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    Usar "backfired" en una oración

    backfired oraciones de ejemplo


    1. backfired on me because it cost me lots of money and my site was still lacking

    2. the coffin at Homecoming had backfired

    3. “I tried telling some teachers a while back, but… it backfired on me

    4. backfired, but he was careful not to smile

    5. It had backfired

    6. The joke had backfired

    7. Yes it backfired sometimes but that was less than 0

    8. The bike backfired at his mistreatment and he only just managed to hold it on the road

    9. The effort backfired disastrously

    10. Once Libby in a confiding moment had explained how Norm used to wake up with nightmares screaming, and how once when a car backfired near them, he dived into the bushes, and was actually white and shaking when she managed to finally co-erce him out

    11. off, I thought that his car had backfired, but I was mistaken

    12. had backfired on him

    13. I sold my usual deals and looked after the boys which backfired a few days later

    14. dreaming business has backfired in a way I could never have foreseen

    15. "The others were held in a small town outside of Montreal, but the less you knew of this the better, just in case it backfired on us

    16. What if they used the plan and it backfired on him

    17. The van backfired

    18. Had news of their passage travelled ahead of them? Could it be Delmage’s folly had backfired on them all? Was the game up? This seemed to be the case and a logical conclusion reached by them all as they stepped from the stairway into an area as large as a football field populated only by airport staff, scores of policemen; and their dogs

    19. She'd done something positive for the business, and it hadn't backfired

    20. Jeremiah, her search for the perfect immortal life had backfired

    21. At a time when the nation was grieving, when the security forces were working round the clock on rescue missions, the self-publicity backfired

    22. The apparent shift in strategy from the ‘development driven’ pattern to a sharper ‘Hindutva’ identity politics has already backfired in a series of by-elections since the general elections

    23. “Lamentably for the Jews, this conduct backfired, eventually,

    24. was made public in the fall of 1944 but backfired

    25. plan backfired because he never came to see me while he was awake

    26. thing to rub in our faces but that backfired as we all know,” Amylia said

    27. The ashes of your relationship with Sydney which eventually backfired left the two of you broken

    28. His plan had backfired

    29. The malicious officer was stricken by the very same evil that he had tried to do to another man: his evil intentions had backfired on him

    30. “What does a spirit of love do?” #3's sentimental move backfired with the AS-audience, and the question immediately received only 342 likes and a terrible seventeen percent approval

    31. Turning the key again, the battle-worn truck backfired, sputtered, and finally roared to life

    32. My attempt at bonding seemed to have backfired but as depressing as that might have been I had a full day of interviews the next day and that lifted my spirits

    33. it has often occurred that it backfired by generating anti-

    34. “In other words the boons conferred upon them by Mahadeva backfired because

    35. With no job, no money, and caught in the middle of a nasty divorce, it was starting to look like Jeremiah’s little plan for Cameron had backfired

    36. The plan to split them up backfired miserably

    37. His decision to leave her alone for a few hours apparently backfired

    38. The White House strategy of attempting to discredit John Dean by supplying selected quotes of his meetings with the president had backfired spectacularly, leading Armstrong to focus on the Buzhardt memo and Sanders to ask the direct question

    39. Then she’d tried drinking too much, in order to facilitate the transition into sex, but that backfired, too

    40. I came in after vacation and made the conscious effort of taking things slow on the open, and as it turned out, all the opportunity was really on the open, so that backfired

    41. This strategy backfired on him in his investment in Medivation, which fell about 65 percent in one day after reporting bad news

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