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    be left oraciones de ejemplo

    be left

    1. I realized that, God forbid, if that happens sooner rather than later, the information that I have in my head would not be left behind for my children or anyone else

    2. ‘I’ve given my landlord notice that I’ll be vacating the house and that it will be left empty for a few weeks as a result

    3. Every time I ran my fingers through my hair I would be left

    4. Lyla did not approve of Sons’ quest, but she would not be left behind

    5. Along the same lines, we read from Isaiah 11:11, “And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set His hand again the second time to recover the remnant of His people; who shall be left, fro Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar (which is Babylon), and from Hamath, and from the coastlands of the sea

    6. I know it isn’t always easy especially if you go out to business as the mornings are filled with rushing about, and breakfasts and bath water, and if something has to be left out—well that’s Yoga isn’t it? This is one of the main reasons, I find, why would-be devotees of Yoga do not pursue the subject

    7. What we have to do this night is destroy the bulls’ camp here; nothing must be left alive

    8. They managed to cram a tremendous amount of stuff in - though the second set of bookshelves defeats them, and has to be left with the other furniture to be transported by the hauliers

    9. the famous movie star and his wife to be left the weakly glowing

    10. I’m beginning to think that she should not be left on her own tonight

    11. there's always at least one kid who 'forgets' and you have a last minute frantic phoning session trying to get in touch with Mum or Dad so that little Johnny - who is in tears by this time because he doesn't want to be left out of the trip - can actually go while the rest of the class try to tear the coach to bits

    12. This must be trained in a person, it can not be left to chance

    13. ‘Good, Sally shouldn’t be left on her own at the moment, especially with the kids as well

    14. Really, the only thing that seemed to be left to do was touching up and painting the houses and farm areas

    15. to be left with little choice but to begin looking elsewhere

    16. Alan was going to be left to die among the mortals below and would never get to join them in heaven

    17. The person may be left wondering if the prayer was a message from God, or if it was something that the minister prays for everyone

    18. "Grandpa gave strict instructions he was to be left here with us, hang on Flitter there's the clerks counter he can hide under, they'd be none the wiser

    19. he realised that she’d have to be left to come to terms

    20. "He wants nothing more than to be left alone here on this planet to live out his days as he sees fit

    21. You should now be left with a display as follows:

    22. inspection, and then asked if she could be left for several

    23. To dream that you are tap dancing indicates that you need to keep up with life or else you will be left behind

    24. The carrying trade, though it deserves no preference, ought not to be precluded, but to be left free, like all other trades

    25. Somehow Crissy was not going to be left by the wayside – she wanted in on the action

    26. The interest of the corn merchant makes him study to do this as exactly as he can; and as no other person can have either the same interest, or the same knowledge, or the same abilities, to do it so exactly as he, this most important operation of commerce ought to be trusted entirely to him; or, in other words, the corn trade, so far at least as concerns the supply of the home market, ought to be left perfectly free

    27. That market will very seldom be overstocked; but it will generally be understocked ; the people, whose business it is to supply it, being generally afraid lest their goods should be left upon their hands

    28. And the Nord would be left with brows knitted and deliberate curiosities piqued

    29. seat that he always commanded to be left

    30. Joss wouldn’t want to be left like that

    31. When such restrictions are imposed upon the inland trade, the coasting trade, we may believe, cannot be left very free

    32. When such a nation goes to war, the warriors will not trust their herds and flocks to the feeble defence of their old men, their women and children; and their old men, their women and children, will not be left behind without defence, and without subsistence

    33. But he wasn’t to be left there

    34. ‘I didn’t choose this life, Raiya, and I didn’t ask to be left to prevent what many would tell me is inevitable

    35. “I’ve told you Beth that I don’t want anything to do with what’s happened I just want to be left alone please

    36. But this old skin must be left behind

    37. position and followed him, not wishing to be left behind in the darkness

    38. soon be evacuated and the citizens would be left to the mercy of the Union

    39. They well knew that the white soldiers would have to leave before the rains set in, and may have thought that eventually they would be left in peace to return to Kumassi, and resume their life, in the old sweet way, as in 1874, when all troops, both white and coloured, were withdrawn

    40. is history; this was war and it emanated from the commanding general that “All who were not on board the transports by daybreak would be left behind

    41. fundamental to Christian Theology; otherwise, we would all be left with an uncertain notion that everything that is good, decent and worth pursuing is the arbitrary by-product of good intentions rooted in customs and manners rather than inspired by the Word of God

    42. many candles, and in two days at farthest they would be left in the

    43. An individual should not be judged by his or her sins because aren‘t we all sinners to a greater or lesser degree? Otherwise, who would be left to condemn the sinner; who other than God is best qualified to judge a Man‘s heart?

    44. And those appointed to be left shall be left

    45. And one who takes and corrupts My gifts, for their own gain, shall be left desolate

    46. That child did not ask to be brought into this world and did not ask to be left alone either

    47. Or, on the other hand, she might not give you answers to your questions so you will be left hanging and uncertain

    48. Neither are these models necessarily intended to encourage ―appropriate‖ conduct that should otherwise be left to Free Will to decide but reflect upon, rather, what is expected from a ―right thinking‖ individual who is morally evolving

    49. There we would be left in peace for the duration of the service only

    50. His second act was to declare the matter of Blacks voting was to be left to states, now to come back under the control of pardoned Confederates

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