Jorma leaned on his elbow and looked over Venna's curls toward the dock, looking at the boats and listening to the charraspas buzzing in the noontime hangleaves
Jorma was much more familiar with sail than power boats, but had wrestled these pumps into position on more than one big plantation down on Sinbara Point Flats
Jorma was just coming off the boats at the time
The boats out here aren't tiny
The Lord just shook his head and said, "What are you talking about? I sent two boats and a helicopter?"
The Lord just shook his head and said, "What are you talking about? I sent two boats and a helicopter!"
Cat had never sailed paper boats in puddles, but she got the gist of it
They had boats out on it one year but a few people got rather over-enthusiastic and ended up in the water so they haven’t repeated the idea
The few other powered boats were stilettos that slid thru the chop without bobbing
There were plenty of the small power boats with the name that translates to 'needleboat' around, many hauled aboard some of the yachts or 'Garden Floats' as the gazebos are called
There were a lot of small cargo boats tied up here now and the center of the pier had hustling wagons
Their big still here was their only one in Wescarp, barrels went out on river boats and canal barges from here
by the outline of old boats and piles of ragged nets
the builder of boats caresses layered wood,
The builder of boats peaks his cap, stays his hand,
The builder of boats wipes hard skin across his vest
to drag the boats up onto the shingles
The café is situated on one side of a small square and, from where I am sitting, I can see the masts of boats bobbing at the quay just down the street; the tang of salt in the air is tantalising
There are several boats moored against the harbourside, the walkway strewn with ropes and other seafaring sorts of things … most of which I couldn’t put a name to if I tried
I like boats but know very little about the technicalities of sailing
flags to call for the Sennen boats, and waited,
‘Spent seven years working the boats in the Med … much the same area as this, in fact
A break-water, the quayside, two churches, village houses and fishing boats
We tidied up and were walking between the boats along the jetty with our catch when a tourist whipped out his digital and took a flash photo of the local fishing folk coming home after a long day hunting the fish
Nikos would drop us off at the bay of Palatia then go back and organise the other two fishing boats to ferry up the volunteers in the morning
I’ve met our ancestors that came over on the boats
She was familiar with the sea from her own home, but the boats she used were much more stable and the lagoons of the Caribbean much calmer and her med panel was close at hand
Near the shore many boats plied the waters
They sailed round and round the island, changing boats often whenever one reached the end of its era
A few people lay on the sand, a few boats were pulled up, they looked more like the hobie-cats
There are lots of families out feeding the ducks and even a few sailing boats on the water
numerous inshore boats visible to the north and south
“That’s quite a nice place there,” she pointed to a home with it’s own little needleboat tied up in a marble-pillared boathouse that had two fingers of dock and room for four boats behind the stout grillewood gates
“She would have done the one with the boats
She almost finished this one, some of these earlier ones like this abstract and the boats she barely got started
He had Athnu bring them breakfast on the turret porch, again overlooking the yacht basin, but this time the boats were brightly lit by the sun of the new week
“They’re a magical means of propulsion for boats and ships of all
“Surely there have been other occasions when boats have tried to
“They landed at high water, at the dead of night, using rubber boats
Most of the boats belonging to the Kassikan are stored and serviced in a shop that is near the bottom of that lock just inside the boathouse
He was glad it was a day with light and a pretty view of boats and townhomes
There's plenty of boats on the river but you're welcome to share one with me
to rest and watch the boats drift past on their way
pedalloes (paddle boats to the uninitiated)
sailing boats bobbed contentedly as we strolled lazily
compared with barges and boats, and can barely move in
‘My plan was to change boats at
Of the boats going upriver, one was full, and one
We saw no farms or fishing boats
Father said that it looked large enough for our boats to pass through the reef unharmed
We had five boats remaining in our fleet
planes, the cars and some boats
Barges and flat boats went up and down the Youghigheny
All of a sudden the steam launch veered to its left and took our string of boats with it as we passed the spot where it had just been I saw rocks just under the water so thank God the Coxswain had been on his toes
He had found a gap in the rocky outcrop and he cast our string of boats off and turned to return to the ship and pick up more
As our ratings rowed us closer to the shore the rifle fire became fiercer it was pinging off the boats or buzzing overhead and we watched as a lot plopped into the water I saw this but felt as though I was somewhere else it was most strange
