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    Usar "bourgeois" en una oración

    bourgeois oraciones de ejemplo


    1. “Let there be a flood of blood for the bourgeois

    2. schooling, or parent control over education, is a bourgeois concept, and besides, most parents are too stupid to raise their own children without the help of “experts

    3. However, before the State can be abolished, a period of dictatorship of the proletariat is essential to liquidate remaining bourgeois elements

    4. absolutely clear that the proletariat needs to be led by elite cognoscenti, because the workers’ ability to determine what is in their best long-term interests is subject to bourgeois meddling

    5. ” Chapter 3 – The Basis and Philosophy of Socialism The starting-point of socialist doctrine is the criticism of the bourgeois order of society

    6. Interestingly, Soviet “planning” was done by using prices from bourgeois markets

    7. History of Bourgeois

    8. Only a few bourgeois and travelers were having supper or were drinking wine, with the innkeeper and a young maid in attendance

    9. Despite being surrounded by hundreds of nobles and important bourgeois present to celebrate his thirteenth birthday and official majority, young Louis was secretly fuming under his grave and dignified attitude: alone in all of the high nobility with the exception of his sister, the Duchess of Longueville, the Prince of Condé had chosen to deliberately snub him by not attending this ceremony

    10. She was executed in 1676 for having poisoned members of her family as well as many other nobles and big bourgeois

    11. be hampered by the bourgeois values of the middle-class

    12. “The petty bourgeois are keeping the grander house to themselves and leaving you the meaner accommodation

    13. For 100 years, the upper ruling lass and the bourgeois class had been forced to give concessions to the growing millions of industrial workers who were rebelling against the new industrial inhumanity of mechanized slavery which western civilization had invented

    14. after such a depression with an entire class of Jewish profiteers rising suddenly in their midst to such bourgeois heights of affluence: when the Jews showed that when worst came to worst: they cared only for themselves

    15. The middle class, the bourgeois, the rich, the lords and ladies, the elite of England… the mothers and fathers of the upper class… the killers and hypocrites, and cheaters, and haters, and power mongers, and all the greedy cold-blooded Robber Barons, and politicians… the Royal Families, the Dukes and Kings and Queens… Did not give a shit about their own children

    16. 'Do you really believe that I was having an affair with this wretched little tart? And that after having my wicked way with her, I tossed her aside, and she threatened to tell my wife? Is that the best that your bourgeois little mind can conjure up, Rafferty?'

    17. "Why, is it the bourgeois disgrace you are afraid of? It may be that you are afraid of it without knowing it, because you are young! But anyway _you_ shouldn't be afraid of giving yourself up and confessing

    18. Clever at all games of cards, a good hunter, and writing a fine hand, he had at home a lathe, and amused himself by turning napkin rings, with which he filled up his house, with the jealousy of an artist and the egotism of a bourgeois

    19. Thus stood before these radiant bourgeois this half-century of servitude

    20. Emma's enthusiasm, which his bourgeois good sense disdained, seemed to him in his heart of hearts charming, since it was lavished on him

    21. She leant with both hands against the window, drinking in the breeze; the three horses galloped, the stones grated in the mud, the diligence rocked, and Hivert, from afar, hailed the carts on the road, while the bourgeois who had spent the night at the Guillaume woods came quietly down the hill in their little family carriages

    22. So he gave up his flute, exalted sentiments, and poetry; for every bourgeois in the flush of his youth, were it but for a day, a moment, has believed himself capable of immense passions, of lofty enterprises

    23. He even began to blush at being a bourgeois

    24. " It is like that Turkish phrase of Moliere's that so astonished the bourgeois gentleman by the number of things implied in its utterance

    25. He kept saying they were too new and bourgeois

    26. Everything I had was bourgeois as hell

    27. Even my fountain pen was bourgeois

    28. He borrowed it off me all the time, but it was bourgeois anyway

    29. At first he only used to be kidding when he called my stuff bourgeois, and I didn't give a damn--it was sort of funny, in fact

