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    Usar "become worse" en una oración

    become worse oraciones de ejemplo

    become worse

    1. Things were sure to become worse now that the Republicans had won so many Congressional seats in the recent elections

    2. Those practices already proved its inefficacy for the solution of the immense current problems in which more and more become worse; annually it is consuming trillion dollars in helps that never end

    3. No matter how tentative the nations do to solve the problems, these more and more become worse, even with the tireless actuation of the Third Sector and of well-intentioned governments

    4. 2 For the aspect of those who now act wickedly shall become worse than

    5. 2 For the aspect of those who now act wickedly shall become worse than it is as they shall suffer torment

    6. "How sir" I said "did they become worse after having known God?" "He that does not know God" he answered "and practises evil receives a certain chastisement for his wickedness; but he that has known God ought not any longer to do evil but to do good

    7. That is true but their condition will only become worse with time

    8. The man bowed in a spasm of coughs, and the lady said, “See? It’s become worse in this horrible damp, and I shall make you do something about it

    9. Less than ten years later, I was once again in Harare and it was clear that things had definitely become worse

    10. The issue will grow more severe for them and their state will become worse and worse, until they find that there is no refuge for them except the Fire

    11. it seems that it has become worse

    12. They have become worse

    13. You’re it! No, you’re it! No, you’re it! No, y-! Then players will lose their damned patience and just get red in the face and get rid of the damn thing so they will not have to give the ball back to the opposing player! Then it will become worse than touch football: it will be touch handball, and the ball will be passed and thrown… what if somebody kicks the ball? Then its brought back and given to the opposing team

    14. They are an historical record of how these morphed monsters have become worse and worse, and more inhuman

    15. That is why things have always become worse instead of better

    16. Over time it can become worse because a horse

    17. instant it occurs, it will become worse

    18. So people won’t become discouraged and think that children do become worse but it was due to an accident

    19. The weather had become worse than ever towards evening; the hail lashed the drenched mare so cruelly that she went along sideways, shaking her head and ears; but Levin was all right under his hood, and he looked cheerfully about him at the muddy streams running under the wheels, at the drops hanging on every bare twig, at the whiteness of the patch of unmelted hailstones on the planks of the bridge, at the thick layer of still juicy, fleshy leaves that lay heaped up about the stripped elm-tree

    20. Violence grows less and less, and must evidently stop, but not, as the defenders of the existing order imagine, because men who are subject to violence will in consequence of the influence exerted upon them by the governments become better and better (in consequence of this they will, on the contrary, always become worse), but because, since all men are constantly growing better and better, even the worst men in power, growing less and less evil, will become sufficiently good to be incapable of exercising violence

    21. Let all the material progress ever dreamt of by religious and scientific men be made; let all men accept Christianity, and let all the improvements suggested by the Bellamys and Richets, with every possible addition and correction, be carried out; and yet if the hypocrisy of to-day still flourishes, if men do not make known the truth that is within them, but go on pretending to believe what they know to be untrue, showing respect where they no longer feel it, their condition will never improve; on the contrary, it will become worse

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