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    basilica oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Towards the end of the village, sat a grove of windmills, their blades pushing at an endless sky but the highest point was the tower of a church or basilica and close to that waved the noble blue and white national flag of Greece - a part of the nation, yet apart from the nation

    2. In the central square is our basilica

    3. As we filed past the basilica, a short line of neighbours were waiting with the bishop

    4. Our bishop will celebrate a service in the basilica and all the leaders will be there

    5. The morning of Festival came along with the usual cacophony from the swifts and swallows larking about on the balcony and the priests chanting in the basilica

    6. My hands stroked the old, old stones bordering the ruins of the basilica of Agia Melina and by climbing on one at my feet I was able to look over the walls at the proud white marble columns still upright in the grounds

    7. 'They said the basilica was almost definitely built over the same site

    8. They readied their provisions and set off for the site being readied for the Sacré-Cœur Basilica located at the summit of the butte Montmartre, the highest point in the city

    9. not in its famed basilica - but many miles to the south in

    10. settled in it was too late to visit the basilica, but he'd

    11. The ruined tower of the Basilica of Notre Dame de Brebiéres stood out like a sentry and a hundred feet above our heads the Madonna or ‘Lady of the Limp’ as she was known held out her precious child over the square and devastation below as though to say look what you are doing

    12. Honestly, Raven, you haven’t seen splendour until you’ve stepped into Basilica Di San Giovanni in Laterano

    13. Peter’s Basilica – gone

    14. He first took me to the Basilica of Saint Denis, a historic building located some distance from Paris, to the north of the city

    15. The doge claimed that his predecessors had secured the body of someone called San Marco from Egypt almost six hundred years before and built the Basilica in his honor

    16. The basilica was most ornate

    17. Inside the basilica was rather cavernous, with natural light coming through narrow windows in the five domes

    18. Some of the previous doges were buried in the Basilica as well, mostly in the walls of the atrium

    19. We finally left the Basilica after midday and crossed the square in front of the doge’s palace to the quay

    20. Though traffic was a real nightmare, as to stop for a red light brought loud protests from angry motorists who seemed annoyed at those obeying traffic signals, Istanbul was a delightful city to visit with its attractive and dramatic Blue Mosque, the Topkapi Palace museum, the imposing Basilica of Hagia Sofia and the mammoth Grand Bazaar

    21. Mark’s Basilica of splendid Byzantine style, the Doge’s Palace and the “Galleria dell’Accademia” (Academy of Fine Arts)

    22. Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

    23. Three small museums in the Mission Basilica, built in 1771, traced the history of the area and revealed the darker side of the dainty building with the graves of more than three thousand local Indians buried in the cemetery

    24. The only French organ older than this is in the Basilica of St

    25. In the 11th century Basilica of St

    26. The Basilica is particularly fascinating because it represents a combination of Romance and Gothic styles

    27. The French wanted the cathedral constructed in the new Gothic style; so much of the Basilica was demolished and replaced with a Gothic version

    28. Pierre in the Basilica of St

    29. Morse decided to cut back across the village to the Basilica of St

    30. The basilica inside was dark and tall

    31. They quickly made their way down the great hall of the Basilica, looking for a good place to hide

    32. Pierre de Rochefort, the former Bishop of Carcassonne from 1300 to 1322, who was responsible for nearly all the Gothic work of the Basilica

    33. Just then, a man came running down the main aisle of the Basilica towards them

    34. ‖ Doug sprinted back down the aisle of the Basilica towards the entrance

    35. He sprinted back to the Basilica, in the hopes that his prey would still be there

    36. When he dashed into the great hall of the Basilica, he checked every pew

    37. onto the stone floor of the Basilica

    38. Police detectives in Carcassonne confirmed that the ancient confessional in the Basilica was missing its screen

    39. When Helisachar spewed those words at the Christmas mass in the Saint-Sernin Basilica, I stormed out after telling him publicly that he was full of shit

    40. The body fed and watered, it was time to provide some food for the mind and spirit, so we hoofed it to the magnificent basilica we had seen earlier

    41. We turned to the right in front of it and walked towards the basilica and along its side towards a building, which in the moonlight also looked like a church

    42. And the next morning we were all at the funeral Mass at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Basilica in Boston

    43. We walked around in the winter mist, on duckboards thrown down over the floodwaters, went to a shuttered basilica and watched them lay the roses on the glass resting place of the fingers of a saint

    44. They were straight across the basilica

    45. In Mexico City, nearly three-quarters of a million of the faithful attended an equally emotional Mass in and around the Basilica of Guadalupe, the site where the Blessed Virgin had appeared to a local Indian in the sixteenth century

    46. Peter’s Basilica, the young priest’s voice continued to echo out in the colonnades and towering, ancient columns

    47. Larose, his collaborator on la Foudre, said: "Bah! Who is there who is not fifty years old? a few greenhorns perhaps?" The Abbe Letourneur, preacher to the King, the Abbe Frayssinous, who was not, as yet, either count, or bishop, or minister, or peer, and who wore an old cassock whose buttons were missing, and the Abbe Keravenant, Cure of Saint-Germain-des-Pres; also the Pope's Nuncio, then Monsignor Macchi, Archbishop of Nisibi, later on Cardinal, remarkable for his long, pensive nose, and another Monsignor, entitled thus: Abbate Palmieri, domestic prelate, one of the seven participant prothonotaries of the Holy See, Canon of the illustrious Liberian basilica, Advocate of the saints, Postulatore dei Santi, which refers to matters of canonization, and signifies very nearly: Master of Requests of the section of Paradise

    48. I fell into a sudden trance, thinking of the Pope in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City

    49. Florentino Ariza continued to patrol La Manga, continued to hear Mass without devotion in the basilica of the seminary, continued to attend civic ceremonies that never would have interested him in another state of mind, but the passage of time only increased the credibility of the story he had heard

    50. 814, in «that basilica which it had been the delight of his later years to erect and adorn with the treasures of ancient art

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