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    Usar "bleating" en una oración

    bleating oraciones de ejemplo


    1. The sound of bleating horns echoed

    2. The ewes were bleating loudly

    3. That’s why they were bleating loud enough to wake her

    4. Oh, the pitiful bleating of that she-goat! “The indignity !” “The betrayal !” But it was all to no avail

    5. Sounds of creaking leather from saddles, and the bleating of sheep were scarcely heard

    6. Suddenly, we heard a lamb bleating

    7. bleating away; Piggywig walked off with a grunt; Pussy jumped on the

    8. He says my wool is as white as her hair and my bleating as soft as her spoken words

    9. emit a sustained bleating that gets louder as they become more hungry

    10. A louder than usual bleating would often tell her that one of her charges wasn’t bunched as tightly as it ought to have been, but sometimes it would be something else

    11. A slow reduction in the nervous bleating would tell of the hunter who was no longer there

    12. 14 And Samuel said, what means then this bleating of the sheep in mine ears, and the lowing of the oxen which I hear?

    13. his little bleating cries would wake her to nurse him

    14. At last they could see the place where they had left the horses who were prancing nervously and whinnying, all the while pulling against their tethers in an effort to join in the general movement of the lowing, bleating herds that swirled around them

    15. In the distance behind them could be heard the anxious lowing of the cattle, the bleating of

    16. movement of the lowing, bleating herds that swirled around them

    17. You could hear the goats bleating before Harry’s car even pulled up

    18. ‘cause’ or other, he would have the slightest effect on the vast mass of bleating sheep

    19. Grover kept snoring and bleating and waking me up

    20. I was afraid he would start bleating, or worse, start eating the linoleum

    21. Among the bartering merchants and bleating livestock the two Lieges addressed their companions

    22. A small group of kids, supposedly on an ecological survey of the waste area beside the fence, had gathered to observe, ignoring the ineffectual bleating and arm waving of Miss Koutt who was desperately trying to herd her charges to a safe distance

    23. Sheep were bleating and the dog was barking and she

    24. It’s just sickening to see those imbeciles standing there shooting arrow after arrow into a goat standing in a corner of the pen bleating for help

    25. A slight chill could now be felt and they could hear the sounds of sheep occasionally bleating as they rested in the nearby pasture

    26. Their Macbeth was once described by The Mirror as “more a flock of bleating sheep than the three witches”

    27. The horses were still out to pasture when she crept up the drive to the house where the one goat was tied to the rail by the front steps bleating like a child who hadn’t been fed

    28. A branch danced in the wind and scraped against the logs of the house, but, other than the bleating goat and the scraping tree, all was quiet

    29. Jen was the last of the Holts to make it back to the house, and none of them spoke a word till they spotted Therese sitting in that wrought iron chair on the side of the house, the bleating goat eyeing her from around the corner

    30. Her heart thudded so loudly she thought for once the goat’s bleating would be drowned out

    31. Above the bleating of goats, she heard a tune on a flute, reminding her of the Renaissance fair

    32. The goat had been bleating desperately

    33. Bleating: The crying sound of sheep

    34. I returned their nods and saw a farmer bringing in some sheep to the market-square that was always full of bleating animals of some kind

    35. At this moment someone called to him in a thin bleating voice, akin to the whining of a sick sheep

    36. "I hear nothing but a great bleating of ewes and sheep," said Sancho; which was true, for by this time the two flocks had come close

    37. Drowsy pigs were burrowing in the earth with their snouts, calves were bleating, lambs baaing; the cows, on knees folded in, were stretching their bellies on the grass, slowly chewing the cud, and blinking their heavy eyelids at the gnats that buzzed round them

    38. It reached you in fragments of phrases, and interrupted here and there by the creaking of chairs in the crowd; then you suddenly heard the long bellowing of an ox, or else the bleating of the lambs, who answered one another at street corners

    39. As Newt leaned over to get a better look into the Box, the faint bleating of a goat in the distance echoed across the courtyard

    40. When he could hear only the sounds of distant Glader conversations, as well as faint echoes of bleating sheep and snorting pigs, his wish was granted; he found the junction of the two giant walls and collapsed into the corner to rest

    41. Outside them and through them ran raddled sheep bleating their fear

    42. And by that way wend the herds innumerable of bellwethers and flushed ewes and shearling rams and lambs and stubble geese and medium steers and roaring mares and polled calves and longwoods and storesheep and Cuffe's prime springers and culls and sowpigs and baconhogs and the various different varieties of highly distinguished swine and Angus heifers and polly bulllocks of immaculate pedigree together with prime premiated milchcows and beeves: and there is ever heard a trampling, cackling, roaring, lowing, bleating, bellowing, rumbling, grunting, champing, chewing, of sheep and pigs and heavyhooved kine from pasturelands of Lusk and Rush and Carrickmines and from the streamy vales of Thomond, from the M'Gillicuddy's reeks the inaccessible and lordly Shannon the unfathomable, and from the gentle declivities of the place of the race of Kiar, their udders distended with superabundance of milk and butts of butter and rennets of cheese and farmer's firkins and targets of lamb and crannocks of corn and oblong eggs in great hundreds, various in size, the agate with this dun

    43. The thin and stupefied bleating of automobile horns

    44. They did not like to graze in the flowers, and were glad when Peter awoke with their loud bleating

    45. The cattle, bald in patches where the new hair had not grown yet, lowed in the pastures; the bowlegged lambs frisked round their bleating mothers

    46. The chairman was on his feet flapping both his hands and bleating excitedly

    47. "The other day she was divine; and to-night she's simply bleating

    48. Fully a Year had pass’d since I’d fled Lymeworth for London, and what astounding Events had transpir’d in that short Time! I had departed Lymeworth a mere Girl of Seventeen, my Virginity just taken, but my Mind as innocent of the myriad Deceptions of the Great World as a bleating Baby Lamb’s

    49. He only half heard the bleating car horns and angry curses directed at him

    50. The steady whoosh of cars, an occasional bleating horn, traveled all the way up to the helicopter cockpit

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