“You want to be touched there?” he pointed in the direction of her chest
growling or biting, and not wanting to be touched in a
• Not wanting to be touched on the top of the head can mean a dominance issue
want to be touched on their hips, often that’s a pain or fear issue
Petersen, he's committed the crime but can't be touched by us,� returned Linda as she placed the papers on the table
supreme and can not be touched as if they were royalty
not be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points
could be touched in a moment
Turn your attention to That which cannot be touched, nin mada
That are expecting to be touched by glorious steps
I laid her on the bed still kissing her, her hands caressed my back and hair; it felt amazing to be touched by her
I couldn’t help but be touched by her concern; it might be just a reflection of an empty nester
Money can be touched there with its great power in all its modern convincing majesty
His white robe touched the rocky red ground
Get in touch with that part of yourself, the child who felt abandoned and who needed to be touched
Another man replied, ‘Yes, I don’t think that our orders, that the woman should not be touched or harmed will extend to him
Instead I had to safeguard it as my cast iron reserve which was only to be touched under extreme pressure such as perhaps having to cross the entire city of Toronto when a single streetcar fare could get me there
Peter knew she needed to say things and not to be touched
The others sit dormant perhaps never to be touched again
She cannot help but be touched by this lonely old man pouring out his soul
But nothing could be touched until the cause of death of so much marine life was established
It is a secret chamber that might be touched and made to respond
Conan did not at once reply; wild and passionate and untamed he was, yet any but the most brutish of men must be touched with a certain awe or wonder at the baring of a woman's naked soul
You have to learn to read signals that would tell you whether a woman wants to be touched or not
It is very important that she shows signs that she wants to be touched before initiating it, so that you won’t spoil everything
that can be touched, chairs that can
Aching to be healed; to be touched again
Lips like those had to be touched
alternately walk, stagger and be touched by the Fire
She didn’t want to be touched in that way
is a 'special body-part' that shouldn't be touched, unless for
playing, or to be touched
be touched on later, concerning its fall
We have mentioned only a simple side of the wisdom whilst the most important one will be touched on later on
When we’re out, I expect to be touched and held and
‘Political Correctness’ dictated that Islam was not to be touched –
"I may be touched but I'm far from stupid
I prayed that others could feel the same way To be touched by your grace
She will not be touched
She wanted to be touched, wanted his touch, but could not accept it for what it meant
They are thus less likely to be touched by someone by accident and will stay hot for hours after the fire is put out
and even Trog seemed to be touched by the depths of the man’s despair, throwing the shovel to
However, on this trip, they wouldn’t be touched
He that would do honour to baptism should maintain that it is a high and holy ordinance, which, like every ordinance appointed by Christ, ought not to be touched without solemn reverence; and that no blessing can be expected unless it is used with heart, and knowledge, and faith, and prayer, and followed by godly training of the child baptized
He can be touched with the feeling of your infirmities,-for He suffered Himself, being tempted
They like to be touched gently and will not harm you
the more those around you will be touched by it, and the happier
The idea occurred that the most convenient and safe means is the spheres appearing in a certain sequence and accessible to be touched by hand [11]
Graphic 6 Spheres appearing in a certain sequence and accessible to be touched by the
So He goes up to heaven (you don't know about it, because no one was there to write it down), and He sprinkles His blood on the Holy of Holies; and the next thing you know, He's showing up in the upper room going: okay, I can be touched - which meant the blood was accepted forever
If it was accepted, then he would come out, and wash his hands -then he could be touched again
- Her hand should never be touched by man except her husband
The ox should not be touched
But for all that it was fleeting, it was so incredibly temping to give into the desire to touch and be touched
It is a basic need to be touched
more and that it would never be touched by any
It acquaints us with the facts, showing us that the believer who seeks protection in God following the example of the apostle (cpth) will not be harmed by a magician or be touched by a devil
Those who follow these beliefs pretend that the spirit can be perceived because it can become manifest and can be touched, and suggest that some spirits think that they are still alive, leading us to wonder here: can a body move without a soul?! And how can the owner of such a soul remain alive after it has left his body?! And what could follow the exit of the soul except death, at which time there is no return of the soul to the body until Doomsday?
