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    behind closed doors

    1. Faced with the same antagonists of all of those years ago and yet, simultaneously having to shake their hands and curse them behind closed doors was a strange twilight reality

    2. was so true in their own lives but behind closed doors and never

    3. in the background behind closed doors? The joy of illicit shagging

    4. Stelze was in a different room, behind closed doors

    5. An individual‘s sexual orientation is a private matter that should be confined to the bedroom, behind closed doors

    6. He could imagine the discussions behind closed doors

    7. It seemed wise to leave Virginia behind closed doors

    8. Once, a field office manager invited a female employee to meet with him behind closed doors to show her pornographic material

    9. theories behind closed doors was one thing, but actually having

    10. Whether it’s omniscient, omnipresent and all those other ‘Oms’, we don’t know, since we don’t know exactly who was elected (a puff of white smoke from behind closed doors)

    11. When you have faith, when power from on high, the Spirit of Truth, has come upon you, you will not hide your light here behind closed doors; you will make known the love and the mercy of God to all mankind

    12. always said were “best kept behind closed doors and not aired in

    13. "What about the drug thing? Was it quite a struggle behind closed doors to decide on a suitable method for implementation of the new law?" she asked

    14. People had the right to know about the activities behind closed doors at Blackstone

    15. The next morning Jodas called a meeting of all the captains, this meeting was behind closed doors and only lasted for an hour, having been sworn to secrecy, they left in ones and two’s and the meeting didn’t seem to have aroused any undue curiosity

    16. All this behind closed doors

    17. well be public, but it’s also possible that the covenant could be entered into behind closed doors

    18. I mean, as long as they keep it behind closed doors and it

    19. Few children laughed now, and more ladies could be heard weeping behind closed doors

    20. Don’t forget, Ernie was my section head, so it wasn’t unusual that we met quite often to go over resumes and candidate interviews behind closed doors

    21. However, that power was hidden and behind closed doors

    22. Please note that for now, press releases will be given during those meetings, but the meetings themselves will be behind closed doors

    23. Why would they now come out in public and not behind closed doors? Moreover, why would the President of the United States be seen talking to Aafre in public?

    24. So lunch was soon followed by a final meeting of the two leaders and their immediate senior officials behind closed doors, after which the final plenary session was held, where the communiqué was agreed

    25. There were some "behind closed doors" conversations where I was told I

    26. Behind closed doors

    27. that it is literally impossible to identify who are pulling the strings, who has the real power, the most influence, the most wealth… Everything has been distilled down to the elitism of the bank account and the investment portfolio… wheelings and dealings behind closed doors… offshore holdings, dummy corporations

    28. While behind closed doors, these two power groups hold secret meetings and form secret cabals that are as corrupt and wicked as any other criminal conspiracy as they plot to enrich themselves and increase their power and status and prestige, all at the expense of the gullible public which they manipulate to their benefit

    29. How many secret alliances between supposed archrivals might be hatched behind closed doors and closed locker rooms to steal the Stanley Cup from whoever had recently stolen it

    30. So the Media has created fairytales about how the idle rich live behind closed doors

    31. Practiced behind closed doors in smoke-filled rooms

    32. These financial criminals had been manipulating the economies of nations since the Napoleonic war and profiting from aiding both sides of every war they created by plotting secretly behind closed doors and supporting and funding both sides

    33. This is what happens when political power mongers gain control of empires and join together in a secret cabal behind closed doors and begin slicing up the world according to their own personal agendas and drawing abstract lines on maps and acting as if the world is their own personal pie to be sliced up and divvied-up between them

    34. In privacy and secrecy… hidden away behind closed doors and never mentioned except as what people claim to have in secret… huh? If a person does not see any example of love in their whole life, of course they will assume that it is all a big lie

    35. What you get is a façade of politeness with every imaginable inhumanity being practiced secretly inside closed minds, behind closed doors, inside closed societies, and closed communities

    36. This is done behind closed doors without the public knowing about it

    37. Then you will see the true social interplay of unvarnished hate, envy, and jealousy, and plotting, and treachery, and skullduggery explode into the open instead of being hidden behind closed doors and closed hearts and closed minds

    38. Any institution or privileged group will always seek to buttress its advantages behind closed doors, because if they do not; others will question and challenge their special status and privileges

    39. The day he publicly beats his own breast and admits his own guilt and exposes all of the secret crimes he committed behind closed doors, and puts himself into jail as a self-confessed criminal

    40. was asked in a press conference what he had been doing behind closed doors during a high level European Economic meeting

    41. When it was an unthinking blurt, a slip of the subconscious… because the reporter asking him that question was looking at him intently, and knew he was covering up what had been going on behind closed doors

    42. Why would a president of the most powerful Nation on Earth say something like that? Did he once feel like a bad little boy standing in the corner, when he was behind closed doors? Did he feel guilty about doing something behind closed doors? The dead giveaway was telling not only for what he said, but how he instantly blushed hotly, a tenth of a second after he said it

    43. He tried to make light of what he was doing behind closed doors

    44. People’s motives lie unexplored inside their subconscious; people’s actions are done behind closed doors

    45. The houses are all built so nobody can hear what their neighbor is doing to their children in secret, behind closed doors

    46. However: all this legal sex is done behind closed doors in secret

    47. Every meeting that is held behind closed doors in a room has thousands of undead unseen evil spirits observing what is being said

    48. The entire culture of modern warfare is still based upon palace politics, on a small coterie of war mongers at the top of govts deciding the fate of entire nations; it is still based on the unquestioning obedience of every fucking brainwashed human slave going along with the mobilization and arms manufacturing and enlisting of millions of brainwashed imbeciles, just because some anonymous assholes hiding behind closed doors, had the fucking arrogance to believe that they had the power and authority to own and control all the resources of an entire empire or nation and play their fucking war games for the sole purpose of accumulating more profits and more status and more power

    49. But then again… ALL of the intrigue going on behind closed doors, all the posturing of politicians, all the politically correct shit blared by the mass media is a cover-up of the hidden hands of the undead who manipulate humans souls as if they are puppets on a string

    50. The aggression and hate and competitive struggles between the European nations were all hidden under the hypocrisy of ritualized diplomatic relations: while behind closed doors: each and every nation plotted the demise of every other fucking nation while they built up their military forces and jockeyed their political alliances to further their own ambitions for personal status, power: allying this personal ambition to the ambitions of an abstract non-existent fucking identity called a ‘nation-state’ which existed only as a system of mass oppression designed to keep a small clique of rulers in power perpetually with as little change as possible for as long as possible

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