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    Usar "be unaware of" en una oración

    be unaware of oraciones de ejemplo

    be unaware of

    1. She seemed to be unaware of what was going on in the world around her now

    2. Not only may we be unaware of our intentions, we often are not even paying attention to the action itself, hence we may be propelled by habitual patterns into actions that bring painful results

    3. It was very weird to think how Nolan dwelled in this reality now; he would be unaware of her pressence this she was sure of

    4. also be unaware of the NDE phenomenon

    5. transferred either way, but migrants seem to be unaware of the agreements

    6. She appeared to be unaware of

    7. We’d be unaware of it happening, because all links would have been lost

    8. be unaware of his link with the Monad; certainly some egos are far more

    9. It is possible, for any being, to accomplish such acts as were carried out in his lifetime and be unaware of the severity of their actions, he was able to return, if he chose, and not fully become aware of the direct involvement and severity of his acts

    10. It is possible, for any soul, to accomplish such acts as were carried out in his lifetime and be unaware of the severity of their actions

    11. be unaware of the effects of these swings; in each moment

    12. position that they came to be unaware of the dynamic nature of the

    13. They may be unaware of the existence of the host, or other alters

    14. The strange thing is that you appear to be unaware of this fabulous

    15. If he was ill, the British agent seemed to be unaware of the fact, and had assumed that his son had been kidnapped, as he had been told

    16. ‘President Jacob Zuma is unfit to run the country as he continuously claims to be unaware of everything; from the Waterkloof scandal to the billions of dollars reportedly cached in South Africa by former Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi’ said United Democratic Movement (UDM) Bantu Holomisa in a statement

    17. Thus, they would be unaware of the Quranic instigations against the kafirs in such surahs as Al-Baqarah, Ali-Imran, Al Ma idah, Al-Anfal etc

    18. She should be unaware of this mortal pain she feels, of hunger and water, for she was told in the story of the little boys and girls who didn’t know who they were that they need not feel such things within this world

    19. They would be unaware of His presence,

    20. seemed to be unaware of my presence?

    21. and seems to be unaware of his surroundings

    22. Consciously the individual may be unaware of these various

    23. He knew the many ways in which Shan-wei and her servants distorted and violated the truth, yet not even Brother Lahzrys could be unaware of the broadsheets which had appeared in the Temple Lands’ cities and towns

    24. However, without access to historical data on option volatility, the trader would be unaware of these opportunities

    25. Did she really believe that this man could be unaware of who she was—that she needed proof that she was “somebody” to convince him she was worthy of a chance to plead her case? Possibly

    26. One is the end user, who should be unaware of what's happening in the code, and to achieve that we can follow the tips given in the previous paragraph

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