Usar "awesome" en una oración
awesome oraciones de ejemplo
1. To know that part of you will live on, after you are gone, is truly an awesome thing
2. That's an awesome gift to live to see and experience
3. He found her stylish, with awesome breasts, but chilly and insufferably snobbish about her culture
4. I crossed the road to the Flea Market in Avissinias square and wandered around, snatching occasional glimpses of the awesome floodlit Acropolis at the end of narrow interlocking streets but it was too early to visit
5. There before him was Jake, in all his awesome majesty, kneeling as it were, head bent, his body perfectly outlined by the rays of the rising sun
6. Luray was deep into the awesome majesty of the evening
7. “Wow! That’s awesome and very acceptable
8. My religious roots lie in the high Anglican tradition - smells and bells, Hymns Ancient and Modern and the whole awesome mystical baggage that goes with it
9. If this were a story about a fantastic hero, then Matt would don his perfect mask and perfect cape, run out the door in a flash and announce, ‘step back, innocent civilians! I shall now save the day!’, and then Matt would save the world from certain doom in a most perfect way and be rewarded with millions of dollars and a pool filled with drop-dead perfect gorgeous women, and then go back home to his perfect private tropical island where nothing bad ever happened, except for when it was a chance for Matt to prove how awesome he was and just plain better than everyone else
10. The zeal of the Captain of the Host is fearful and awesome, but
11. There's an awesome dawn from that court
12. He wondered how he was going to react to the loss of Shinvei? Would he soon long for someone as awesome as her again? Would Luray soon grow tired of his poverty and lack of culture? It was a two and a half mile walk home along some upper paths, beautifully scenic in the glowing hour of sunset, but he hardly noticed as he dwelled on these thoughts
13. I like her, she's fun, she's awesome in fact, but I'm not in love with her and never really have been
14. Then they went down to an awesome concert in one of the great halls of the Central Fastness and got so wasted they went on adventures of which a series of novels could be written
15. Another display of the Destroyer's awesome power and invincibility
16. “This is awesome! Oh my God, did you see? Triton is actually crying! Who knew he was even aware of my existence?" Izzy's laughter echoed off the painted glass, but only the three of us were aware of her
17. What an awesome sight that must be, he thought
18. The results from this could be awesome indeed!
19. That is the most awesome experience of our lives!” The rest of the company on the bridge clapped loudly at her pronouncement; they were genuinely thankful to be part of the Huntress's crew
20. awesome respect for Uar - as the courtiers
21. arts, in the sense that it combines the best of grappling with awesome throws
22. "That's Ali, and she's fucking awesome!" Joss exclaimed as he backed away from Seth
23. Ali was awesome
24. awesome feeling of exhilaration that comes from being at
25. It was an awesome experience
26. Added some beaten egg and bread crumbs to the leftovers for your next meal, taste is awesome
27. experience and to share the awesome uniqueness that is
28. ” Her chin jutted forward and her eyes blazed and she was awesome to watch I can tell you however I was glad that he was on the receiving end and not me
29. mean, these are awesome, easy, step-by-step guides on
30. Although this highly sophisticated and financially prohibitive and ―impractical‖ venture may appear ‖implausible‖ to some, the reduction in stress-related travel, increased quality time, higher productivity at the workplace and the system‘s ameliorating impact on our environment (already) under enormous stress, not to mention our nation‘s increasing dependence on foreign sources of oil, may very well offset the cost(s) associated with this awesome undertaking
31. ‘Kaye this is awesome I love it all, thanks chicky
32. The fat politicians simply don't understand the awesome power a modern carrier group has or the rattlesnake ways of the ordinary marine in combat
33. All through the forest creatures paused in their activities, sensing some awesome event was taking place
34. Now came the awesome thunder of twenty-four aircraft engines, all running full-out for brief spattering seconds as they checked their revs, the thrust, the magnetos, and then the intermittent blast and roar when they took off in twos
35. “It’s awesome, simply awesome!”
36. I could imagine this man would have made an awesome air guitarist
37. Hilderich was considering the magnificent simplicity and awesome sight of the pillar of light in front of him
38. “Holy shit! That was awesome,” Dawley allowed
39. He snapped a couple of awesome photos of the sunset descending behind snow capped mountains
40. The Patriarch had forced these upon him when Ursempyre’s first attempt from the balcony below had failed, prevented by the Patriarch’s awesome powers who had stunned Ursempyre and rendered him unable to even flicker an eyelid
41. He still found it difficult to understand how eccentric a machine of such awesome power could be, resolving to ignore most of what it said from then onwards
42. He saw something truly awesome!
43. The project is a long way from complete yet but it is an awesome sight from the ground by day and even more spectacular when illuminated at night, sat atop Nakkerd Hill
44. Having awesome pennies was more important than a little floor burn on my forehead at that point in time
45. “It was awesome Bob! By the end of the day I will have danced with all of us Neighborhood Street Rockers
46. “That is awesome news,” I said
47. But just when I thought Fandango was getting all emotional and caring on me, he said, “Wow Phil, you have been holding them for a while, that’s awesome of you
48. The awesome thing about the response was that it came from those
49. has produced awesome results over the years, and if anyone can over-
50. She did it with a thoroughness, an unrelenting attention to detail, that was awesome