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bacteria oraciones de ejemplo
1. People blamed it on rats or divine intervention at the time, but it was actually a bacteria carried by fleas
2. But in the long term insects develop resistance to the super-tomatoes, leaving farmers scrambling to find ever newer strains of protective bacteria
3. It combines aerobic and anaerobic bacteria enhancers that produce nitrogen from the air and enzyme action in the soil
4. To have healthy soil you must have a diversity of bacteria and minerals, which is not possible when using chemicals
5. BT (Bacterium Thuringiensis) discovered in 1911, is a type of natural bacteria found in the stomach of certain caterpillars
6. Chemical Fungicides destroy the bacteria & “Goods Guys” in the soil, and can cause health problems in humans and animals
7. To regain balance we must stop relying on chemicals to control our pests but instead rely more on maintaining a balanced ecosystem, diversity rich with bacteria and enzymes
8. Chemical fertilizers kill off the beneficial soil bacteria, as well as killing off earthworms and therefore should not be used, should be avoided at all cost! In this environment, the lawn and its bio-system will be operating under stress
9. Therefore compost, when added back to the lawn, reestablishes the cycle and returns nutrients and bacteria to the soil
10. Organic Fertilizers: Chemical fertilizers lack bacteria and enzymes essential for soil life and for nutritional exchanges necessary between plant and soil
11. Using a Liquid Seaweed: Seaweed is full of trace mineral and bacteria
12. Chemicals kill off the bacteria in the soil while at the same time weakening the health of the tree
13. Besides taking a vacation the addition of compost rich in trace minerals and bacteria is the best thing you can do to help raise the tree’s energy levels
14. The idea is to provide plants with important trace minerals, bacteria, enzymes, and elements necessary for a healthy plant to grow
15. The ocean is very rich in trace minerals, enzymes, and bacteria as well as small amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium
16. which are added to kill bacteria!
17. Water is very important; too much water will drown and not enough will kill off the bacteria
18. There are many different types of bacteria present in a compost heap depending on the time from the start of the pile
19. Bacteria love heat and work best within a range of 140-180 F
20. Compost Production: Using rock dust in compost production increases its energy level by adding minerals, and increasing the activity of bacteria
21. The increased bacteria stimulates the composting process
22. You should always use a water filter to control unwanted bacteria, toxins, and/or chlorine)
23. This was where the carbon-fiber bacteria was discovered, well before 3000bc
24. The acid from Jake’s saliva had destroyed most of the bacteria, but some had entered his bloodstream and this was what he was fighting
25. Your body had to accept the bacteria in the saliva, and reject the poison
26. Fifteen is a dangerous time to come into contact with a new set of bacteria either on Earth or here on Errd, and you had no defences against the strains which are common here
27. Ruptured or open skin will be easily penetrated by bacteria that cause infection
28. But the whole explanation hinges on the ability of entangled particles in decay bacteria to transmit a human soul
29. foreign bacteria, toxins, and other invaders
30. That channel thru entanglement in the decay bacteria has been supplying a richer source of souls with every step forward in evolution and every increase in human population
31. She told them about the Wetat, she told them how they believe it lifts souls thru decay bacteria entangled with higher order condensates in the dark matter
32. I would speculate that our cryo-slicing technique has taken the brain, and therefore the soul, before their decay bacteria could spread thruout the brain and get a read out
33. “So we think,” Elmore said, “but you never know what bacteria might infect, especially bacteria that can produce plastic, which Alan says they have
34. We know that viruses or bacteria are the cause behind
35. “What about that bacteria they found on Mars some years back?”
36. ” declared Chris, “We’ve spent hundreds of years searching for alien life and found nothing more than algae and bacteria
37. at Chicago say compounds in tea can slow the growth of bacteria in
38. "All we can say is that a cup of tea will produce more than enough of these active materials to affect the bacteria," she said
39. In the mouth, bacteria are protected by all sorts of things
40. Doctor Cater was the one who told me that another bacteria had built up around the first one
41. Bacteria can cause
42. steps the prevent bacteria from contaminating not only the teats of the
43. “Without a proper host species, most parasitic bacteria and viral life-forms quickly die in a new environment
44. Bacteria acting on sugar produce the acid that fuels the disease process
45. Prevent the build-up of bacteria around the gum
46. “Well, you have some odd bacteria on you that resisted the decontamination treatment
47. antibacterial gel; this will kill bacteria before it gets into the open follicles
48. Why? This course of acne treatment kills bacteria, but it does not affect
49. consisting of white blood cells, dead cells, and bacteria
50. It passes near a fish and he sees bacteria on it, he also sees oxygen bubbles in the water and a catfish quickly moving