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    1. On a visit to one of the more unstable areas of the Himalaya, the Ambassador and her entourage were caught up in an avalanche caused by flash floods

    2. ‘The site of the avalanche will become a permanent memorial to her

    3. It felt like there was nothing else, just them there, together forever in this happy, blissful moment here in this Arcadian avalanche of absolute tranquility

    4. Emily figured he was probably on the verge of emerging from his shelter after she had buried Whimly and the demons beneath the avalanche of rock

    5. naturedly, blushing with the avalanche of praise

    6. A snowball slowly gathering speed and before you know, it’s was an avalanche, taking everything in its way

    7. An avalanche of leaves, dirt, and parts of bird’s nests fell to the floor

    8. to focus, Nathaniel had somehow managed to get completely stuck inside his toy box, trapped by an avalanche of cars and his Little People Garage

    9. Someone came sliding into my shell hole with an avalanche of stone earth and grit I was just about to give them a mouthful when I saw who it was

    10. She jumped aside, allowing the fowl avalanche to plunge down the trail

    11. Teron is also considered the more wild and volatile of the two halves of the Power, described as an avalanche of ice or a volcano of fire, wielders are often fighting for their lives to control their grip on the Power to avoid being severed from teron or causing harm to others by lashing out with the Power

    12. Nevertheless, in an avalanche of events, the government was further hampered and weakened by feature stories that included accounts of atrocities by a government mired with rampant corruption, while the flow of arms from Russia and East Germany to the Sandinistas increased, creating a rebel army from the mobs of protesters

    13. It begun as a simple hint of ignorance that turned into an avalanche of fear, uncertainty and doubt with all the rapid alacrity that the demonic synapses of his brain’s equivalent could deliver

    14. Her sentiment, exactly! But no! In an avalanche of new horror, the realization dropped into her stomach like an exploding bomb: five hundred eighty-seven kilos of cocaine were in the hold

    15. Then, in a dizzying avalanche of events cascading out of control, Truman showed up, returned from the dead, Edgar was brutally murdered before his very eyes, and now, here’s his cousin cocaine trafficking on a grand scale for a major politician! Added to this parade of horrors was the knowledge that the American CIA sponsored their bloody rampage through his country by drug smuggling

    16. They all looked toward the source of the disturbance just in time to see an avalanche of horns and heads rise over the hilltop

    17. Shouldering its way through the mountain that shrank before this devastating onslaught, it thundered its way down, pouring an avalanche of mud, rock and salt water into the lake far below

    18. The avalanche of water had rushed back from its devastatingly bruising brush with the mountain rampart almost as urgently as it had rushed forward

    19. ‘We can confirm that the terrorist group AVALANCHE has

    20. AVALANCHE will continue its reign of terror

    21. AVALANCHE were much more militant than we are, and the

    22. I was glad to see the trees, since they made it less likely that I would encounter an avalanche along the way

    23. We’ll tear down Sector7 and report that AVALANCHE did it, he

    24. AVALANCHE was here? Do you agree with that Turk? Are you

    25. If we promise that AVALANCHE has been

    26. “we’re the ones who saved Sector7 from AVALANCHE,

    27. “Tseng told me that you three are from AVALANCHE

    28. an avalanche of filthy, dark water plunged over onto the road

    29. avalanche of water exploded in, sweeping the young man across the room and pinning

    30. to the Company throughout the AVALANCHE ordeal

    31. AVALANCHE would’ve been where they were supposed to be

    32. hill is snow, the result of a fairly recent avalanche, and if you

    33. All at once, an avalanche of mixed emotions showers over me and I struggle to hide the tremor of what just happened

    34. “Mam said he was buried by a winter avalanche the season before she went down to the lowlands to meet my father

    35. Where are they all coming from? Moshe wondered as the human avalanche

    36. take comfort in the hope that repetition of itself might help amid the avalanche of sound and ice

    37. The scout led Halfdan forward through a patch of spruce-forest to the edge of a sharp ridge that overlooked a deep and narrow valley; this scar in the mountain's face looked like it was from an avalanche

    38. avalanche as most of the now-seasoned Hebrew warriors, the roar of victory in their throats,

    39. “Well, you were buried in an avalanche and when they uncovered you, you weren’t breathing

    40. Maybe it was because I was almost crushed by the avalanche of boxes and bags that buried me as I stepped inside

    41. Terrified I was going to start an avalanche, I dragged cold, twisted, cramped, aching extremities in to join my torso

    42. Sam lunged at the monster with all of his force; the monster continued to roar and upset the rocks on the hill, which came tumbling down like an avalanche, running over most of the chanters

    43. Yet the flow of pain never stops cascading like an avalanche and it seems to be the only reason you were born at all

    44. Rearing up a second time, he struck yet another shelf and upended a new avalanche of foodstuffs over himself

    45. available was a good one, and this chap knew there would be an avalanche of

    46. As an avalanche sweeps onward, gathering bulk and momentum, I will sweep into the lands of mine ancient enemies

    47. There was a last glimpse of Khemsa, with arms wildly upflung, and then he vanished amidst the roar of the avalanche that thundered down into the abyss

