In his 1996 lecture, the Dalai Lama says that compassion has to be based on respect for others
The following pages will be based on the meeting of a fictional company called Paris Tours
Should our actions be based on the spirit of unity or division?
My argument in this case would be based on the fact that we can scientifically prove that the Bible was:
It was another Stranger Than Fiction, which was supposed to be based on fact
'It was supposed to be based on actual facts
„the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps" means at its narrowest point the country would only be eight miles wide –
This is why we mentioned early that your success will be based on: Your beliefs about women + Your strategy + Your overall perspective
But that's not all, it's also going to be based on her current emotional state
Our identity will be based on our real self; therefore, beauty, wealth, and power will be a free choice, not a stressful need
will rely on a solid partnership between you and the vendor and it should be based on
should be based on “out
Our foundation should be based on the Word of
power of choice, a choice that has to be based on the
Our present social status is based on wealth, power and fame but they should be based on merit, honesty and altruism
If there is to be any future “crossing the aisle” it must be based on the principles of the Constitution and on the three core principles laid out on the website of the Tea Party Patriots: fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets
Taxes should be based on spending only
The information will be based on what Roger observed when he left the boat and undertook the different excursions through the following cities of Juneau, Skagway, Haines and Ketchikan in Alaska, and Vancouver and Victoria in Canada
Your plan should be based on the combined business operation and not just your current
The truth of the second coming of Jesus, the reality of the Day of Judgment, which would be based on the record of one’s life, and the certainty of heaven and hell as eternal places of one’s reward and punishment
It was agreed that such legal protection should be based on the safeguarding of the
”5 But the rules did change, and the limits on the television stations that could be owned came to be based on size of audience
But our foundation’s grants were beginning to be based on barely concealed political activism, pessimism, criticism, radical environmentalism and other anti-isms
in a family should be based on trust and respect and never on
My army has trained well over the last year-cycle and Gelahn’s assault on Gathandria will be based on physical attack rather than another mind-war
be based on the power, wealth, or prestige that people have in this
difficult to do so with one’s actions, whether they be based on reactions or
approach should be based on the individual characteristics and needs of each
As moral codes are invented by man to allow us to live together with minimum pain, it is trivially obvious that these morals should (and do) change with circumstances, (but they should always be based on a rational set of principles)
seems to be based on what are called osmic frequencies Single neurons in
A powerful testimonial, it’s going to be based on the position of that person in the industry
Decisions or choices should be based on the context within which the alternatives are
should be based on your
The moving average may be based on the midrange level or on a daily average of the high, low, and closing prices
It may be based on a hunch or chosen through other methods, such as hot and
some explanation to what happened, that explanation has to be based on something
Ideal marriage must be founded on something more stable than the fluctuations of sentiment and the fickleness of mere sex attraction; it must be based on genuine and mutual personal devotion
aspect, an emotional reaction will be based on an intel ectual decision
The Body’s mind will be based on self-preservation, seek pleasure, avoid pain
Your reaction will be based on
That means your decisions for your actions wil be based on what is objectively good
Being robots the language must be based on a binary code, feeding in the sounds of the nearest robot voice the translator starts to assemble a parallel
How can a theological doctrine be based on silence?