    30. "Why, is it the bourgeois disgrace you are afraid of? It may be that you are afraid of it without knowing it, because you are young! But anyway you shouldn't be afraid of giving yourself up and confessing

    31. For how could his own father, the very incarnation of bourgeois order, have appeared on the streets where the son now stood? No, William thought, digging what little change he had out of his pocket to give to the coyote-faced girl: New York now belonged to the future

    32. And it was all the excuse she needed to abandon her attempts at bourgeois self-actualization

    33. It was as if, in her post-McGillicuddy renunciation of bourgeois courtship and monogamy, she’d forgotten how the game was played

    34. Thus stood before these radiant bourgeois this half-century of

    35. Emma's enthusiasm, which his bourgeois good sense disdained, seemed to him in his heart of hearts charming,

    36. One of the general “appearances,” or “disguises,” that he had carefully selected for his family was that of the bourgeois bohemian

    37. Communist countries usually did away with titles like ‘Lord’ and ‘Lady’, even ‘Mr’ and ‘Mrs’ (they thought these terms too bourgeois and middle class), and referred to everyone as ‘comrade’ – much more egalitarian

    38. Communist comrades were just as capable of stabbing each other in the back as any bourgeois capitalist Mr or Mrs

    39. You could keep this handy book in your breast pocket and take in a thought or two at the bus stop or while taking a breather from beating up reactionary bourgeois revisionists in the street

    40. The modernisers (or, if you were one of the Gang of Four, the ‘pro-Western bourgeois revisionist traitors’) wanted to continue the links with the West that the Nixon visit had opened up

    41. Before becoming a hospital, this house had been the ancient parliament house of the Bourgeois

    42. The departure for Cythera! exclaims Watteau; Lancret, the painter of plebeians, contemplates his bourgeois, who have flitted away into the azure sky; Diderot stretches out his arms to all these love idyls, and d'Urfe mingles druids with them

    43. Groups of dwellers in the suburbs, in Sunday array, sometimes even decorated with the fleur-de-lys, like the bourgeois, scattered over the large square and the Marigny square, were playing at rings and revolving on the wooden horses; others were engaged in drinking; some journeyman printers had on paper caps; their laughter was audible

    44. At that epoch mustaches indicated the bourgeois, and spurs the pedestrian

    45. I swear to you by the good God that I was not to blame! That gentleman, the bourgeois, whom I do not know, put snow in my back

    46. "You do not belong in town, sir?" replied the bourgeois, who was an oldish man; "well, follow me

    47. On the way, the bourgeois said to him:—

    48. "That is different," said the bourgeois

    49. holes made in these masses by the cannon-balls; attacking columns disorganized; the side-battery suddenly unmasked on their flank; Bourgeois, Donzelot, and Durutte compromised; Quiot repulsed; Lieutenant Vieux, that Hercules graduated at the Polytechnic School, wounded at the moment when he was beating in with an axe the door of La Haie-Sainte under the downright fire of the English barricade which barred the angle of the road from Genappe to Brussels; Marcognet's division caught between the infantry and the cavalry, shot down at the very muzzle of the guns amid the grain by Best and Pack, put to the sword by Ponsonby; his battery of seven pieces spiked; the Prince of Saxe-Weimar holding and guarding, in spite of the Comte d'Erlon, both Frischemont and Smohain; the flag of the 105th taken, the flag of the 45th captured; that black Prussian hussar stopped by runners of the flying column of three hundred light cavalry on the scout between Wavre and Plancenoit; the alarming things that had been said by prisoners; Grouchy's delay; fifteen hundred men killed in the orchard of Hougomont in less than an hour; eighteen hundred men overthrown in a still shorter time about La Haie-Sainte,— all these stormy incidents passing like the clouds of battle before Napoleon, had hardly troubled his gaze and had not overshadowed that face of imperial certainty

    50. At the present day it is a tolerably large town, ornamented all the year through with plaster villas, and on Sundays with beaming bourgeois

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    bourgeois burgher businessperson conservative materialistic