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    Usar "bowels" en una oración

    bowels oraciones de ejemplo


    1. hobble from her lair deep in the bowels of the house, but not a breath of air moved

    2. From the bowels of the house Johnny thought he could

    3. Still growling, he stormed away to the stairs that lead down into the bowels

    4. My bowels refused to play ball

    5. Oh I could smell the smells also, the sulphurous stink of the dactyls, the bowels torn open

    6. The waitress repeated the order and disappeared into the bowels of the tea shop

    7. Still growling, he stormed away to the stairs that lead down into the bowels of the fortress where Madame Guillotine waltzed away the lives of her beaus every morning

    8. Like the Head to Knee posture it tones up sluggish bowels and helps to promote better elimination, thereby being a cleansing and purifying exercise which will help to rid the body of the impurities which cause pain and disease

    9. The majority of overweight people suffer from chronic constipation, so one of your very first tasks is to turn back to chapter five, re-read all I have written, and vow to make an immediate onslaught on your sluggish bowels, as this complaint is very fattening as well as uncomfortable

    10. This one will keep your spine healthy and supple, reduce abdominal fat, tone up sluggish bowels, and slim your waist

    11. The only mortal reality he had faced was in an artificial environment in the bowels of a starship, tended with androids and totally alone

    12. It was rare that he came down into the bowels of Heymon's duty section during duty shift, but for the last three weeks he wanted to see what his de-facto science officer was doing about the bogie

    13. 19Thy seed also had been as the sand, and the offspring of thy bowels like the gravel

    14. the lowest hole into the bowels of the earth, it won’t

    15. Opening the fire door, she peered into the bowels of the boiler

    16. bowels of his stomach, begging to be let out, whispering ideas into his mind

    17. that seemed to emanate from the very bowels of the

    18. used his bowels, they could depart

    19. After ages of rulers, the series of halls had long since overflowed, forcing the dwarves to spread their tomb throughout the bowels of the Gorian

    20. Hence arises a demand for every sort of material which human invention can employ, either usefully or ornamentally, in building, dress, equipage, or household furniture ; for the fossils and minerals contained in the bowels of the earth, the precious metals, and the precious stones

    21. "I swear to the Gods, when I find you child I will lock you deep within the bowels of the Archenon

    22. In the greater part of the governments of Asia, besides, the almost universal custom of concealing treasures in the bowels of the earth, of which the knowledge frequently dies with the person who makes the concealment, must occasion the loss of a still greater quantity

    23. He followed Althart's billowing robes far thru the bowels of the building, down sweeping staircases and thru cavernous, galleried libraries and long, ornate corridors over echoing stone floors lit by the low lamps of Dawnsleep

    24. It is the produce of land which draws the fish from the waters ; and it is the produce of the surface of the earth which extracts the minerals from its bowels

    25. The four with whom the Elf had attached herself emerged from the bowels of the lower decks onto the ship's main promenade and the Elf had to squelch a yelp of surprise

    26. A lot of that material is deep in the bowels of the basement

    27. The fire began to crackle, then roared with red orange flames reaching up into the bowels of the stone chimney

    28. Up to 3,000 cattle a day trudged down this route, and none had control over their bowels

    29. They have no bowels for the contributors, who are not their subjects, and whose universal bankruptcy, if it should happen the day after the farm is expired, would not much affect their interest

    30. that, even though the Night Mother scared my bowels loose

    31. “Don’t wet yourself to soon son just wait until the old Hun opens up with his ‘Flying Pigs’ that’s the time to let your bowels go

    32. If bowels are loose, dilute combination in 2 to 2 1/2 cups water

    33. It led grimly towards a small winding staircase into the bowels of Ruby Tower

    34. My bowels turned to water, my mouth went dry as a result

    35. Murmuring in agreement, Milana led the trio into a passageway which descended into the bowels of the mountain

    36. What would he do about the army in Aramell? Would he ally them? What would he do to the wizards? Banish them? Where would they go? When normality was restored, what would Balzar do to the poor forsaken slaves that they had seen in the bowels of the mountain? Surely they had a right to live? They were, after all, living creatures, no, men

    37. In the subterranean bowels of Fire Rock, five badgers held the future of Boddaert's Realm in their paws

    38. On the one hand, whenever the image that was now permanently burnt into his mind popped into his consciousness again - something that it did with a disabling regularity - a terrible black rage overtook him, and he could think of nothing other than tearing Conrad Hunter’s bowels from his body and making him eat them in front of him

    39. However other conditions such as health of heart and health of arteries as well as health of pancreas and health of bowels are all directly related to our relationship with food

    40. happens, the churches will have to open up their bowels of mercy,

    41. 10 But Amasa took no heed to the sword that was in Joab's hand, so he struck him with it in the fifth rib, and shed out his bowels to

    42. 26 Then spoke the woman whose the living child was to the king, for her bowels yearned on her son, and she said, O my Lord, give

    43. him in his bowels with an incurable disease

    44. 19 And it came to pass, that in process of time, after the end of two years, his bowels fell

    45. house of his god, those who came out of his own bowels killed him there with the sword

    46. 14 Yet his meat in his bowels is turned, it is the gall of asps within him

    47. 27 My bowels boiled, and rested not, the days of affliction prevented me

    48. 14 I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint: my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels

    49. 6 By you have I been holden up from the womb: you are he who took me out of my mother's bowels: my praise shall be continually of

    50. Otherwise the love couples who have lived on Earth for half a century wouldn't still like each other as clearly as in its youth, the fountains would be languishing in dismal parks without cause, and the ruins of an ancient castle would fail down to the underground and became an exhibit of the museum that is stored in the bowels of planet for millions and billions of years

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    Sinónimos para "bowels"

    bowels intestines viscera insides entrails