All these things which kill you can not be touched, can not be seen, they exist only in
Would he touch her again the way she longed to be touched? He must have sensed the mood washing over her, because he pulled her body close to his, nearly crushing her against him, and let out a sigh
a part even of what she wanted to say all would have been over between herself and Annalise; so she dried her face in silence, declining to allow it to be touched
Just before his vision could continue, a chill crept over his chest and settled in at the stitching, touching him in a way he never thought a person could be touched
She took his heart in her hands as though it were a diamond, a priceless artifact not meant to be touched by man, and she stroked his fingers as though he were dying, an old man confined to a bed with a worm digging its way through his mind
But now He allows himself to be touched
The planes on display are not cordoned off from the public, but can be touched as - museum staff take note - no real harm can be done to them
You have come to be touched with the feeling of my infirmities, yet without sin
man who sends out only good-will to his fellow-man, and who is without fear, cannot be touched or
The rest of this book will explain and analyze exactly how this process of this progressive dehumanization of the human species happened and why … Only when the entire story of this process is unfolded, beginning from the start, can we gain a sane, historical perspective on our present situation and finally understand how and why we became what we are today: a naked living ape, designed to touch all living creatures with our skin and be touched by them; not isolating and insulating ourselves from all living creatures by living apart from Nature inside the artificial womb of civilization
A living creature is not important: an abstract line made concrete is holy and sacred and fought over and preserved and perpetuated religiously and mindlessly because abstract symbols are sacred and never to be touched or questioned or challenged: why? “Because that’s ad way we usually do it
No one wants to be touched by the hand of suffering, so millions spend billions trying to outrun its cold touch
All beautiful girls want to be touched
The sickness of only allowing girls to be touched by a look: by eyes: and nothing else: is genetically sick
By forbidding all touch; by forbidding humans to touch each other, by not allowing babies and children to touch and be touched, by not allowing living things to touch our skin, by not allowing us to touch living things with our skin: civilization has forced the genetic need and the genetic urge to touch and be touched down… down into our lowest, basest, most unhuman area of tactile stimulation: sex
To be kissed and caressed, to be touched intimately and
That America somehow was doing the same thing… only with worse cowardice… could not be touched with a ten-foot pole by the Media
They could not be touched or harmed in any way by anyone who was not a Roman Citizen
Abstract ideas cannot be touched because they are only figments of our imagination
Because immaculate upwardly mobile consumers to not want to be touched by the truth
It is the reflective dynamic of tools-using humans-using tools-using humans: until we began using our brains as a tool, until we began using our thoughts as tools, until we invented abstraction, until we separated ourselves one-sidedly from the Earth and the Universe to such an insane degree:… that girls and women are not supposed to be touched at all, until the reaction to the idea of virginal untouchability, vaginal untouchability became envy-jealousy-frustration repression-suppression-rape-violation-abuse-hate- etc
Because they do not like to be touched
Her pregnancy made her feel more alive than ever, her flesh and her nerves desperate to be touched, to be drawn to the surface
Instead of separating ourselves from Nature and insulating ourselves from all living creatures: we were designed to touch and be touched by all living creatures and by the wind and the air and the rain and the sun
These invisible human psychological constructs of thoughts and emotions, and attitudes and beliefs are not visible and cannot be touched or dissected as they are spirit-energy
You have not come unto a mount that could be touched and that burned with fire, "but you are
For a guy who toils on building sites I can be touched with genius at times!
soul that has no body to be touched and cannot be dead?
Mama and the children were the only ones that she could stand to be touched by, but even with them it was awkward to return a touch of any kind
You have not come unto a mount that could be touched and that
not be touched by the evil that is coming
You have not come unto a mount that could be touched and that burned with fire,
dead soul that has no body to be touched and cannot be dead?
she not be touched
You have not come unto a mount that could be touched and that burned with fire, "but you are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem
Can anyone touch a dead soul that has no body to be touched and it cannot be dead?
orders that Emily wasn"t to be touched, but she was touching him this
that horses should be touched and handled
Jessy put his hand on Sherri's shoulder to try and calm her down, but Sherri jerks away; she doesn't like to be touched because it causes forced readings
You have not come unto a mount that could be touched and that burned with fire, "but YOU ARE
For we have not a high priest that cannot be touched with the felling of our infirmities" [Hebrews 4:14]
He hated to be touched