Usar "asymmetric" en una oración
asymmetric oraciones de ejemplo
1. 1Random numbers are used in both symmetric and asymmetric cryptography as a way of generating keys and for the random values used in the operation of some algorithms
2. It is proposed that the observer (with his limited mind) isolates a logically self-consistent asymmetric universe from the superposed symmetric void
3. A person who has developed both brains to very high levels leads a two-fold existence — functioning rationally in an asymmetric universe, while abiding in a symmetric void
4. Every asymmetric manifestation is reflected by its opposite by the perfectly symmetric void
5. It is, thanks to chirality, says David Peat, that we have an observable (asymmetric) universe at all
6. Asymmetric logic has a deterministic feel
7. 2 inch touch screen built-in that can be used as a second screen providing additional info and interactivity, such as "asymmetric gameplay"
8. Now the difference between Larry and me was not that I am a professional negotiator and he is not; it was because there was asymmetric information
9. In asymmetric poses we usually use the channels, lo-
10. What a counterintuitive notion: meditation as a way to deal with asymmetric warfare
11. Remember, her risks are asymmetric to the risks of the option longs
12. It’s important to note that this happens with less frequency than a long squeeze, but given the asymmetric risks of the two, causes exponentially more pain to the losing side
13. • Asymmetric media The propagation of data to all of the stations on a wireless network does not necessarily occur at the same rate
14. The blackboard was bolted to the wall in an asymmetric position
15. dendrites outside such synapses, in the vicinity of asymmetric boutons on the head
16. recovery of DAT binding was asymmetric and possibly parallel with the improve-
17. Keeping the losses asymmetric versus the wins also alleviates a problem that most new traders experience: A few big losses giving back long-term profits quickly as a market environment changes, and what used to work stops working
18. When I spoke with Kyle recently, he shared the details of another asymmetric risk/reward opportunity he had found for himself and his investors
19. Remember how he taught his sons to make “riskless” investments with significant upside by buying nickels? The upside (reward) is way bigger than the downside (risk) on this deal, which makes it asymmetric
20. Using this formula of constantly investing where he has the opportunity for asymmetric rewards for the risk he’s taking, Paul could be wrong four out of five times and break even
21. You’re looking for that asymmetric risk/reward that all great investors seek
22. They call it asymmetric risk/reward
23. It’s one of the simplest forms of asymmetric risk/reward, and one that requires a tremendous amount of research, skill, and cash—which is one of the reasons Buffett pursued insurance holdings that throw off great cash flow and thus investment opportunities
24. And just like Jones’s relentless pursuit of asymmetric returns in his financial life (he’ll share his rule of 5 to 1 in a moment), his foundation work is no different
25. Nickels aside, Bass’s relentless focus on asymmetric risk/reward has led to two of the biggest return bets of the century: in both the housing market and the European debt crisis that began in 2008
26. Traditional equity and bond investments have well-understood risks and premia, but the same cannot be said for investments with asymmetric risk profiles (“picking up pennies in front of a steamroller”)
27. These strategies combine the dangers of (i) asymmetric returns and (ii) the coincidence of large losses with bad times
28. The more persistent the success and the more asymmetric the payoff, the more likely that this virtuous cycle turns vicious, ending with a rush to exit by returnchasers and leveraged traders
29. Investors into hedge funds are especially concerned about asymmetric strategies that involve selling various forms of tail risk insurance whose payoffs can look deceivingly alpha like
30. Other criticisms come as though out of a scattergun: some attack the classical notion that competitive markets are inherently self-stabilizing, others blame the Fed’s asymmetric policy responses, while others fault the use of normal distribution and VaR-based risk management in a world where fat tails dominate
31. Peso problems are especially important when we interpret the performance of assets or strategies with asymmetric return distributions
32. There are dark sides to the incentive question: asymmetric payoffs may motivate excessive risk taking, managers may hoard assets to maximize management fees, and managers may close a fund after a large drawdown and, shortly thereafter, open a new one
33. Such strategies can be valid sources of long-run return but the questionable part would be in concealing the return source and in excessive risk taking motivated by asymmetric incentive fees
34. As it gradually emerged that carry return distribution is asymmetric, academics began to explore whether this negative skew could explain high average returns and Sharpe ratios as a risk premium
35. The dreadful timing of large losses was not easy to detect during good times, especially given the asymmetric nature of carry payoffs
36. My story is twofold: (1) traders become more cautious (risk averse) ahead of such announcements, justifiably so because these events tend to trigger large market moves and high volatility, and (2) trader response is asymmetric depending on their recent success; traders on the wrong side of the recent trend (“losers”) are more likely to capitulate, thereby accentuating the recent trend in the days before the big event
37. The payoff profile is asymmetric
38. A symmetric volatility smile could be explained by fat tails in the real-world asset return distribution; while an asymmetric skew/smirk could be explained by greater downside volatility (the market’s greater propensity to jump downwards rather than upwards)
39. Complex securities whose contents, risks, and prices were opaque saw exceptionally sharp price falls, consistent with the asymmetric information stories noted above
40. Recall that the first four moments of a distribution are mean (what is the average return?), variance (how variable are returns around the average?), skewness (how asymmetric are returns?), and kurtosis (how fat are the tails?)
41. Here I just make some observations:• Higher moment tradeoffs include peso problems and the greater likelihood, with asymmetric payoff strategies, that the historical track record is biased—overstating returns and understating risks when the rare bad event has not yet materialized in the sample
42. Such predictability is empirically stronger for firms that face an especially asymmetric information environment
43. The result is outsized ex ante premia for asymmetric risk strategies just after losses have materialized, gradually receding premia (apparently as investor memories of the disaster decay), and exceptionally low premia after a long period in a benign disaster-free environment
44. Skewness preferences refer to preferring a more positively asymmetric return distribution for a given mean
45. Strategies with inherently asymmetric payoffs are especially dangerous
46. 2 reviews various good reasons for HFs’ success (expertise, flexibility, motivation, breadth) but also doubts about their record and its sustainability (reporting biases, hidden risks, growing competition, high fees, and asymmetric incentives)
47. When asymmetric combinations are allowed, this statement takes on a special meaning
48. Five variants of call-to-put ratios (one symmetric and four asymmetric) are created for each combination: 3:1, 3:2, 1:1, 2:3, 1:3
49. Hence, the left tail of the distribution is limited to this amount, which means that the returns distribution is asymmetric and cannot even roughly be considered as normal
50. The higher the absolute value of the slope, the more asymmetric the payoff function (if the slope is zero, the payoff function is perfectly symmetric)