The architecture was, generally, similar in appearance to that employed at City Victoria, and Siri imagined that it must be based on a similar technology
This is a decision that should be based on fact, not assumption
A non-binding estimate is not binding on the carrier and the final charges will be based on the actual weight and tariff provisions in effect
signals are timed – which they should be based on traffic flow and when a car enters an intersection
“A religious group claiming to be based on Christ and the Bible, but whose
This force, he then saw, which would be required to endure his future training in the ways of the stalker’s cognition, would have to be based on something equal to the terrors that would haunt him—destroy him—then it became clear
This force, he then saw, which would be required to endure his future training in the ways of the Stalker’s cognition, would have to be based on something equal to the terrors that would haunt him—destroy him—then it became clear
The amount of revenue you earn will be based on the number of visitors to your site and the quality of your content
It should, idealistic and naive as it appears at first, be based on mutual cooperation
which appear to be based on non-unification
at first, be based on mutual cooperation and the
science's objections to these phenomena which appear to be based on
“All German education must be based on the recognition of the fact that it is not Christianity that has brought us morality, but Christianity that owes its enduring values to the German character
Our practice should be based on the ideas of selflessness
This system will be based on the principle of complete centralization of the management of each project into a dedicated project office
occurs as a result of emotional feelings which should be based on
Therefore, it’s plain to see that international authority, just like more localized governments, should be based on high agreed upon ideals unhindered by selfish desire and offering broad benefit
It could be based on lies, unfounded rumors, gossip, insane jealousy, prejudice
All of you will in fact be involved in helping me produce those two manuals, which will have to be written up and finalized as quickly as possible: our future air operations, both in the Pacific and in Europe, will be based on those manuals
which can be based on a huge number of parameters some of which will be apparent and some will not
your home bar should probably be based on comfort since this space is used for socializing
“It will be based on ability
any acquisition valuation will be based on net present value of those future
this differentiation will be based on some level of innovation in product, process
The acquisition may be based on some level of integration of the seller’s
Should they be based on a cumulative achievement or
Considering the course is supposed to not be based on any sort of religion, there are lots of prohibitions
Weaver thinks this could all be based on the sort of procedure used to gain Statehood for Hawaii in 1959, but much, much quicker
research for a new novel, which will be based on German naval activity
He specializes in custom made lamps that can be based on any theme or
Established sampling frequencies should be based on system validation data and should
Final selection of method variables should be based on
Because alert and action levels should be based on actual system performance, and the system
Approximate estimations can be based on the average salary, electricity expenses, water supply expenses, etc
Although the specifications of your software are ultimately your decision, and should be based on the needs of your organization, one of the features that you must hone in on is the reporting functionality
Justice can be based on the emotion revenge, disgust, love, or
And, what is no less important, is that this method must be based on a
This approval appears to be based on historical use as there are no modern clinical trials to support
While the events described and some of the characters in this book may be based on actual historical
Life must be based on love and not on hatred and guilt
be based on the compassionate teachings of Jesus
“I’m sure you’re feeling physical attraction and some infatuation, but love has to be based on more than just that
Following these guidelines and allowing a relationship to grow between you and your female counterpart can be based on common interest and respect
should be based on
At the same time, conditions of “your” subjective Existence (of focused-by-You Forms) start to immediately obey the specific dynamics of the new individual rotation Cycle that you have just chosen; and absolutely everything that could possibly happen to you will be based only on the specific properties of the dynamic processes typical of the Levels of Energy-Plasma within this Cycle
This in turn suggests that international relations would have to be based on a new
symbiosis would be based on the necessity of self-betterment
How deeply you should go into a pose should be based on the following:
The chapters or section in this part of the book will be based on questions I’ve received as well as comments and observations
If these sports were based upon the human ideas of equality, reciprocity, fairness, friendship, communication, cooperation, good will,… then they would be based on the principle of responding, on answering back as equals; the ball or puck would be hit to the opponent-s so they could answer back
That is the dynamic all human societies should be based on
Furthermore, if the disciples, writers, and authors, of the New Testament had lied, or been misquoted, or mistaken, about what Jesus had said and taught with regard to being the Son of God, then the entire New Testament and the two thousand year old Christian movement, with its billion followers, would be based on nothing but error and folly
We can choose to, or not to listen to that voice which may be based on the spirit of truth, to that which may be based on goodness, and to that which may be based on fairness and justice
This stance about not believing in a Creator and labeled as Atheism may be based on misinformation and one being uninformed of all the necessary evidence required by an individual to make such an informed decision, which may otherwise lead one to consider the possibilities of the Creator’s existence
This particular mindset and stance may be based on the false perception of one’s personal and individual autonomy being exaggerated to the point of believing one is denied and has had extracted, extinguished and nullified one’s personal independence and sovereignty by belief in a Creator
decisions should not be based on testing instruments or other external forces which
Our career decisions should then be based on a