” As we rowed closer we could hear jeering and shouting from some of the boats but as the shore neared dramatically these stopped to be replaced by the cries and pain of men who were being wounded and dying in the boats
There was no time to dwell on this because now there was a deadly fire pouring into all the boats in ours we were taking a lot of casualties and the bottom of the boat was covered in water and blood which sloshed around beneath our feet
The men in the boats just in front of us I could see were being told to jump into the water and wade ashore a lot of them obeyed and dropped over the sides but the water was too deep and the weight of their kit dragged them down drowning them
“I could see our men falling as they were hit and all because of that bastard wire as we got closer our boats were stitched with bullets they slammed into them and into us and we were that tightly packed in that men died sitting upright because there wasn’t room to fall down
Even when we were not unloading we were building the rickety makeshift piers out into the sea for everything had to be transported from the larger ships to the shore in small boats which were a pain in the arse
“At first it was alright we were towed in the ships boats by steam launch and at first things seemed alright then the dawn came up like a thief stealthily the shadows rolled back and the smudge of grey and inky blue on the landscape faded
officer in charge of one of the whale boats lowered during the
After dinner on September 7, boats from the
into boats and generally crashing into things
by the simplicity of the passing boats carrying more constituents
boats on a now rougher sea and shortly thereafter, boarded the
vessel arrived at anchor near Williamstown, there began a steady stream of boats, yachts, and sightseers steaming or sailing close by to have a good look at the visitor
Officers in charge of the four boats from the Shenandoah were Lieutenants Grimball, Chew, Lee, and Scales
The boats were all
Once the boats had left the Shenandoah, the Confederate flag was raised and the gun was fired giving notice to all in the
Shenandoah, and to send over boats to transport the new
to the Milo using their own boats, and the Jireh Swift was set on fire
These boats had a sail and the capability of traveling great
They loaded the boats with all the
The Milo headed southeast and passed the still-burning ships, William Thornton and Euphrates, and also three empty boats from the William Thornton and one from the Euphrates
As soon as the boats were
Tony told Jose that he would like to learn how to sail the boat; he had some skills with smaller boats but didn’t have a clue about something this big
No boats set out after them, none that Halon could see as
Very few buildings remained, the boats smashed beyond repair
Saldon and Halon leaned on the opposite side of the boat to counterbalance the gunwale that was nearly underwater, but Manna was skilled in racing boats and there was never a real threat of capsizing
He armed himself with a short sword from one of the soldiers and Halon did the same, knocking an arrow at the same time, tucking a knife into his boot as they neared the boats
Half a league from the boats, the attacking boat took off
They could see bodies lying over the boats furniture
There were no tears or rips in the sails and the boats woodwork was not damaged in any way
The dark skinned men ran about both boats, taking the adventurers boat in tow with two men aboard in case of problems
They fished in the same waters, and although there was plenty for everyone, these others would take every opportunity to hijack, sink or burn the Madra’s boats, so they retaliated by stealing their boats and then casting them adrift after confiscating everything
How did Cruzel hope to rule Illeander? Why was Manna so mysterious? Was the king of the Madra being honest about the pirate boats? Where would Illeander be best to enter from, the sea or land? The sea would be quickest, but there was no cover on the sea, it was open and obvious
Halon was staring out to sea using his Elven senses to detect the proximity of the approaching boats
The Generals had ordered a tactical withdrawal to the docks in the hope that the boats would see their plight and come to collect them
No boats were visible
“We were on the boats that came over from Nuria
The disembarkation of the remaining divisions of the army proceeded slowly, and many of the men, especially of the 71st New York, stood in the surf for hours in the tropical sun, seizing the approaching boats and dragging them on shore through the breakers
Perspiration poured off the men, as they unloaded stores on the burning sand, and their overheated bodies were repeatedly cooled as they plunged into the surf to drag the boats to shore
The wardens had control of several row boats that you could check out and go fishing out into the lake
The correspondents from the despatch boats spent their spare time in nursing, Davies, McNichol, Root, Anderson, and others assiduously working
“Find out if any small boats are showing on their radar
The threat from the ultra-silent Diesel-Electric boats is very real and they all know about your submarines which work with your carrier groups
They all had sixty-foot boats sitting in the driveway on trailers
He burns his boats and breaks his cooking-pots; like a shepherd driving a flock of sheep, he drives his men this way and that, and nothing knows whither he is going