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    Usar "astern" en una oración

    astern oraciones de ejemplo


    1. The city and the dam was a fuzzy line on the horizon, the North Sentinels were a significant lump, as tall as the main dam-wall directly astern

    2. feared he might go overboard, but Brazier looked astern and

    3. captain, eyes fixed on the eerie vista of hyperspace, trying to see far astern to the other ship

    4. Further conversation was abruptly cut off when a hail from astern revealed Yigal and Naaman

    5. Abaft: astern; toward the stern; to the rear of

    6. The stern-first icebreaking capacity relieves the strain on the vessel hull and engine structure involved in the traditional method of ramming ice bow-first, letting the weight of the cutter crush the ice, and then backing off full astern

    7. Finally, I got the engine into reverse and with the tug’s steam engine huffing full astern, the whirling slowed

    8. And with introductions out of the way, the LISBONA’s steam engine took charge with a roar and I noticed the other member of the crew, an older man, at the wheel astern

    9. Why flew to the back of the boat and perched astern, facing west, using his film-thin wings to fan the boat forward for what little his strength was worth

    10. Already arrows, arching from the pirate's deck, were falling with a hiss into the sea, not twenty paces astern

    11. Two more of my friends in a destroyer that used to be a pirate took a position astern of you

    12. Their only weakness was from directly astern

    13. forward to position it directly astern of the big ship

    14. destroyer dropped out of hyperspace directly astern of the hospital ship / battleship

    15. The ship crawled through the opening and the gates closed astern with a resonant thud

    16. Suffolk manoeuvered to place herself astern of the enemy ships and began shadowing and monitoring them with her radar

    17. The Germans, on sighting their adversaries, changed back to their original positions; Bismarck once more taking the lead with Prinz Eugen astern

    18. The wind could hardly be said to blow us along, it was so very gentle, but it did waft us along smoothly and steadily, and Wiek slipped into distance and its bells into silence, and the occasional solitary farms on the flat shores slid away one after the other, and the farthest point ahead came to meet us, dropped astern, became the farthest point behind, and we were far on our way while we were thinking we could hardly be moving

    19. When two vessels are shifting in the same route, and the astern vessel wishes to successfully pass, it must initiate the indication to successfully pass as proven in the rule book

    20. but the sea and sky, except a huge mass of blackness that lay astern

    21. "There's the thing in question, astern to port!" the harpooner

    22. "Set astern of the pilothouse is a powerful electric reflector whose

    23. But the Nautilus soon picked up speed and easily left astern the fastest of these man–eaters

    24. One sperm whale exterminated, it ran at another, tacked on the spot so as not to miss its prey, went ahead or astern, obeyed its rudder, dived when the cetacean sank to deeper strata, rose with it when it returned to the surface, struck it head–on or slantwise, hacked at it or tore it, and from every direction and at any speed, skewered it with its dreadful spur

    25. This time astern

    26. Not only are the side walls closing in, but there aren't ten feet of water ahead or astern of the Nautilus

    27. Then, a few seconds later, the waters splashed astern of the Nautilus , disturbed by the fall of a heavy object

    28. What with the cries aboard the steamer, and the furious blowing off of her steam, and her driving on, and our driving on, I could not at first distinguish sky from water or shore from shore; but the crew of the galley righted her with great speed, and, pulling certain swift strong strokes ahead, lay upon their oars, every man looking silently and eagerly at the water astern

    29. If it was possible for them to be trained from side to side—and it certainly looked as if it was—then all of the guns on either side could be fired in a single broadside and half the guns on either side could be fired at a target which lay well ahead or astern of the ship

    30. In light airs like this it was as if she were dragging an anchor astern of her, and the clock was ticking

    31. Astern of her, the other fourteen screw-galleys slowed as they maneuvered into four columns, two of three ships and two of four, and began to spread into a pattern aligned like the four fingers of an outstretched hand

    32. Snelyng swore as the second round shot slashed through the waves just astern of the boat, close enough to soak them all with spray

    33. Archangel and Holy Saint Tyldyn, the next two ships astern of Scepter, hadn’t begun reducing sail yet

    34. The lantern itself was a good three feet above his head, and he shaded his eyes against its illumination as he looked astern through the darkness from Tide’s high poop deck at Prodigal Lass, the merchant galleon the Royal Dohlaran Navy had taken into service temporarily as a transport

    35. The merchant ship wasn’t the handiest vessel Ahlkofahrdoh had ever seen, but Mychysyn, as always, was maintaining meticulous station astern of the escort flagship

    36. HMS Truculent, the regular Navy transport carrying the rest of the Charisian prisoners, was a bit farther astern of Prodigal Lass than she ought to have been

    37. She was well placed to come down on the wind if anything untoward happened, and Captain Bryxtyn’s Saint Kylmahn, one of Tide’s sister ships, was somewhere astern of the transports, watching the small convoy’s back

    38. (Actually, he’d known there were four, but HMS Saint Kylmahn had been too far astern for him to obtain a sighting on her

    39. And those lights also meant it was Ahbaht’s job to sweep south, then come in across the Dohlarans’ base course, hopefully well astern of the convoy

    40. Their relative motions would let him sweep in astern of her sooner

    41. In this case, the sound Lieutenant Kuhlhani couldn’t identify was the clatter of a pair of grappling hooks as they arced into the air from astern of the galleon and hooked their prongs over the taffrail on the poop deck above him

    42. If a ship was pooped, overtaken from astern by a heavy sea, the wave could sweep the full length of her decks, causing serious damage and washing men overboard

    43. I used to stuff a bundle of letters into my bag and read them when I felt inclined, which was in circumstances so incongruous swinging in my hammock, under the net, by the light of a storm-lantern; drifting down river, amidships in the canoe, with the boys astern of me lazily keeping our nose out of the bank, with the dark water keeping pace with us, in the green shade, with the great trees towering above us and the monkeys screeching in the sunlight, high overhead among the flowers on the roof of the forest; on the veranda of a hospitable ranch, where the ice and the dice clicked, and a tiger cat played with its chain on the mown grass - that they seemed voices so distant as to be meaningless; their matter passed clean through the mind, and out leaving no mark, like the facts about themselves which fellow travellers distribute so freely in American railway trains

    44. The Olympic began to draw ahead later or the Hawke drop astern, the captain did not know which

    45. Meantime, overseeing the other part of the ship, Captain Peleg ripped and swore astern in the most frightful manner

    46. Some days elapsed, and ice and icebergs all astern, the Pequod now went rolling through the bright Quito spring, which, at sea, almost perpetually reigns on the threshold of the eternal August of the Tropic

    47. Then all in one welded commotion came an invisible push from astern, while forward the boat seemed striking on a ledge; the sail collapsed and exploded; a gush of scalding vapour shot up near by; something rolled and tumbled like an earthquake beneath us

    48. But the whale-boat has no seat astern, no sofa of that sort whatever, and no tiller at all

    49. "Meantime, at the first tap of the boat's bottom, the Lakeman had slackened the line, so as to drop astern from the whirlpool; calmly looking on, he thought his own thoughts

    50. And now it is struck; for, starting from his trance into that unspeakable thing called his "flurry," the monster horribly wallowed in his blood, overwrapped himself in impenetrable, mad, boiling spray, so that the imperilled craft, instantly dropping astern, had much ado blindly to struggle out from that phrensied twilight into the clear air of the day

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    Sinónimos para "astern"

    astern abaft aft rearward behind back to the rear