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    be part of oraciones de ejemplo

    be part of

    1. This high side of the lake is considered to be part of the Highlands by many

    2. She didn't want to believe a planet settled by biological humans about the time of the ice age could be part of baseline reality

    3. That would be part of this terrible

    4. He thought once again of the stages of evolution, this stage is marked by conflict between the urge to be an individual and the urge to be part of a greater organism

    5. For women to seek to be part of the decision making process is

    6. It might also be part of the reason people have such a hard time in submission to authority

    7. have agreed to learn some tricks and be part of the show

    8. Wiesse contacted us, explained the situation and asked if we could help you … I was delighted to be able to be part of this, Lintze, it has been a great sorrow for me watching the land fading … I wanted to do something positive if only to ensure that Marea grows up in a better place

    9. Maybe part of me was scared to leave, as many ill people depend on the system to bail them out of responsibility for their entire life

    10. I wish I could be part of it but I'd have to be with him twenty hours a day to keep up

    11. Ava lead them to a table close enough to hear the band but not close enough to be part of the show

    12. Altera was soon inundated with requests to be part of the detail she would take with her; the Queen’s Light Brigade did not care for the inhabitants of Miner’s Hold, especially Matai

    13. After consulting with the Queen, Altera received a judgment that the girl be trained so she could be part of the justice she craved when it was dealt out

    14. She had hoped to be part of his investigation, this way was no help to her at all

    15. to be part of this delegation – the token Italian that gave

    16. situation when they heard he was to be part of the

    17. This used to be part of Yugoslavia

    18. We are a people not of this world, but of heaven, and the more we see of heaven the more it will be part of us

    19. a thrill of joy in knowing that God wants to be part of our lives

    20. We can choose to be part of the body of Christ in our city

    21. critical, but to point out that you don’t have to be part of a large congregation to do great things

    22. We can be part of what He is

    23. He wasn't proud to be part of an expedition that issued such an order

    24. you’ll be part of that successful group too

    25. That is the most awesome experience of our lives!” The rest of the company on the bridge clapped loudly at her pronouncement; they were genuinely thankful to be part of the Huntress's crew

    26. As he looked at the river this morning, it made him realize how critical it was to get his data to the UN so that this land could remain peaceful even though he would not be part of its future

    27. If I had one piece of advice, it would be to accept Anglos who want to come back and be part of this county

    28. Zorandi wanted to be part of that recon team but he knew such a request would be pushing things a bit

    29. ‘What are you trying to tell me, Torbin, that things should stay as they are? Perhaps you would prefer Roidon to just be part of an AI

    30. Their names would not only match the numerical structure, but in some cases even convey hidden messages and be part of other hidden messages that form part of ELS’s in remarkable complexity and detail

    31. In most countries he is no longer allowed to be part of any curriculum in schools and in some you could face execution, if you refer to him

    32. He has given you freedom of choice in the matter – whether you choose your life to be under Satan’s rule while you live on Earth, or whether you would like to claim your rightful inheritance as heir of God and be part of his family that will rule over the world with him, when he returns in the near future

    33. “Not really she is in a world and a year of her own that we can’t be part of but she seems happy to be there I’m glad to say

    34. “You will always be part of the lads Elijah no matter where we are and I will tell you something there is no one I would rather have beside me in a tight spot than you

    35. could be found in many areas, specifically in areas where stress shouldn’t be part of the

    36. “We will be part of the 31st Division and will be in the leading wave of the attack altogether you will have to carry about seventy pounds of equipment

    37. difficult by the fact that President Lincoln’s assassination was believed by many to be part of a conspiracy sponsored by the

    38. “You really did all that?” gushed Bosco, yearning to be part of such a mission

    39. We did not want to be part of the Army, since we had chosen something better, in our eyes anyway

    40. be part of the Trumpet Call

    41. That I understand and agree with but I have to wonder why then be part of the system? Why not then do what most long haired liberals don't do and vote with your feet? By not doing so they acted immorally in the eyes of history for as we know you need to stand by your convictions to be taken seriously

    42. Be part of the Trumpet Call

    43. The Shah claimed to be part of an ancient dynasty, when in fact he was put in power in 1953 by a CIA coup, overthrowing the elected President Mossadegh

    44. We feel a wealth of closeness and a common bond that we were fortunate to be part of my dad’s life

    45. On January 9, 2000, Ron and I were honored to be part of a

    46. Once he has agreed that it is appropriate for them to be part of

    47. Let him be part of

    48. It may finally be part of Mexico again once the worst of Mexican elites are removed by Juarez and the Liberal Party

    49. It was a time to laugh, and to share and to be part of life again

    50. If it was going to be important and Norman was involved than she wanted to be part of this too

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