Usar "at fault" en una oración
at fault oraciones de ejemplo
at fault
1. that was at fault
2. His eyes scanned in their usual predatory way, searching out that faulty human component in the machine that stops it from running smoothly
3. ” That gets the buyer on the side of the seller because the seller is the one at fault, who needs the buyer’s help in straightening out the issue so they can move on to the close
4. He was at fault and nothing he could say would make anything better
5. mean…holding the collective liable for the transgressions of the few…individuals considered abstractly…society at fault!
6. I saw areas where I too was at fault and I resolved to correct them
7. Our suspicion was that the Boche electrical systems, knock-off copies of a government-subsidized British design by Lucas Systems, were at fault
8. But it was him who was at fault, him who behaved stupidly, but he had gotten it all turned on her
9. when clearly you were at fault
10. Although the whole family is glad Dad survived, the driver of the other car was at fault and likely didn’t have insurance (or was drunk) because the driver drove away quickly leaving the scene most likely because the driver at fault was either drunk or texting and didn’t want to get caught
11. He is not at fault
12. outrageously and it’s him alone that is at fault here
13. Notably vexed and disappointed that he had so little practice compared to me, and still made turning look that faultless, I shifted uncomfortably on my bed, but Ishvara held me there without touching a single molecule of my body
14. Owing to them men shall be at fault and not reckon them in the whole reckoning of the year: yes, men shall be at fault, and not recognize them accurately
15. the obtuseness and cussedness of the discipline that is at fault
16. The unusually cruel manner in which he terminated me at 8:15am Pearl Harbor Day and then stood in my office watching me carry out my personal effects precluded our ever having a conversation about who was at fault in SD accident
17. Owing to them men shall be at fault and not reckon them in the whole reckoning of the year: yes men shall be at fault and not recognize them accurately
18. At fault or not, I was accused of being involved in witchcraft and would be put to death
19. No-one had ever questioned the elders in this fashion and certainly no-one had confronted them in the middle of a near-violent disagreement; it would have been assumed the other party, whoever they might be, was the one at fault
20. ” They were not at fault but “victims
21. blaming everything on her sister, even when she was blatantly at fault
22. "You aren’t at fault
23. She was incredibly defensive and could not accept that she was at fault in the issues she started
24. went wrong in other divisions, whether at fault or not, victimised as a division and at times as individuals, but we would just not give up
25. -What fault if I don't have any? –The Genie said
26. The guy in the other vehicle got out of his car and they argued as to who was at fault
27. The American Foreign Service Association, our putative union, also is at fault by not pressing senior management to seriously address these concerns
28. apology from the company and an admission that they were at fault
29. She had become firmly convinced that the Swordsmen were not at fault, but who was driving the assault eluded her
30. This driver wasn’t at fault
31. and that faulting would cause geological anomalies to form in the earth, creating the mineralization that we see today
32. On too many occasions, companies and individuals have been at fault and fined for their transgressions, and yet few if any one did jail time
33. He said the company didn’t get back to him and perhaps the company was at fault but he should have at least called me to give me some news
34. “Lady, shut the f_ck up, okay! I’m not at fault here you
35. If she had been late and Faye had already grown impatient and left, she would be highly embarrassed at having been at fault and making the young woman waste her time waiting
36. “True,” he replied grudgingly, “but you can’t help feeling sorry for them, regardless of which one is at fault
37. that the opposing party was truly at fault
38. and promptly act to hold those at fault accountable, but in-fact,
39. education, the instructor was always held at fault, no matter what
40. easily deduced that I was not at fault, but he never even as much
41. Delivering this letter was not the act of a guilty man, though that would not save him if Malenkov thought he was at fault
42. If some admirals are at fault in this, call me and I will have their stars yanked by the Senate
43. And even then, through their blindness, they are not at fault, but on a mission for their belief, the blind leading the blind, for they have not the vision of Christ, and Him resurrected
44. That’s not to say that all parties are at fault, quite the contrary, some could be perfectly justified in their actions
45. "What's this I hear? You KNEW someone was threatening her, and you didn't say a word? I thought you had your head screwed on straight! I even suspected you had Capricorn Rising, you seemed so responsible--but that's a real laugh! You're at fault for this!"
46. ‘’You were not at fault then, Sire Boson
47. “Alright, you might as well know, since my stupid bodyguards are at fault
48. things that probably caused your relationship to fail, and who was at fault
49. Nobody other than Zulimistan itself is at fault this for this devastation and misery
50. There must have been many talks about Muslims that these people were terrorists, fundamentalist with their negative inclinations and if such thoughts haunted your minds then you are not at fault as it was natural