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    Usar "blasphemer" en una oración

    blasphemer oraciones de ejemplo


    1. And you would dare insinuate before my very presence indeed, that my sermon is a charade, a mockery designed to bring you low? Do you think so highly of yourselves? And you have the ignorant audacity to call me a blasphemer and an affront to life

    2. 16 He who forsakes his father is as a blasphemer; and he who angers his mother is cursed, of God

    3. that blasphemer, which with proud brags he had stretched out against the holy temple of the Almighty

    4. 28 So the murderer and blasphemer having suffered most grievously as he entreated other men so died he a miserable death in a strange country in the mountains

    5. 31 So when he was there and called them of his nation together and set the priests before the altar he sent for them that were of the tower 32 And showed them vile Nicanor's head and the hand of that blasphemer which with proud brags he had stretched out against the holy temple of the Almighty

    6. He is a blasphemer; he talks about God as being his Father and thinks he is equal with God

    7. What do you now think should be done with this law-breaker and blasphemer?" And they all answered in unison, "He is worthy of death; let him be crucified

    8. And then in a soft, but yet not humbled voice, the oldest of the group said; “what do you have to say for yourself?” But before an answer could be made, he again spoke; “You are guilty, not only of heresy but for following a heretic, a man calling himself the Messiah, but in truth, was found guilty of treason and a blasphemer

    9. In truth, most people would call Jean a genius, while quite a few would also call him a blasphemer and heretic, for his scientific views about the place of Earth in the Universe, which contradicted the official teachings of the Church

    10. ‘’But, Your Holiness, I could not possibly allow such a blasphemer and witch to see you

    11. ‘’Like that Humanity was created only 6,000 years ago, with God using simple dirt to make the first man and woman? That the theory of evolution is blasphemous, despite being supported by thousands of scientific finds and by on-the-spot research by Time Patrol exploration teams sent to the distant past? That the whole Universe was created in only seven days? That women are born sinners? Do you realize how ignorant and intolerant those so-called sacred teachings, written centuries or millenniums ago, often are? And the Pope is condemning me as a heretic and blasphemer for simply telling the truth? No! Don’t say a thing now, Cardinal Reggiani! This letter says enough by itself

    12. And your Pope is calling me a witch, a heretic and a blasphemer? He should rather look back at the history of his own church and publicly recognize its failings and crimes

    13. “Have they really, or have they in reality served their own ambitions and outdated preconceptions of what is right and wrong, Mother? Look at what they have done to Nancy Laplante! That woman saved our country and has brought peace to the Middle East, apart from personally saving my life, yet those courtiers allied themselves with the Church to smear her name and call her a blasphemer

    14. I am to be stripped of my title of Grand Dame of the Order of the British Empire and be called publicly a blasphemer, while your sister Elizabeth is to be branded a heretic and written off the Civil List, on top of losing any royal title she had

    15. I do not think you are a man of God, but a blasphemer and I will prove it with my staff

    16. Kind of shows who is the real blasphemer by such limits

    17. Why was that blasphemer Gilbert using it?'

    18. No one renounces Our revelations except the treacherous blasphemer

    19. "Not I! On the contrary, I shall have great pleasure in sending it to perdition to punish its Maker," exclaimed the blasphemer

    20. It was a terrible thing that this blasphemer who - as she had heard - did not believe there was a Hell and said that the Bible was not the Word of God, should be here in the house sitting on one of their chairs, drinking from one of their cups, and talking to their children

    21. to punish its Maker,’ exclaimed the blasphemer

    22. The blasphemer, he deems himself wiser than the gods! No, 'twere better we remain true to the old gods whom we know

    23. "Oh, blasphemer, in comparison with you I can be proud of my piety

    24. He who gives at all gives much in comparison with a blasphemer who gives nothing

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