The staff room is packed as usual

    27. Thom knew that Archbishop Saint Arthur O'Conner was usually stashed in a deck chair next to the pool on his yacht when hearing confession

    28. As usual, I had to surrender to fools

    29. He was sitting with Darryl, but as usual, as soon as they were not in a formal meeting, Darryl began arguing with his critics

    30. She mooches out into the garden; bless, she’s not as bright as usual, can’t be entirely due to the guinea pigs – better have a chat with her later on

    31. As usual, I suck

    32. There was usually a list of important souls who were only on backup, and a count of all the civilians who existed on backup only

    33. Karen and the old woman sat in the front pew as usual

    34. Peter lets us in, welcoming me with a kiss on the cheek and thumping his brother as usual

    35. 'Much the same as usual - you were only out of the office for a day, Sarah, what do you think can have happened!' he said with a laugh

    36. When her daughter, tired as usual after a long day at the coal face

    37. “Yes, yes, and I want business to go on as usual, no changes in our routine

    38. ‘It’s on my desk as usual, Dilly

    39. "Same as usual

    40. Kev, never one for early morning chatter, was silent as usual, helping himself to the fatty bacon and fried bread which was Sheila’s usual nod towards a cooked breakfast

    41. Where would she get such a notion that a fragile ego had anything to do with being male? In fact, wasn’t it the female who was usually more involved in raising and nurturing children? “What planet are you from?” He asked, “You must have spent far too much time with the Yingolians to say a thing like that

    42. He ought to have told her, instead of just pretending that nothing was wrong, getting up and going to work as usual … spending the day lounging around the job centre praying that something would come up, but the closure of the works had thrown a lot of men onto the dole

    43. In these circumstances, it was usual to pass a message to the

    44. The show had gone much as usual – Brenda, the then queen of the stage, was working her notice and not at all happy about it – she’d taken it out on the rest of the troupe

    45. Hipolyta and Titania had begun keeping the curtains over the workshop alcove closed all the time, but as they also made sure no one was usually around to notice when they went in and out, it didn't raise any suspicions

    46. portal building to the causeway entrance where, as usual, several

    47. The two gentlemen resumed their seats in the dining hall and were soon joined, as usual, by the Spelmans

    48. It seems he was usually an affectionate son

    49. I was usually right there with Johnny, but not this time

    50. So, this morning I stand there as usual and the train draws into the station

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    Sinónimos para "as usual"

    normal familiar predictable presumed conventional required habitual