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    Usar "bird of prey" en una oración

    bird of prey oraciones de ejemplo

    bird of prey

    1. Like a bird of prey he dove, and snatched her up like a fish from the water,

    2. Or rather the raven began to fly, Simon merely pinioned in his grasp like a mouse seized by a bird of prey

    3. I could have even assumed the form of a kite (the bird of prey, not

    4. Now through the yelling, cursing lines rode the lords of the conquerors—Strabonus, with his broad dark face and crafty eyes; Amalrus, slender, fastidious, treacherous, dangerous as a cobra; and the lean vulture Tsotha-lanti, clad only in silken robes, his great black eyes glittering from a face that was like that of a bird of prey

    5. ”: As He revealed to you, the bird of prey should not kill or strangle the animal

    6. High above the rocky terrain, the G15, like an ominous bird of prey, moved silently toward the city of Newusa bringing with it a terrible arsenal of destruction

    7. The Path Finder, operating under cloak, waited for the Bird of Prey, Inyar

    8. “Yeah, and the Romulan Bird of Prey,” Garcia said

    9. Bird of prey arguably referred to as the torment of skies inhabitance –

    10. Then some swear he turned into a bird of prey

    11. He was looking up in the opposite direction toward the bird of prey swooping upon the thermals of some unseen valley below

    12. For a moment Caesar's mind awoke to a hollow feeling – as if part of his soul had been picked off by a bird of prey in his dreams

    13. Patrolbird Cooper was there trying to maintain order; he soon gave it up for a bad job, falling into chatting nervously with another bird of prey, a fierce-eyed red-tail hawk Silas recognized as the bird Cooper battled at the Fox Den

    14. He looked at me sharply, like some bird of prey seeing movement in the grass

    15. At the mention of the bird of prey they gave him their full attention and he gathered them around to explain the plan to them

    16. of a bird of prey

    17. Kite: A keen-sighted bird of prey

    18. The receptionist moved forward until she was standing over him, a power-dressed bird of prey

    19. In the meantime, the Sinsar Dubh has decided to keep me as cloaked as a Klingon Bird of Prey

    20. Crass, standing at the foot, took hold of the body by the ankles, while Hunter at the other end seized it by the shoulders with his huge, clawlike hands, which resembled the talons of some obscene bird of prey, and they dragged it out and placed it in the other coffin

    21. They had been hooded like a bird of prey, and now they flamed with a hawk's pride

    22. Smallest bird of prey

    23. Smallest bird of prey family

    24. It was once classified within a family of crane-related birds known as seriemas, but has been housed in its own bird of prey family since 1935

    25. If Lavater had studied this visage, he would have found the vulture mingled with the attorney there, the bird of prey and the pettifogger rendering each other mutually hideous and complementing each other; the pettifogger making the bird of prey ignoble, the bird of prey making the pettifogger horrible

    26. A large face, seared with a thousand wrinkles, burned yellow with the sun, and marked with every evil passion, was turned from one to the other of us, while his deep-set, bile-shot eyes, and his high, thin, fleshless nose, gave him somewhat the resemblance to a fierce old bird of prey

    27. “And bird of prey, sir; what did that mean?”

    28. “Since you are so very kind,” began Pavel Pavlovitch, cautiously bending towards him, “I may tell you that I am very much interested as to what you said yesterday about ‘bird of prey’?”

    29. Once a lot of sparrows conspired against a hawk, but no sooner did the bird of prey appear than they sneaked off in the grass

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