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    Usar "barefooted" en una oración

    barefooted oraciones de ejemplo


    1. It was a barefooted woman who

    2. The sun is shining in through one of the portholes and glinting on the polished wood, stretching as I go, I pad barefooted across the floor to look out at the day

    3. was barefooted on hot asphalt

    4. In Scotland, custom has rendered them a necessary of life to the lowest order of men ; but not to the same order of women, who may, without any discredit, walk about barefooted

    5. In France, they are necessaries neither to men nor to women; the lowest rank of both sexes appearing there publicly, without any discredit, sometimes in wooden shoes, and sometimes barefooted

    6. He was barefooted and he moved impossibly fast, with the grace of a cat

    7. He stormed outside dressed in nothing but his shorts and ran towards the moving wedding feast barefooted

    8. She pulled off her boots again and threw them onto the terrace of the large house as they passed there, and then continued barefooted through the wet grass

    9. She had walked the three miles from the harbour mouth barefooted, over a road where there was still snow and slush and mud

    10. She was used to being cold, and she had been going barefooted for a month already, like all the other swarming young fry of the fishing village

    11. "Oh, why are you barefooted on such a cold night?" cried Faith

    12. "I'll go barefooted first, cold as it is

    13. " "You can't go barefooted to church to-morrow

    14. In the center of the park, a fire had been lit in a huge garbage can and men, women and children danced and spun around the fire, some barefooted, as the drummers played on

    15. 12 And the sons of Jacob and the sons of Esau went barefooted round about, walking and lamenting until they reached Kireath-arba

    16. 40 And Joseph and his household went together near the bier barefooted and weeping, and the rest of Joseph's servants went around him; each man had his ornaments on him, and they were all armed with their weapons of war

    17. 12 And the sons of Jacob and the sons of Esau went barefooted round about walking and lamenting until they reached Kireath-arba

    18. 40 And Joseph and his household went together near the bier barefooted and weeping and the rest of Joseph's servants went around him; each man had his ornaments on him and they were all armed with their weapons of war

    19. I paced barefooted on the cool floor, listening to Mr Campbell shouting

    20. I wouldn’t say that it’s a matter of ‘integrity, spirituality and morality’, but when I march barefooted, I’m in tune with my inner drum

    21. weeks in a community where it is the custom to walk barefooted, and I was

    22. Barefooted, headlong into the wall of

    23. With graceful strides barefooted she went all the way up to his neck

    24. Next to José Arcadio Segundo there was a barefooted woman, very fat, with two children between the ages of four and seven

    25. Barefooted I leave it

    26. He ran off barefooted down the street without saying anything in reply

    27. Jeep barefooted because he forgot to bring a second pair of

    28. barefooted and ran towards his father

    29. there something in the demeanor of a barefooted Black man that makes a woman

    30. barefooted it across a hot bed of clean burning coals

    31. It was reported that some Muslim women said to the Lady Aisha (may God be pleased with her): “There is a man, ascetic and Sufi, putting wool on his body, walking barefooted and running in the roads

    32. She was even allowed to watch over many gypsy children and welcomed the opportunity to have the young, barefooted and restless urchins laugh at her while running around in fields or

    33. The last barefooted woman he’d shared a room with had been his wife

    34. Barefooted, Ellie stumbled on a sharp rock that bit into the soft skin of her foot

    35. She ran barefooted, only dressed in a skirt and bra

    36. Unshod: Barefooted; not wearing shoes

    37. be married in their bare feet, for example, will remember a country with barefooted

    38. "I think so," said Cardenio, "for, as he shows, he accepts it as a certainty that everything those books relate took place exactly as it is written down; and the barefooted friars themselves would not persuade him to the contrary

    39. When a knight is involved in some difficulty from which he cannot be delivered save by the hand of another knight, though they may be at a distance of two or three thousand leagues or more one from the other, they either take him up on a cloud, or they provide a bark for him to get into, and in less than the twinkling of an eye they carry him where they will and where his help is required; and so, Sancho, this bark is placed here for the same purpose; this is as true as that it is now day, and ere this one passes tie Dapple and Rocinante together, and then in God's hand be it to guide us; for I would not hold back from embarking, though barefooted friars were to beg me

    40. Then he promised the Holy Virgin three chasubles for the church, and that he would go barefooted from the cemetery at Bertaux to the chapel of Vassonville

    41. Some of the young men was barefooted, and some of the children didn't have on any clothes but just a tow-linen shirt

    42. Ten young descendants of Marius and the Gracchi, barefooted and out at elbows, with one hand resting on the hip and the other gracefully curved above the head, stared at the traveller, the post-chaise, and the horses; to these were added about fifty little vagabonds from the Papal States, who earned a pittance by diving into the Tiber at high water from the bridge of St

    43. Most miners being Indians, with big wild eyes, addressed him as Taita (father), as these barefooted people of Costaguana will address anybody who wears shoes; but it was Basilio, Mr

    44. Father first, in a pointed straw hat, then the mother with the bigger children, generally also a diminutive donkey, all under burdens, except the leader himself, or perhaps some grown girl, the pride of the family, stepping barefooted and straight as an arrow, with braids of raven hair, a thick, haughty profile, and no load to carry but the small guitar of the country and a pair of soft leather sandals tied together on her back

    45. And as for looking like a ragamuffin, you should thank your stars your husband didn’t come home barefooted

    46. She slipped off her worn shoe and, barefooted, she pattered swiftly to the bureau, not even feeling her festered toe

    47. He Then at the thought of Ashley barefooted, Scarlett could have cried

    48. barefooted in the snow at Franklin and got the finest case of dysentery you ever heard

    49. The doctor spoke dispassionately, almost brutally, with the relish men of science sometimes have for limiting themselves to inessentials, for pruning back their work to the point of sterility; but the bearded, barefooted brother in whose charge he put me, the man of no scientific pretensions who did the dirty jobs of the ward, had a different story

    50. with your hands blistered—just so the baby and I could have something to eat—and remember you walking in a furrow behind that Yankee’s horse almost barefooted and then believe such dreadful things about you? I don’t want to hear a word out of you,

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    barefoot barefooted shoeless