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    Usar "beneficiary" en una oración

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    1. Because I think that I am a secondary beneficiary of the Gospel instead of the primary, I will never boast against the natural branches (or root) lest I be cut off (Romans 11:18-20)

    2. And Elizabeth, you’re sole beneficiary

    3. That still leaves $9,000 for each beneficiary

    4. Jürge Krügger made you a beneficiary to his will

    5. This allows solving the question of the distributary justice of the income to the individuals and corporations, because the Project will generate sufficient income so that the beneficiary people make usufruct of this wealth, without there to be its definitive possession

    6. The impact of this proposal does with that the activities developed by beneficent and beneficiary people generate extraordinary results in this new Coordenational Structure

    7. Finally, the Project does with that there are the involvement and the social agents’ compromising (individuals) and economic agents (corporations) so that in the future the beneficiary becomes beneficent person and the beneficent person becomes sponsor with the effective actuation of the Third Sector that truly solves the problems in a definitive way, without there is only removal of symptoms, besides accomplishing the social inclusion of billion of human beings, to propitiate the preservation of the species and to avoid the chaotic destruction of the elements of the planet for the unbridled consumerism

    8. It allows the individual beneficiary to be attended anywhere by any nonprofit organization in the world with completeness

    9. For instance, any organization or beneficiary individual in Portugal can be attended by any organization of the Third Sector in Japan for complete attendance of its needs

    10. Therefore, the beneficiary won’t stay in the dependence exclusive or physical of the organization that registered it to enjoy the benefits

    11. Social Agents are all individuals that are under the responsibility of the agreed organizations that register them as beneficiary people

    12. The movement in the Current Account “Personal” that belongs to the agreed organization has the finality of social production, if the Current Account belongs to the beneficiary individual has the finality of total usufruct of the produced wealth

    13. “Personal” for all agreed organization; it also opens for all individual that is registered as beneficiary of the agreed organization

    14. The agreed organization presents its social project to Bank3Sector with the total volume of collected and approved resources, as well as the quantity of beneficiary people to be attended after the sponsor to confirm the deposit in cash

    15. This working capital is calculated with base in the necessities of organizational resources, quantity of beneficiary people and defined goals that are foreseen in the Usuarist Project of each organization to accomplish the production of products and services with completeness and feedback of its process productive or social with sustainable development

    16. The income is supplied with base in the Punctuation System of Activities for the beneficiary people

    17. The income is continuous because the organizations validate the process of the beneficiary individuals since its birth until the death, without any interruption

    18. Besides, the new systematics of distribution of income solves the problem of this beneficiary person’s family because all its members are also registered as beneficiary people

    19. The movement on credit or debit of the beneficiary people in the Current Account “Personal” makes to originate or to die the Virtual Coin “Utilizational”

    20. Besides, the given income practices action of the total quality through Process Validation of the agreed organizations for the beneficiary people, that is, the agreed organizations have to satisfy the beneficiary people, always in the search of the continuous improvement in the services rendering, because the people choose the organization that satisfies its exigencies as “customers”

    21. 2 To collect resources near the social Sponsors for beneficiary organizations 4

    22. Every participant person will be beneficiary or entrepreneur of those new nongovernmental organizations (NGO) that will act in the virtuality

    23. The great motivation is the generation of sufficient and continuous income to every participant person, whether it is enterprising person, whether it is only beneficiary person

    24. role when assisting beneficiary person that lives in Brazil, but it is in transit in Haiti, without being exchange of favors or help

    25. To educate the beneficiary individuals for behavioural

    26. b) It is utilizing certificate of the public debt (national debt and foreign debt) that is donated Bank3Sector directly in the beneficiary country

    27. Whichever the option, the investment is low and it occurs in unique time, something around only 990 dollars per beneficiary person, without being monthly aid or complemental income

    28. For only 990 dollars for beneficiary person, the world will have its grandiose resolved problems, without anybody loses anything

    29. The value of the investment is unique, only 990 dollars for beneficiary

    30. 1 million beneficiary people)

    31. In the XUSING Project, countless Bank3Sectors and the agreed organizations with its beneficiary people are part of the Coordenational Structure

    32. organizations and of the beneficiary individuals

    33. action: Beneficiary individuals, the State and the

    34. Activities that are applicable for all the beneficiary

    35. for every beneficiary population so that it reaches

    36. beneficiary individuals and agreed organizations

    37. of beneficiary individuals so that these non-profit corporations

    38. IV - operation of the activities of the beneficiary individuals,

    39. the beneficiary individuals will respect the ideal quantity of

    40. beneficiary individuals and for accomplishment of the social

    41. registered beneficiary individuals, inclusive the products that

    42. With this, the wealth will appear and will circulate freely for usufruct of the beneficiary individuals and it will produce more wealth through the social production for the agreed organizations

    43. In case the beneficiary person belongs in more than one nonprofit organization in the current system, the new systematics considers only one vinculum with the Project and it discards the others

    44. The beneficiary individual receives continuous income in quality and sufficient quantity to satisfy its socioeconomic necessities with completeness for all its life

    45. We presented to follow some examples how the individual becomes beneficiary person and how the corporation becomes agreed organization to the XUSING Project: Generation of Income for Totality of the People, Organizations and Countries 233

    46. 1) Someone that is attended by a nonprofit organization can be beneficiary person

    47. Soon after, they register all the individuals of its community as beneficiary people to receive the income in quality and sufficient quantity so that the person can live well in its community, as well as enjoying products and services

    48. These organizations register the people as beneficiary people an unique time in Bank3Sector independently that are attended nowadays by diverse programs

    49. The system will turn the highly productive investment and it will generate income for all the beneficiary people since of its birth until its death for its exclusive use, without it is transferable between people or organizations

    50. Every Hypnotherapy audio session we give is recorded by the name of the beneficiary provided in the

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