    48. The whole plain shook to the rumbling avalanche of hoofs, and the shimmer of gold and steel dazzled the watchers on the towers of Shamar

    49. When the little avalanche came to a rest, I lay covered with cuts and bruises, barely conscious

    50. However, at present there's not enough snow yet for an avalanche

    1. Rapid and fleeting, the whispered stories avalanched over him like mist, there and gone before they could be grasped

    1. Adem felt the Power flow into him, rivers of ice and avalanches of fire, mixed with the foulness of the taint that made him want to empty the contents of his stomach

    2. Still, spring was a dangerous time to be in the mountains because thawing could touch off avalanches, especially in passes

    3. The crashing sound bounces against the mountains and causes avalanches

    4. All would be trained to deal with avalanches, cold sickness, height sickness, and typical climbing injuries, and trained to properly provision and supply for their various expeditions

    5. the crushing weight of merciless avalanches of the souls of

    6. There were mountain tops that snowed, and big snowballs and avalanches would fall down, but by the time they hit the bottom, they would be melted by the hot sun

    7. The rich smell of blood and meat made my stomach growl and I yelled a roar that echoed down the valley setting off a series of avalanches that made the ground tremble

    8. "We also have an acute fear of avalanches," Nadya said

    9. serving money will flow to you in endless avalanches of abundance

    10. “And then there is rock fall, avalanches, flash-freezing, sunburn,

    11. Otherwise, the lady and her house on wheels would’ve been back down at the bottom where they’d started their steep climb, instead of on top, with her looking back in shocked awe at all the minor avalanches coming to a dust cloud-shrouded stop

    12. learn two things concerning avalanches: how to be aware of the

    13. FORWARD! I set off over the rocks at a brisk pace, and almost run up the damned hill; the stones are continually sliding beneath my feet, and I start little avalanches

    14. And the attempt to escape from the evidence of Intelligence, exhibited in the similar but varied internal construction of such a mountain-side of houses, by the supposition that avalanches were sufficient architectural causes, would be reasonable in comparison with the idea that 'this universal frame of Nature is without a Mind

    15. Avalanches of coal glitter blackly

    16. But of hiking over snow-covered ground it said that both crampons and an ice ax were necessary, as well as a firm grasp of how to use a compass, “an informed respect for avalanches,” and “a lot of mountaineering sense

    17. Since he and Ash had started walking, they’d heard a dozen small avalanches

    18. melting the avalanches of slang in her brain, she went on:—

    19. Who, then, can calculate the course of a molecule? How do we know that the creation of worlds is not determined by the fall of grains of sand? Who knows the reciprocal ebb and flow of the infinitely great and the infinitely little, the reverberations of causes in the precipices of being, and the avalanches of creation? The tiniest worm is of importance; the great is little, the little is great; everything is balanced in necessity; alarming vision for the mind

    20. A metal ship, not rusted or touched by the avalanches

    21. Avalanches fell into valley

    22. He had already understood the avalanches, the heat, the cold, the shortness of life, but these were things of places, of scene-mute, extravagant manifestations of unthinking nature, not motivated save by gravity and radiation

    23. You touch a boulder and the berries fall in silent red avalanches, and the grass is very tender

    24. Earthquakes and avalanches filled the old beds

    25. Great volcanoes, machines, winds, avalanches slid down to silence and she awoke, sobbing, in the bed, in Mexico, many years away…

    26. There were occasional thunderclaps which fell and broke upon themselves in avalanches of cold rain and wind hitting sand and stone

    27. For was it not true, thought Martínez, that when Vamenos passed by, avalanches itched on mountaintops? If he walked under windows, people spat, dumped garbage, or worse

    28. Then they closed the door and heard the gigantic sound of the rain falling in tons and avalanches, everywhere and forever

    29. He had already understood the avalanches, the heat, the cold, the shortness of life, but these were things of places, of scene—mute, extravagant manifestations of unthinking nature, not motivated save by gravity and radiation

    30. You touch a boulder and the berries fall in silent red avalanches, and the grass is very tender…’

    31. ‘“My God!” cried Willy, “you’re the loveliest grand camellia that ever did unfurl!’ Whereupon new tides of blush moved in hidden avalanches within, showing only to color the tent of my body, the outermost and, to Willy anyway, most precious skin

    32. Great volcanoes, machines, winds, avalanches slid down to silence and she awoke, sobbing, in the bed, in Mexico, many years away

    33. Avalanches are a serious hazard in all high mountain regions

    34. -The heat of the sun on the snow can cause avalanches so before noon travel in shaded areas—keep off those exposed to the sun

    35. — and avalanches in the White and Green Mountains, xv, 217

    1. ” its legs fell into a pile, covering the coins and Key, and its torso landed upon the avalanching heap

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