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    Usar "be equal to" en una oración

    be equal to oraciones de ejemplo

    be equal to

    1. In a country, too, where, though the rich, or the owners of large capitals, enjoy a good deal of security, the poor, or the owners of small capitals, enjoy scarce any, but are liable, under the pretence of justice, to be pillaged and plundered at any time by the inferior mandarins, the quantity of stock employed in all the different branches of business transacted within it, can never be equal to what the nature and extent of that business might admit

    2. This seems, in the present times, to be nearly the state of things in several parts of Great Britain, where the profit of planting is found to be equal to that of either corn or pasture

    3. It must be observed, however, that whatever may be the supposed annual importation of gold and silver, there must be a certain period at which the annual consumption of those metals will be equal to that annual importation

    4. But the amount of the metal pieces which circulate in a society, can never be equal to the revenue of all its members

    5. we give for the use of a capital, which is supposed to be equal to one half of its former value, an interest which is equal to one fourth only of the value of the former interest

    6. What it might lose by the high price of those goods, could seldom be equal to the loss which it would sustain by the distraction of a large portion of its capital from other employments more necessary, or more useful, or more suitable to its circumstances and situation, than a direct trade to the East Indies

    7. punishment of the prophet shall be equal to the punishment of him who seeks to him; 11 So that the house of Israel may not any more

    8. been great so that you should be equal to Sion

    9. every item of food that was tested had to compare and be equal to 50 grams worth of

    10. Earlier it was stated that a good budget would mean income would be equal to expenses

    11. 1 Moreover I Baruch say this against you Babylon: 'If you had prospered and Zion had dwelt in her glory yet the grief to us had been great so that you should be equal to Sion

    12. Each piece should be equal to the dimensions of the fabric squares in step 1

    13. Clever! He’s trying to work his way backwards, to find what number times itself will be equal to two… And there are other notes on a number times itself equal to negative one

    14. It would be equal to being completely flat and

    15. The number of deep discharge cycles minus the number of deep discharge cycles of the rack station’s replacement; quantity, divided by the number of deep discharge cycles guaranteed on all racks; that quantity, times the current price of a new rack would be equal to the rack charge

    16. The idea that people might in any way be equal to or have common ties with their fellow earthlings was repugnant to the self-rihteous and narrow minded masses, and great slanders were directed at Darwin for trying to associate mankind with the lowly apes

    17. bromelain should be equal to the amount of Quercetin

    18. “Though men should perform Tapas standing on one leg for a period of 1,000 years, it will not in the least, be equal to one-sixteenth part of Dhyana-Yoga (meditation)

    19. The overall rescue time will be equal to the maximum increase in the duration of the activity that can result without increasing the duration of the overall project

    20. ƒ In this situation the delay in the project will be equal to the time period between subcontracting the portion of work and the time when the first products from the subcontractor start to come in

    21. How can Moses rod be equal to the redemptive power of the cross? The rod is weapon

    22. The dragon wants to be equal to God in claims but lacks ideas

    23. If you add these minutes to each other, the total will be equal to ten nights

    24. will lose this quality and will be equal to an animal or less because he hasn’t fulfilled the promise and went against his service created by God

    25. You may be equal to Lady Ghoul over here

    26. components) that would be equal to natural

    27. The maximum amount of the credit can be equal to

    28. As mentioned before, our Master Adam (cpth) and his wife dwelt in that bliss of entering into Al'lah's and enjoying the witnessing of that Great Godly Beauty, and clung to it seeking no alternation for that state, can the enjoyment of viewing God's Face be equal to any other bliss?! Or, shall the believer be satisfied with anything other then it?!

    29. It can be large or small at the outset, but it should be equal to your operating expenses for a projected period of interruption in which your business may be unable to generate new income

    30. If Q is 90 degree (in case of flat ground) X would be equal to H

    31. The law of Pythagoras states that the sum total of the square of the two sides in a rectangular triangle will always be equal to square of the perpendicular side

    32. They were afraid they would not be equal to the task, first, of

    33. In the same way a singer trains himself to sing scales, giving every note exactly the same weight and preserving a most mechanical time throughout, so that every note of his voice may be accurately under his control and be equal to the subtlest variations he may afterwards

    34. ’ 'Being in the form of (qeou~) a Divine Person, He thought it not a thing to be snatched at to be equal to a Theos, but emptied Himself, and took on Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men; wherefore God (oJ Qeo

    35. ’ 'They shall be equal to the Angels

    36. Can someone to whom We have made a fine promise-which he will attain-be equal to someone to whom We have given enjoyments in this world, but who will be, on Resurrection Day, among the arraigned?

    37. Your information and your talents will always be equal to the requirements of the occasion

    38. The Fourteenth Amendment established that former slaves born in the United States would be citizens of the United States, but Southern Democrats were adamantly opposed to allowing their former slaves to be equal to them in civic power

    39. The land must be equal to or better than it was before the mining

    40. Peacock did not feel obliged to accept a new man merely in the character of his successor, objecting that he was "not likely to be equal to Peacock

    41. If three positions are put on at the same time, they will all be risking N% of the same account balance, so a loss on all three of those will be equal to a single 3× loss

    42. I would have to draw upon whate’er Reserves of Strength I had and be his Saviour instead! Friendship and Love both demanded it; and tho’ I did not feel myself to be equal to the Task, I would have to learn to be stronger than I had e’er been in the Past

    43. Implied volatility is the volatility that is being implied by the current market price of an option; alternatively, it is the volatility number that one would have to plug into his mathematical model in order for the models result to be equal to the current market price of the option

    44. If the date according to the operating system when the SAS session starts is July 17, 2014, then &SYSDATE would be equal to "17JUL14

    45. If the operating system date is November 22, 2015, then &SYSDATE9 would be equal to "22NOV2015

    46. when you start SAS, then &SYSTIME would be equal to "15:36

    47. , the replication on a larger scale of all the functions of the existing business), then it is natural to assume that incremental returns on the additional assets will be equal to the returns already being earned, on average, by the investments in the existing business

    48. From a fundamental finance point of view, when analysts are interested in the quality of resources existing in a business, especially if they are evaluating a senior credit, the one crucial disclosure to them would not necessarily be corporate valuation but rather the existence—or nonexistence—of liabilities that might be equal to or senior to the credit instrument being evaluated

    49. Assign a probability to each possible price with the restriction that the underlying market is arbitrage-free—the expected value for the underlying contract must be equal to the forward price

    50. Simply stated, the difference between the call price and put price for European options with the same exercise price and expiration date must be equal to the present value of the difference between the forward price and exercise price

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